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trademark8806's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 06-14-2009 12:51 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 68
Comments: 185
Views: 240,188

In Testing 7th que test Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 12-07-2009 10:56 PM
So, tonight we had 20 mints then we tested. I had to change people whom I trined with. I also only had 20 mints to lurn a brand new teque , because they don't normaly teach the teque. I screwed up so much. However, sissay said I did well, so I gess it's ok. He siad that everyone misses up on there test , but you get better at not doing it as much as you get better. I was having a hard enoof time with the teques I had been priticing, to have a new one or two to just lurn , secred me. I stumbled throw it and he siad congrates. So, I am hofully a 7th que now.
Views: 1775 | Comments: 1

In Training Some questions? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 12-07-2009 04:59 PM
Are you supoed to be fredly with the sinsay ( teacher) ? I was thought way back when that techers are kinda like on a sperte plan, you do not intract with them the same way you might with a peri. So, needless to say also a degree of fear about hwat to say to them. So, a in traing my sisisay once siad to me "you did not even how my trip ws?" at the time I kinda had wanted to but I also did not know if you are alound to ask. That prictular senor he did not even give me a chance, but dose bring up what are the rules?
Views: 1752 | Comments: 3

In Spiritual Losly tryed to Akido.... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #6 New 11-23-2009 11:23 AM
So.. I am on a sprical quest... mening I am not folowing any "religion" , but I am "spriritual". I know that there is some kind of ennergy that we all are apart of. I know there is high ennnergy and low. I not sure of anything else. Lattly one of my biggest problems I am coming accross is dubble stards. This is where people try to not jsut have diffent stards for diffent sutations but are hippicrital and seem to enjoy changing there strads for no rell reson. People also ar geting are trying my abilty to not react , becaue they keep trying walk on both sides of the fence. In other words they are alltal sintive and then altral controling or can dish it and not take it. I not climing that I am perfect at any of this but I do walk only on one side of the fence most of the time and like them or not right or wrong I hold everyone including me to the same stardes. It frustrats me becuse I don't know how to reacate, I have a heard enoff time interping what all the signgnals are that people send out ( asbugers ).
Which leads into one reson why I liked akido , it had rules and people told me what they ment. I may not alway rember them or even always agree , but at lest I knwo why this is so or what not. Lattly , even in akido the peopel there tend to not be helping me as much , I understand I suppose I should get it by now, but I dont. I wondering are this too relted? I am relly just an alian ? I know I should have alot of this figrued out I am 21 and I know 18 is the ...More Read More
Views: 1885 | Comments: 3

In Training curiosty question Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 New 10-01-2009 04:10 PM
So how long should it take you to move up to white with a black strip level or any level for that matter?
Views: 1915 | Comments: 2

In Training inqure Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 08-06-2009 05:30 PM
Hay focks,
So, the other night I was doing a simple froward role, I not sure what I did but I kinda hurt my back. I done this kinda thing before and it pass like a bruses. This time thow it did not pass for most of class , I kept doing what I could in class. However, I know I made some mistakes becuse some part of me was afrid it was going to hurt my back. However, I still went, on of course it mostly comd down now. I think what happend was that I must have ofsily done the role wrong at some point and it triged my scolosis musle sapasm thing. Anyway, the question is ... at one point a higher up student asked if my back hurt and I shok my head , knowing that what he would have to say is make me not pestpate. He siad I was making him nervious. I siad I was ok and don't say anything to teach. The respose of the student was I have to I have this brown belt.... anyway so my question is what are rules for the difent belts?
Views: 2180 | Comments: 3

In Training Some updates on traning Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 06-18-2009 04:17 AM
So.... I have been kinda not geting alot Akido tecneques... I still don't. However.... I notaced that I can do better offten when I am not thinking to much about what I am doing and just going on what snsyay said or what I understand him to have siad. So... I am thinking that alot of Aikiod is a covence thing or trusting your self.
I love my dojo thow they are all nice.... even thow I wish they would explan more or that I was better at asking what I want too knwo.... I not even sure some of time other then I do nto knwo how to that whole thing Then agin I have always had that problem.
I actuly think that Iam going to miss Akido when I am in London for a month studying abrod. I will at lest to some degree.
Views: 1780 | Comments: 1

In Training Truble with conmunication... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 06-15-2009 11:14 PM
So... For last few class when we do rolls I have been watching. Now this seems and undstandably so ,like I am not doing what sinsis has siad to do wich is do rolls. However, I have a delmea...and it goses like this. I only know conplntly how to do a forward roll. I knida know how to do a slaping one , but only form the grond not standing and everyone else dose it standing. I used to have a simaler problem with the forward roll and finaly after watching I figrued out how to do that one. So, since they are tryed of explaning or have not explaned how to do the roles I am watching to figure it out. Also,I am trying to figure out what the other rolls are and how many you are suposed to do and how to do the ones I am relly unfimaler with. Since they seem not to want to give me gadace... this is the only way I know how ... besicedes it is one of lurning...
My delma is thow a few of the higher rancking students ask why I am not doing them and if there was a reson.. I felt like explaning .... but could not think of how to say it in a way that did nto acusss them of anything nore seem like i was anyoned just after doing somany wrong ... i am kidna scared to jsut try, they then tell me i am gign to brack my neck or wrist.
Dose anyone have any advace on how I can ither telll them and sinsinsay that I am lurning through that way or better how do ask for how to do it and what am i asking rely?
Blesed be!
Views: 2173 | Comments: 2

In Miscellaneous odd Question Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 06-14-2009 01:37 AM
Background: I have been taking akido since March 30, 2009. I have not mastered a single thing. I knia know the 3 teques of the 7th kue test. I know how to role forward , most of the time. Other then that I not confint of any of it. I still need lots of help. I farily sure I suposed to be beter then I am. For espely latly so of what my sinsay's seem to be doing seems a bit scary over wellming and I am expected to knwo how to do it kninda aor atlest be able to atack on it. I kinda do the atack ok. For example, we did this active where you throw the person over your back, i was not even sure how to land porporly, so I kinda did not want to to do. We also did this high falls. Now , I kinda wanted to just watch, and try to figure out what was being done since the techeres were not explaning it in a way i understuud. That did not relly go over well, so I tryed anyway.
Also, do not fully understand the termnonaly used yet. I know I will be slow on this one I have atory porsing disorder and dislexia. ( in other words i dont here the volues the same way and i see the words difrently at times). I also have asbugrs so luring new socal rules is a changle , since I dont understand the normal ones. However, untill recently I had someone explan them to me. My dojo has nice people wom till recently were patant with me and helped me with all akido actives.
Howver , agin I feel like I am way behind where I suposed to be and techer is anyed with that. Gess kinda.

Quest ...More Read More
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