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  1. Interview with Aikido Shihan Masando Sasaki, Part 3
  2. Makiling Aikido Updated Website
  3. The Secret of Aikido is love?
  4. Aiki is Love, isn't it? Aiki isn't Love, is it?
  5. Two new interviews between Ellis Amdur and Guillaume Erard
  6. Saito sensei's method
  7. Morihei Ueshiba en de Weg van het Kruis [Dutch Version]
  8. Interview with Aikido Shihan Shigenobu Okumura, Part 1
  9. Interview with Aikido Shihan Shigenobu Okumura, Part 2
  10. Four Generations of the Ueshiba Family
  11. Aikido Sangenkai blog update
  12. Takeshi Yamashima sensei in Hawaii
  13. Aikido Sangenkai on Alltop
  14. Morihei Ueshiba and Sokaku Takeda in Shirataki
  15. Aikido Jurnal Romanian Translations
  16. Survey says - this is Aiki!
  17. Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada - the Yachimata Lecture, Part 1
  18. Morihei Ueshiba, Budo en Kamae – Deel 3 [Dutch Version]
  19. Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada - the Yachimata Lecture, Part 2
  20. Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada - the Yachimata Lecture, Part 3
  21. Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada - the Yachimata Lecture, Part 4
  22. Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada - the Yachimata Lecture, Part 5
  23. Interview with Aikido Shihan Nobuyuki Watanabe, Part 1
  24. Aikido Auvergne Kumano
  25. Interview with Aikido Shihan Nobuyuki Watanabe, Part 2
  26. Post-war Aikido, a Tale of Rival Warlords: Research in Hawaii
  27. Interview with Aikido Shihan Shoji Nishio
  28. Sadao Yoshioka
  29. Aikido’s Harry Eto: The Wisdom of 'Slow and Steady'
  30. Aikido and the Unknown
  31. An open letter to Hawaii Aikido students
  32. Morihei Ueshiba, Budo and Kamae
  33. Flow Like a River: Takashi Nonaka and the Hilo Ki-Aikido Club
  34. Aikido Shihan Kyoichi Inoue - Learning from the Kojiki
  35. Aikido and Judo - Interview with Gozo Shioda and Masahiko Kimura
  36. Interview with Aikido Shihan Masatake Fujita, Part 1
  37. Saito Sensei website=revived at last!
  38. Interview with Aikido Shihan Masatake Fujita, Part 2
  39. Interview with Aikido Shihan Yoshimitsu Yamada, Part 1
  40. nterview with Aikido Shihan Yoshimitsu Yamada, Part 2
  41. Morihei Ueshiba, Budo and Kamae Part 2: A Note from John Stevens
  42. Informal poll - What browser and version are you using?
  43. Budo, kamae, O sensei's movement
  44. Hidemine Jibiki - Hakko-ryu, Daito-ryu Aiki-Budo, and “The Road to Softness”, Part 2
  45. Hidemine Jibiki - Hakko-ryu, Daito-ryu Aiki-Budo, and “The Road to Softness”, Part 3
  46. Interview with Aikido Shihan Kanshu Sunadomari - Part 1
  47. Yahe Solomon Sensei, Bozeman MT
  48. Interview with Aikido Shihan Kanshu Sunadomari, Part 2
  49. Talking to Tsuneo Ando Part 1 - the Gozo Shioda that Nobody Knew
  50. Jacques Payet Wikipedia article
  51. Talking to Tsuneo Ando Part 2 - Aikido and World Peace
  52. Interview with Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Kato - Part 1
  53. The Dao of Boxing
  54. Interview with Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Kato - Part 2
  55. New Dojo in Ottawa
  56. Interview with Aikido Shihan Yoshio Kuroiwa - Part 1
  57. Interview with Aikido Shihan Yoshio Kuroiwa - Part 2
  58. A Leap of the Spirit - Moritaka (Morihei) Ueshiba in 1932
  59. Mr. Kimura’s Aikido Memories, Part 1
  60. Index of Yoshinkan Video Clips
  61. Mr. Kimura’s Aikido Memories, Part 2
  62. New video: RAJI UKEMI FITNESS "Moving with gravity"
  63. Study Group Tomiki Aikido
  64. Interview with Hiroshi Sagawa and 10th Gen Shihan Tatsuo Kimura - Part 1
  65. Ellis Amdur's Two New Websites
  66. The Ueshiba Legacy, by Mark Murray
  67. Shoheijiku Aikido - Suganuma Shihan
  68. Aikido and Me - Training with Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba
  69. Aikido Shihan Hiroshi Tada - Speaking of The Founder
  70. A minefield of falsehoods and omissions… You have been hoodwinked!
  71. Three Doka and the Aiki O-Kami
  72. Aikido Maki-no-Ichi - O-Sensei’s First Book on Aikido
  73. Kenji Tomiki: Judo Taiso - a method of training Aiki no Jutsu through Judo principles
  74. Aikido Shihan Kenji Tomiki's Goshinjutsu
  75. Aikijujutsu Densho - AKA Budo Renshu, by Moritaka Ueshiba
  76. Budo - Moritaka Ueshiba’s 1938 Technical Manual
  77. Mamoru Okada - Training with Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba
  78. New website Renshinkai Aikido Sussex
  79. Interview with Aikido Shihan Morito Suganuma - Part 1
  80. Interview with Aikido Shihan Morito Suganuma - Part 2
  81. Interview with Aikido Shihan Kenji Shimizu - Part 1
  82. Interview with Aikido Shihan Kenji Shimizu - Part 2
  83. Trie Aiki from Allen Beebe
  84. New blog Allen Beebe "Would the real Aiki please stand up!"
  85. Interview with Aikido Shihan Yasuo Kobayashi - Part 1
  86. New blog Allen Beebe "Sagawa Yukiyoshi & Aiki 1,2, 3"
  87. Happy New Year!
  88. New blog Allen Beebe: "Takeda Sokaku's Daito Ryu = Ueshiba Morihei's Aikido . . . but your Daito Ryu/Aikido may not = Theirs!"
  89. New blog from Allen Beebe: " Aiki Cosmology and What it Means (The Overture)"
  90. Interview with Aikido Shihan Yasuo Kobayashi - Part 2
  91. Ni Ki 二気 / Two Ki's / In Yo / Yin Yang
  92. New blog from Allen Beebe on 三元 / San Gen / Three Origins
  93. New blog Allen Beebe: San Gen When push comes to shove!
  94. New blog from Allen Beebe: Encore of Shikon -- Hachi Riki
  95. How I met Shirata Rinjiro -- He didn't hold anything back!
  96. Aikido Shihan Seiseki Abe - Meeting Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei
  97. New blog from Allen Beebe "Back to Aiki..."
  98. new blof from Allen Beebe: Training Torso Torsion Totally
  99. New blog from Allen Beebe: "Back to basics"
  100. Small Contribution about the Late Seigo Yamaguchi Sensei by Nick Kraus
  101. New blog from Allen Beebe: Wimps Gonna Whine! Winners Gonna Win!
  102. Aikido Discord Live Chat
  103. New blog from Allen Beebe: The Problem of Recognizing Aiki
  104. John Driscoll's Work Lives Again
  105. An appetizer from Allen Beebe
  106. New blog from Allen Beebe: UESHIBA MORIHEI -- What
  107. New blog from Allen Beebe: Part 2 of Shirata's Essay: Concerning Aikido
  108. Aikido Shihan Sadao Takaoka - Meeting O-Sensei
  109. New blog from Allen Beebe: "Part 3 of Shirata's essay:
  110. The Ueshiba Legacy - Part 2
  111. New blog from Allen Beebe: "Part 4 of Shirata's essay: "Aikido as Aikido Cont"
  112. New blog from Allen Beebe: Part 5 of Shirata's Essay : Aikido as Budo of Harmony, Aikido as Budo of Harmony
  113. Ueshiba-ha Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu
  114. New blog from Allen beebe: "Part 5 cont. and Part 6 -- Shirata's Essay Continues"
  115. New blog from Allen Beebe: "Last Part of Shirata Sensei's Essay"
  116. New blog from Allen Beebe: Shirata Rinjiro's Renewal Through Keiko: Download
  117. Two new vlogs from Allen beebe
  118. Budoka no Kotae - Talking to Morihiro Saito Sensei, Part 1
  119. Budoka no Kotae - Talking to Morihiro Saito Sensei, Part 2
  120. New blog from Allen Beebe: Tandoku Dosa: An Introduction (Part 1)
  121. Budoka no Kotae - Talking to Morihiro Saito Sensei, Part 3
  122. New blogfrom Allen beebe: Solo Body Movement Exercises: Outline
  123. New blog from Allen Beebe: Asagao
  124. Budoka no Kotae - Talking to Kisshomaru Ueshiba Sensei
  125. The Aikido Sangenkai Blog is 150!
  126. Beyond the method
  127. New vlog from Allen beebe: Tandokudosa #1
  128. Tandokudosa #2 VLOG: new vlog from Allen beebe
  129. The Phantom Manual: Yamato Ryu Goshinjutsu
  130. New blog from Allen Beebe: Why Aikido isn't Daito Ryu
  131. New: Budo, the Way of the Warrior Podcast
  132. A letter to Isamu Takeshita
  133. Aikido and the Unknown
  134. New blog from Allen Beebe: "Hang'n Loose with Kihon Waza"
  135. New vlog from Allen Beebe: "TDD Spine and Arms"
  136. Aiki and the Bujutsu of Love
  137. New blog from Allen Beebe: "Pause for Thought:"
  138. New vlog from Allen Beebe: "TDD with Weapons -- San Sebastin"
  139. New blog from Allen Beebe: "Shirata Rinjiro's Tandoku Dosa movements 7 -- 10"
  140. New vlog from Allen Beebe: TDD 4-6 Arms & TDD 7 Legs
  141. vlog: How to find a good Martial Arts School
  142. Happy New Year 2019!
  143. New Shirata Sensei video
  144. The Essence of Aiki: an Interview with Seigo Okamoto Soshi �
  145. The Essence of Aiki: an Interview with Seigo Okamoto Soshi - Part 2
  146. Yahe Solomon, 7th Dan