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Old 04-30-2002, 07:33 AM   #1
Location: Denmark
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 3
Question Happo Giri

Hi there!

It seems to me that there are different ways to do Happo Giri? There are the new form and the old? Can anybody enlighten me on that subject?

"Domo arigato gozaimashita!"
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Old 04-30-2002, 09:45 AM   #2
Ghost Fox
Dojo: Jikishinkan Dojo
Location: New York City (Brooklyn)
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Posts: 219
I think Happo Giri means eight directional excersise or something close. Chuck will know. In my dojo and most I have visted the Shomenuchi Ikkyo version seems to be the most popular. I have seen other types like Ikkyo Tenkan done, but I think the main point of these excersises is to teach teach how to be aware that an attack can come from any direction. The different flavors of Happo Giri Undo teach slightly different things, but I think it's just like knowing different ways to do a technique. It makes you more versatile.


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Old 04-30-2002, 12:02 PM   #3
Brian Vickery
Dojo: Aiki-Buken Aikido
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Happo Giri - means 8 direction cut, as in sword work
Happo Undo - means 8 direction exercise
Happo Giri Undo - (this is a new one on me! ;^)

...are we starting to mix apples with oranges here?

Brian Vickery

"The highest level of technique to achieve is that of having NO technique!"
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Old 04-30-2002, 02:40 PM   #4
Ghost Fox
Dojo: Jikishinkan Dojo
Location: New York City (Brooklyn)
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Posts: 219
Originally posted by Brian Vickery
Happo Giri - means 8 direction cut, as in sword work
Happo Undo - means 8 direction exercise
Happo Giri Undo - (this is a new one on me! ;^)

...are we starting to mix apples with oranges here?
More like Iriminages and Kokyunages, my fault. You are correct.
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Old 04-30-2002, 03:24 PM   #5
Johan Tibell
Dojo: Aikido Dojo Gamlestaden
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
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In my (Iwama) dojo we have two. One is a 8 directional and one is kinda "fake" since you do the same 4 directions twice.

Best Regards,

Johan Tibell

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Old 04-30-2002, 03:54 PM   #6
Location: Denmark
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Posts: 3
Happo Giri


As to my knowledge the old Happo Giri are being 8 cuts as following:

north, south, east, west, sw, ne, nw, se and back to north again..

Or am I wrong?

"Domo arigato gozaimashita!"
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Old 04-30-2002, 10:01 PM   #7
Location: Australia
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Re: Happo Giri

Originally posted by 2mas

As to my knowledge the old Happo Giri are being 8 cuts as following:

north, south, east, west, sw, ne, nw, se and back to north again..

Or am I wrong?
"Aikido it's heart and appearance" written by Saito Sensei. I believe it has a version of Happo Giri in it
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Old 05-01-2002, 12:13 AM   #8
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The way I learned, there is one set of variations
on happo giri. I wasn't aware of a set of old
versions versus a set of new ones, or anything
like that.
We do:
- regular (turn & cut, turn & cut...)
- putting the right foot forward on each cut (after
each of the standard turns)
- right foot back
- left foot forward
- left foot back
then there are probably more that I haven't
learned yet..

Don't know if that's what you meant, but........
that's all I know.
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Old 05-01-2002, 02:59 AM   #9
Tim Griffiths
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The basic happo giri is done like happo undo, as people have said, or with tsuki after each cut, or after just the first four cuts, etc...

To add to the confusion, Koichi Tohei's 1st bokken kata, and the exercise it came from, are also referred to as happo giri. (This is happo giri with tsuki after the 1st four movements, and a big spin after the eighth, and may be done twice). This kata does have a 'new' and 'old' form, although like most other katas there are so many variations that pretty much any combination is being taught somewhere.

Anyway Thomas, I see you practice Iwama style - are you allowed to have a 'new' version of anything?


If one makes a distinction between the dojo and the battlefield, or being in your bedroom or in public, then when the time comes there will be no opportunity to make amends. (Hagakure)
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Old 05-01-2002, 03:19 AM   #10
Johan Tibell
Dojo: Aikido Dojo Gamlestaden
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
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Posts: 56
Originally posted by Tim Griffiths
Anyway Thomas, I see you practice Iwama style - are you allowed to have a 'new' version of anything?

Things change now and then in Iwama. It all depends how often your sensei visits Iwama and bring the changes back home.


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Old 05-01-2002, 10:01 AM   #11
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 52
Originally posted by Brian Vickery
Happo Giri - means 8 direction cut, as in sword work
Happo Undo - means 8 direction exercise
And we also do Happo Tsuki, with the Jo.

*ahem* I passed my Yonkyu today. It was exhausting. And Sensei asked unexpected questions, like:
"How many stairs down to the dojo?"
to "test our sense of awareness."


~ Mona
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Old 05-01-2002, 10:11 AM   #12
akiy's Avatar
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Originally posted by Mona
*ahem* I passed my Yonkyu today.
Congratulations! Now, get back to training.

As far as happo giri goes, I've seen too many different variations to know what is the "official" version. Some versions have you turning to the "open" side for each cut, others have you stepping through each time, others have you going to the diagonals differently, and so forth. One variation I like doing at times is stepping back rather than stepping forward; it gives me something different to do...

One way I treat all of these different variations of the happo giri exercise is to not get caught up in doing anything the "one true way" but to have enough flexibility to pick up on the way the instructor is doing it at this time and doing it that way. Sure, it may be different than the way I "usually" do it, but being able to do different things is, to me, a very important attribute in aikido training.

-- Jun

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Old 05-01-2002, 01:05 PM   #13
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Originally posted by akiy

One way I treat all of these different variations of the happo giri exercise is to not get caught up in doing anything the "one true way" but to have enough flexibility to pick up on the way the instructor is doing it at this time and doing it that way. Sure, it may be different than the way I "usually" do it, but being able to do different things is, to me, a very important attribute in aikido training.

-- Jun
...and, is the very point of happo giri, right?
To feel that any new direction is easily at hand?
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Old 05-01-2002, 01:11 PM   #14
Location: Denmark
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Posts: 3

Hi Mares and guys!

Thanks for your reference to "Aikido it's heart and appearance" -- its been standing on my shelf for years! And guess what? There it was!! The old style of Happo Giri.

I lived shortly in Iwama Dojo in 1997 and then again in 1999 -- and practised Iwama Ryu Aikido for about 10 years or more -- its was always the new form we practised, without the big turn after the forth cut -- now, it seems the old style is back in fashion !! Back to the original kihonwaza…

Well as Akiy san says! Get back to training.

"Domo arigato gozaimashita!"
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