View Full Version : Seminar/Event: Seminar with Henry Kono Sensei

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05-09-2002, 08:30 AM
5/09/2002 8:29am [from Erik Knoops (secretary@shizenryu.nl)]
Website: http://www.shizenryu.nl

Aikidoclub Shi Zen Ryu (Leiden, The Netherlands) organises on 24, 25 and 26 may 2002, a unique international aikido seminar with Henry Kono Sensei, student of O Sensei (Morihei Ueshiba - the founder of aikido). This will be Henry Kono sensei's fourth visit to The Netherlands. Henry Kono sensei also gives aikido courses in Canada, USA and Ireland. This unique seminar with Henry Kono Sensei offers to aikido students of all levels the opportunity to practise a traditional form of aikido with someone who had a special bond with O Sensei.