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Old 07-02-2010, 06:26 AM   #26
Mark Uttech
Dojo: Yoshin-ji Aikido of Marshall
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Onegaishimasu. The "voices of experience" section of this forum is another place to look.

In gassho,


- Right combination works wonders -
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Old 07-02-2010, 06:29 AM   #27
Location: Massachusetts
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

It may not have ki...
...but it has Vitamin D...
...and that's enough for me.

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Old 07-02-2010, 06:39 AM   #28
brunotex's Avatar
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Why Does The Sun Really Shine?

The sun is a miasma
Of incandescent plasma
The sun's not simply made out of gas
No, no, no

The sun is a quagmire
It's not made of fire
Forget what you've been told in the past

Electrons are free
Fourth state of matter
Not gas, not liquid, not solid

The sun isn't a red dwarf
I hope it never morphs
Into a supernova'd collapsed orb
Orb, orb, orb

The sun is a miasma
Of incandescent plasma
I forget what I was told by myself
Elf, elf, elf

Electrons are free
Fourth state of matter
Not gas, not liquid, not solid

Forget that song
They got it wrong
That thesis has been rendered invalid
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Old 07-02-2010, 09:48 AM   #29
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Mary Malmros wrote: View Post
It may not have ki...
...but it has Vitamin D...
...and that's enough for me.

The Sun has Vitamin D. Really?
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Old 07-02-2010, 10:10 AM   #30
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Alejandro Villanueva wrote: View Post
That's great. And true. They know more than you (or I) do. And that's not necessarily what they are transmitting.

Well, you are making several if not many stone-hard assertions in this forum since long ago. And seriously, people like the Saitos, Tomiki, Mochizuki, Shioda, Chiba... even Tohei... and then Pranin, Amdur... they obviously know more than you too, and they all agree in that Kisshomaru changed the rules of the game.
Oh the people you mentioned definitely do. For the name sensei that are still alive(or was alive during my Aikido training in the past), I've look forward to training under at any opportunity I get. And I have appreciated the instruction I've received from their direct students in the past.

Last edited by RED : 07-02-2010 at 10:22 AM.

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Old 07-02-2010, 10:17 AM   #31
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Mark Murray wrote: View Post
That's funny, because in another thread, you stated that you did have enough knowledge.

The quote you quoted from is out of context. I was talking about a different issue all together, in regards to the specific instances the person I was talking to was discussing.
I wasn't talking about history here in this thread at least. At this point in my life I don't care about the past politics of the Aikikai. Maybe my curiosity of Aikikai history will be stronger later. At this point in my Aikido I just care about learning Aikido and don't have any formulated opinions on the politics. (At least not concrete ones.)
Training is more important at this point.


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Old 07-02-2010, 01:14 PM   #32
Erick Mead
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Mary Malmros wrote: View Post
And how can you have sunshine on a cloudy day, anyway???
That's easy. Fly above the clouds...


Erick Mead
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Old 07-02-2010, 01:45 PM   #33
Location: Massachusetts
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Alejandro Villanueva wrote: View Post
The Sun has Vitamin D. Really?
Hey, relax. It's only the second of July; you have 29 more days to make your nit-picking quote, so no need to try and get it all in today.
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Old 07-02-2010, 06:19 PM   #34
mathewjgano's Avatar
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Alejandro Villanueva wrote: View Post
And how do you know what O Sensei thought? And how does the ability to "technically kill some one (sic) using Aiki principles (whatever they are)" relate to sunshine?
Really? Am I missing something? Are you suggesting O Sensei didn't think aiki could be used to both help or to hurt? That's what I thought she was saying, at least...
Which brings me to your next question:
I thought it related because, like sunshine, it can also kill. Seems pretty straight forward to me, though it wouldn't be the first time if I am missing something.

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Old 07-02-2010, 08:40 PM   #35
Rob Watson
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Matthew Gano wrote: View Post
Really? Am I missing something? Are you suggesting O Sensei didn't think aiki could be used to both help or to hurt? That's what I thought she was saying, at least...
Which brings me to your next question:
I thought it related because, like sunshine, it can also kill. Seems pretty straight forward to me, though it wouldn't be the first time if I am missing something.
Aiki doesn't kill people. People kill people. Osensei said aiki is used to make people do what you want ... he didn't want to kill them (that's my impression anyway).

Ki is energy. Everything is made of energy (see Einstein) so everything is energy. That does not help understand how to use it ... the ebb and flow of energy - now this is something to work on.

Shameless plug: Remember that the sun is a giant nuclear reactor so all you 'go solar' folks are actually rooting for nuclear power-just NIMBY on a grand scale. Let's just hope Phi and his cabbage/beans reactor does not go critical ...

"In my opinion, the time of spreading aikido to the world is finished; now we have to focus on quality." Yamada Yoshimitsu

Ultracrepidarianism ... don't.
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Old 07-02-2010, 09:56 PM   #36
Janet Rosen
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Robert M Watson Jr wrote: View Post
Let's just hope Phi and his cabbage/beans reactor does not go critical ...
Hey, if he/it did in my neighborhood, I'd sure be critical

Janet Rosen
"peace will enter when hate is gone"--percy mayfield
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Old 07-02-2010, 10:28 PM   #37
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Matthew Gano wrote: View Post
That's what I thought she was saying, at least...
Which brings me to your next question:
I thought it related because, like sunshine, it can also kill. Seems pretty straight forward to me, though it wouldn't be the first time if I am missing something.
Yeah, that was pretty much what I was saying.
Ki is energy. Aiki is the principle of using ki freely, or nonresistance to energy. You can use it for whatever means you are able to. Defense or offense. Heal or hurt.
At least that's what I've gathered from what I've read of O'Sensei's thoughts on the subject of Ki and Aiki.

Last edited by RED : 07-02-2010 at 10:33 PM.

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Old 07-03-2010, 01:40 PM   #38
mathewjgano's Avatar
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Robert M Watson Jr wrote: View Post
Aiki doesn't kill people. People kill people.
No no no...people don't kill people, the systematic failure of vital organs kills people!

Osensei said aiki is used to make people do what you want ... he didn't want to kill them (that's my impression anyway).
Sure, but want to and able to are two different things. When I'm baking to a lovely golden tan, the sun almost certainly doesn't want to kill me, but it is certainly able to if one of us isn't careful enough.

Shameless plug: Remember that the sun is a giant nuclear reactor so all you 'go solar' folks are actually rooting for nuclear power-just NIMBY on a grand scale. Let's just hope Phi and his cabbage/beans reactor does not go critical ...
Sorry, had to be done: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wvxa3RCn4Dg

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Old 07-03-2010, 04:11 PM   #39
Rev.K. Barrish
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Hello everyone,

may I suggest a Shinto perspective re: Sunshine and Ki

Basic of Shinto is to respect and revere the Generative Cosmic Vitality of the Sun as our ultimate parent. A way to think of the word for human being: hito is Hi=sun and to= tomeru to stop. Sun stop suggests the thinking that our human forms are temporary resting places for divine solar Ki. If we can understand this deeply we can have true understanding of the Shinto thinking that was the root of Aiki.

recently a shrine friend sent the following article regarding new Scientific understanding of the relationship of the Sun (parent) and Earth (Child).... this is really a type of vibrational entrainment or synchronized pulsing of KI.....................the attached image is a close up of the surface of the sun.

Strange Portal Connects Earth to Sun
By Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer

posted: 03 November 2008 08:22 am ET

This artist's concept shows a magnetic portal connecting Earth's magnetic field connecting to the sun's. The spacecraft is on hand to measure the high-energy particles and fields flowing through the portal. Credit: NASA

This artist's concept shows a magnetic portal connecting Earth's magnetic field connecting to the sun's. The spacecraft is on hand to measure the high-energy particles and fields flowing through the portal. Credit: NASA
Like giant, cosmic chutes between the Earth and sun, magnetic portals open up every eight minutes or so to connect our planet with its host star.

Once the portals open, loads of high-energy particles can travel the 93 million miles (150 million km) through the conduit during its brief opening, space scientists say.

Called a flux transfer event, or FTE, such cosmic connections not only exist but are possibly twice as common as anyone ever imagined, according to space scientists who attended the 2008 Plasma Workshop in Huntsville, Ala., last week.

"Ten years ago I was pretty sure they didn't exist, but now the evidence is incontrovertible," said David Sibeck, an astrophysicist at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.

Dynamic bursts

Researchers have long known that the Earth and sun must be connected. For instance, particles from the sun are constantly whisked away via the solar wind and often follow magnetic field lines that connect the sun's atmosphere with terra firma. The field lines allow particles to penetrate Earth's magnetosphere, the magnetic bubble that surrounds our planet.

"We used to think the connection was permanent and that solar wind could trickle into the near-Earth environment anytime the wind was active," Sibeck said. "We were wrong. The connections are not steady at all. They are often brief, bursty and very dynamic."

Several speakers at the workshop outlined the formation of a flux transfer event. One idea is that on the side of Earth facing the sun, our magnetic field presses against the sun's magnetic field. And about every eight minutes, the two fields briefly reconnect, forming a portal through which particles can flow. The portal takes the form of a magnetic cylinder about as wide as Earth.

Sibeck said to think of the FTE as a giant rolling pin that lies flat along the boundary between the Earth's and sun's magnetic fields. (He noted the rolling pin would have to be malleable so it could pierce through both magnetic fields while lying flat.)

"These FTEs kind of look like roller pins, and they form as little blob roller pins at the tip of the magnetosphere facing the sun," Sibeck told SPACE.com. "They can't decide which way they're going to slide around the Earth, so they grow there into big roller pins and then they take off and sort of spirally roll along [Earth's magnetosphere] like you're pounding out dough."

More than one FTE can form at once, he said, and they stay open for about 15 to 20 minutes.

More to learn

In order to measure such FTEs, spacecraft must not only catch them forming but also be on either end of the magnetic structures (either lengthwise or widthwise). In fact, the European Space Agency's fleet of four Cluster spacecraft and NASA's five THEMIS probes have flown through and surrounded these cylinders, measuring their dimensions and sensing the particles that shoot through, Sibeck said. While these measurements have nailed down the width of an FTE, the length is still uncertain though one measurement put it at up to five Earth radii. One Earth radius is about 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers).

Astrophysicist Jimmy Raeder of the University of New Hampshire used those measurements to develop computer simulations of the portals. He found the cylindrical portals tend to form above Earth's equator and then in December, the FTEs would roll over the North Pole. In July, they roll over the South Pole.

Sibeck thinks the events occur twice as often as previously thought, proposing two types of flux transfer events � active and passive.

When the magnetic cylinders are active, they allow particles to flow through rather easily, forming important conduits of energy for Earth's magnetosphere, Sibeck said. When passive, the cylinders have more resistance to transiting particles. The internal structure of a passive cylinder makes it tougher for particles and magnetic fields to flow through. Sibeck has calculated the properties of passive FTEs and hopes he and his colleagues will hunt for signs of them in data collected with THEMIS and Cluster.

The space scientists at the workshop still want to figure out why the portals form every eight minutes and how magnetic fields inside the cylinders twist and coil.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
K. Barrish
America Tsubaki Okami Yashiro Kannushi
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Old 07-23-2010, 12:11 AM   #40
Chris Farnham
Dojo: Aikido of Champlain Valley/Hamamatsu Aikidokai/Aikido Shidokai
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Re: Does sunshine have Ki in it?

Also Ki, as the Japanese understand it is not restricted to martial arts or esoteric energy fields for healing. It is a basic concept for a variety of energies. Just look at the words for weather(tenki天気), health/vitality(genki 元気), electricity(denki電気)and feelings(kimochi気持ち).They all contain the kanji for ki. Of course sunlight has ki. It is a form of energy isn't it?
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