About AikiWeb
AikiWeb was launched on 1. August, 1997 to serve the Internet aikido
community as a repository for aikido information.
The current AikiWeb.com server
The AikiWeb server is running on a Dell R610 PowerEdge 1U server
running Ubuntu Linux operating
system and the
Apache webserver. For creating
and editing scripts, I use the Perl
scripting language. For HTML editing, I
use emacs
and vi.
For backend processing, I use MySQL
and PHP. In fact, all of the
software used in serving up AikiWeb is open source.
Its hardware configuration is as follows:
- Dell R610 Poweredge 1U server
- Intel Xeon 2.26 GHz 4-core CPU
- 6gb DDR3-1333 UDIMM memory
- PERC/6 RAID-6 with six 300gb SAS drives
- Two 717W redundant power supplies
As far as awards and such go, Yahoo
was kind enough to give AikiWeb its
cool link status, Netscape
Directory has given AikiWeb its
Editor's Choice award, NBCi has
given this site its
Best Sites
indicator, and DMOZ (the open
directory project) gave this site a
little star!
Special thanks goes out to Cindy Paloma from whom I inherited the aikido dojo
listings and who maintained the original Aikido
Information WWW/FTP Site. I have inherited the links from her
page when she "retired" from the Internet aikido scene in December,
1997. I think I can say now that without her pioneering efforts,
there would be no AikiWeb.