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Old 04-25-2008, 10:51 AM   #51
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 244
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets


I know the meanings. Do you? That's the test.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
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Old 04-25-2008, 10:59 AM   #52
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
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Posts: 244
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Chris Parkerson wrote: View Post
Joe and I are coming from different backgrounds and studies in the arts. His use of words and mine are also divergent at times and convergent at times. But if anyone takes tyhe time to "feel" his touch, you know he has depth.

When I attended my first class with him, I tried to empty my cup..... even though my cup overfows with some very precise language. I tried to do what he taugh and "mimic" his movement. By the third class, Joe mentioned how much I had grown.

Part of that growth was his excellent teaching style. Other was my becoming confortable that some of what he taught, my body knew from my own studies and my own language. The non-verbal communication was what makes me want to continue to train with him. He has stuff I really want to include in my own path.

I suspect Joe has learned much of his stuff from visions and dreams as much as what he got from his path of teachers. If this is anywhere correct, he has also tapped into the atavistic mind in a way that is superb. Language often gets in the way of what we instinctively know. Studying the logic of Aristotle is great study but so is the study of the work of a village shaman.
Scholar/Lawyer Yu Piao

In the late 1970's Lawyer Yu Piao was my roommate in San Francisco. He was already a licensed lawyer in Taiwan. But, he had decided to attend the Univerity of California, Hastings College of the Law to complete his legal education...

One day he approached me and said "I don't get you Americans. If you are bad you are baaaad, meaning good. But, if you are good you aren't bad...which is it?" We both laughed heartily.

Etymology is a funny thing. As time passes words evolve. Many times those words become fractured from their original "accepted" meaning. Sometimes, they become the opposite of what they were meant to be.

Likewise, when I first read the first of many "translations" of the "Book of Five Rings"...I didn't have "context". I hadn't trained in the use of deadly weapons. As such, I couldn't understand the meanings of many of the "words much less the phrases".

Later, I realized that the few who were "translating" did not have "adept" martial training, much less any kind of weapons experience. Further, the context of present and historical past could only truly be viewed from "present eyes". As such, I learned to filter everything I read, saw, heard and felt. (I realized that accepted "definitions" are simply made by popular vote and are not necessarily the truth)

Fortunately, I also realized that the "translator/concuit/channel" was nontheless transferring something...


You hit "him" in the nose. You can't really tell until you have "experienced" it. I also think this is what ROBERT JOHN is saying. You can't tell the technique from the "words or sight of the videos". You must to feel it. So, I am careful in my words of critique of Robert's videos because "I don't really know...until I feel it."

Though, from the end "result" 1) did the guy writhe in pain 2) was there nothing he could do in defense 3) was he helpless to the techinique 4) was there utility/practicality; from the results I can make an educated guess.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:02 AM   #53
Mike Sigman
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Joseph Arriola wrote: View Post

I know the meanings. Do you? That's the test.
Well, good... I asked you to define and describe and once again we get no answer. This seems to be your M.O., Joseph. You assert things and then when questioned you try to take it to the questioner as having a problem. I asked a simple question... it deserves a simple answer. And BTW, if you look in the archives, I've done a number of posts where I explain in detail a lot of things and even draw diagrams. So I've paid my dues.

On a second point, let me say something that needs to come up on every martial-arts blog occasionally. Techno-martial-babble. Often we see someone try to take a discussion of hard-to-explain ideas like "ki" into the "Quantum Mechanics Techno-Babble" area. It's part of the old saying of "if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit" approach. I.e., try to say something so obscure and with such pretended understanding yourself that no one will question you. The Quantum Mechanics approach invariably reaches an embarrassing problem when it turns out that a couple of guys on the forum happen to be physicists and they either point out the impossibility or they ask embarrassing questions.

Same thing with using martial-babble like "The Way" inappropriately to get out of a hard question, or "spirits", or "the Dantien Brain" and all that stuff. It's babble-speak. It almost invariably is someone trying to justify himself by appeal to mysticism. If someone really knows a subject they don't need to attack or to babble-speak.


Mike Sigman

Last edited by Mike Sigman : 04-25-2008 at 11:05 AM.
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:18 AM   #54
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
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Posts: 244
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets


I have invited you to show your tapes. I have shown mine. Let's get back to the videos. Let me hear your analysis. Let's go beyond your emotional outbursts and talk technique.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:23 AM   #55
Ron Tisdale
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Just for the record, I for one, do not find Mike's postings to be emotional outbursts.

I am much less experienced in these areas, but I share Mike's viewpoint, and also wonder why the simple questions seem to be so hard to answer.


Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:24 AM   #56
Mike Sigman
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Again, no answer, Joseph. I asked a number of simple questions; always no answer. You want to have some sort of pecking order contest, but I don't want to play. If you don't know what the "five bows" are or why no real push-hands pattern lets go, why not just say so, rather than trying to make it a personal contest?


Mike Sigman
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:29 AM   #57
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
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Posts: 244
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Again, no answer, Joseph. I asked a number of simple questions; always no answer. You want to have some sort of pecking order contest, but I don't want to play. If you don't know what the "five bows" are or why no real push-hands pattern lets go, why not just say so, rather than trying to make it a personal contest?


Mike Sigman

Come to one of my classes and bring your red envelope. I don't teach internet bullies. I have no obligation to you. Certainly, you know more about me than I do of you. But, then from the few tapes I have seen of you...I suppose I don't need too. My tapes speak volumes if you understand the language.

I have invited you to comment. Please do. But, again tell me what you think the 5 bows theory means.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:39 AM   #58
Mike Sigman
Location: Durango, CO
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Joseph Arriola wrote: View Post
Come to one of my classes and bring your red envelope. I don't teach internet bullies. I have no obligation to you. Certainly, you know more about me than I do of you. But, then from the few tapes I have seen of you...I suppose I don't need too. My tapes speak volumes if you understand the language.

I have invited you to comment. Please do. But, again tell me what you think the 5 bows theory means.
This is why we keep the QiJin forum closed, Joseph. A lot of the explanations from the old Neijia List wound up being used as talking points and baffle points by "teachers" who really didn't know their subject as much as they pretended to. So we limit who gets on the QiJin forum in order to not wind up giving information to people who only speak to impress others and have little interest in learning the arts. I think it's obvious to everyone what you know about the "five bows", which you yourself brought up as a baffle-point.

"Bully"? Odd how anyone who questions you has some sort of personal problem or is too far below you for you to respond. Wu De might be another good term for you to look up.


Mike sigman
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:51 AM   #59
Chris Parkerson
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Jim McCoy;203108]
This thought is something that has been bouncing around in my head for some time. It came to surface again, triggered by a thread on a Yoshinkan board.

The thread described a seminar by a senior teacher who demonstrated a technique where atleast 2 uke picked him up. He then began to project his ki downward ("made himself heavy" as I call it). The uke could no longer hold him up and fell themselves. As was discussed in that thread, this type of thing is not generally taught in Yoshinkan.

It does appear to be something carried over from Daito Ryu. I have seen Okamoto Sensei do similar things in his DVD.

This is generally described as being a "secret technique". Which is something that will be taght only to very advanced seniors who have been training for a very long tim.
I haven't tried this exact technique yet, but I will soon. I think that with only 2 uke I can probably make it work based on things that I learned in Taichi.

My thought is that, in a number of cases, the "secret techniques" and "advanced principles" of Aikido and Daito Ryu such as this, are often found in the more fundamental teachings of Taichi.

Which makes me wonder why some still use the term "secret technique". It's not a very goo dsecrete if it's the foundation of an art that millions of people outside of your school are practicing.
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:58 AM   #60
Chris Parkerson
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Jim McCoy wrote: View Post
This thought is something that has been bouncing around in my head for some time. It came to surface again, triggered by a thread on a Yoshinkan board.

The thread described a seminar by a senior teacher who demonstrated a technique where atleast 2 uke picked him up. He then began to project his ki downward ("made himself heavy" as I call it). The uke could no longer hold him up and fell themselves. As was discussed in that thread, this type of thing is not generally taught in Yoshinkan.

It does appear to be something carried over from Daito Ryu. I have seen Okamoto Sensei do similar things in his DVD.

The original thread started here was a specific question regarding the Daito approach to performing this technique. It included teachers like Okamoto, Shioda, etc.

Here is where I get a bit confused..... even by the title of the thread. Dan Hardin suggests that Daito kuzushi practices and Tai Chi-style internal stuff is fundamentally different. I tend to agree with this statement.

But the sound bite many folks are getting is that the Chinese internal stuff is what makes tis daito technique work. Are you folks saying that Okamoto and Shioda employed the Chinese internal practices to make their traditional techniques work?

A second question; are we morphing the idea Kokyo breath techniques as practiced by the Japanese into a Chinese thing? Kokyo/Ki seems to be a construct that is being filled with Chinese meaning rather than a Japanese one as portrayed by the Daito and Yanagi that I have learned. I have Kokyo in every throw I do. But Dan would tell me that it is an external thing I am doing. Nevertheless, I suspect that what I am doing is very close if not nearly exactly the same thing Okamoto and Kondo are doing, only at a less proficient stage.
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:07 PM   #61
Mike Sigman
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Chris Parkerson wrote: View Post
Dan Hardin suggests that Daito kuzushi practices and Tai Chi-style internal stuff is fundamentally different. I tend to agree with this statement.
I don't know if Dan suggested that or not, but there is no fundamental difference. No more than "Ki" and "Qi" are different.
But the sound bite many folks are getting is that the Chinese internal stuff is what makes tis daito technique work. Are you folks saying that Okamoto and Shioda employed the Chinese internal practices to make their traditional techniques work?
Chinese, Schminese. The original body-technology is almost undoubtedly from India via Buddhist training methodologies (although it's probable that this is in ancient Hindu practices, too). Who cares where it came from, though? The question is who does it, and Shioda obviously knows how to do these things. He also used the "held up by students and then make them fall down" trick. It's the same principle of "aiki"... just a variation of it.
A second question; are we morphing the idea Kokyo breath techniques as practiced by the Japanese into a Chinese thing? Kokyo/Ki seems to be a construct that is being filled with Chinese meaning rather than a Japanese one as portrayed by the Daito and Yanagi that I have learned. I have Kokyo in every throw I do. But Dan would tell me that it is an external thing I am doing. Nevertheless, I suspect that what I am doing is very close if not nearly exactly the same thing Okamoto and Kondo are doing, only at a less proficient stage.
Watching what you do, I'd bet with Dan, but I'm always willing to feel it in person before I venture a final opinion... so my opinion stands as an opinion only.


Mike Sigman
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:11 PM   #62
Dan Austin
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Joseph Arriola wrote: View Post

Come to one of my classes and bring your red envelope. I don't teach internet bullies. I have no obligation to you. Certainly, you know more about me than I do of you. But, then from the few tapes I have seen of you...I suppose I don't need too. My tapes speak volumes if you understand the language.

I have invited you to comment. Please do. But, again tell me what you think the 5 bows theory means.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
Hi Joseph,

Sorry to chime in here, but this is too rich. From the outset of these discussions, your immediate response to even the hint of anyone questioning your expertise is to talk about your fighting ability, as if any adults care about that, and as if that says anything about your knowledge of specific arts. If I can fight, am I automatically a master of any art I claim? Even to a non-CMA person, pushands is obviously a contact sensitivity exercise, which leads to the obvious question of how that can work if you break contact. YouTube is replete with videos of acknowledged Tai Chi grandmasters doing pushhands, and not only do they maintain contact, but in terms of pattern and every qualitative aspect they are completely different than what you are showing. You may have a nice personal system, but when you claim expertise in particular arts you are fair game.

I now see all three of the acknowledged internal guys, whom many board members have met and verified, essentially showing that what you call internal is something of your own devising. None of them has ever to my knowledge mentioned quantum mechanics or other nebulous handwaving. The interesting thing is that in one of your videos, you commented that a student may only get 60% of what a teacher shows, a student of that student may only get 20% and so forth, indicating that it's easy for things to get lost as they are passed down. This is a theme the internal guys would obviously agree with, but the thought that this may apply to you as well causes you to be belligerent and condescending. It's difficult to imagine how it could have been put so diplomatically as not to cause such a reaction from you, but in any case the only bullying tone evident here is your own. If I want to learn anything of the internal, your videos and comments here have convinced me where I should go for real information.
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:17 PM   #63
Budd's Avatar
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Qi/Jin . . . Ki/Kokyu . . . I've gotten my hands on more than one person that talks about these things in concrete terms and can demonstrate these things (both folks with backgrounds in Chinese and Japanese arts) in a very physical manner -- though with different levels and different concentrations . . . there seems to be a fundamental concentration and similarity on The Basics . . . and it seems that, like in many disciplines . .. you can't do the really cool stuff until you've got The Basics . . . which also reasonably seems like being able to have a discussion around The Basics (which on this forum especially, in the archives section, it seems like people from different backgrounds have already been able to do) . . .

None of this is meant to discourage discussion -- it just seems to me that before you can intelligibly have a "This is MY take on it" line of discussion, you ought to be able to bring that logically forward from, "This is The Basics as I understand and demonstrate them". Again, not singling or stifling . . . just pointing out something that I think is rather reasonable.

Taikyoku Mind & Body
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:19 PM   #64
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Chris Parkerson wrote: View Post
Dan Hardin suggests that Daito kuzushi practices and Tai Chi-style internal stuff is fundamentally different. I tend to agree with this statement.
You more or less stated the exact opposite of what I hold to be true.

Chris Parkerson wrote: View Post
But the sound bite many folks are getting is that the Chinese internal stuff is what makes tis daito technique work. Are you folks saying that Okamoto and Shioda employed the Chinese internal practices to make their traditional techniques work?

A second question; are we morphing the idea Kokyo breath techniques as practiced by the Japanese into a Chinese thing? Kokyo/Ki seems to be a construct that is being filled with Chinese meaning rather than a Japanese one as portrayed by the Daito and Yanagi that I have learned. I have Kokyo in every throw I do. But Dan would tell me that it is an external thing I am doing. Nevertheless, I suspect that what I am doing is very close if not nearly exactly the same thing Okamoto and Kondo are doing, only at a less proficient stage.
I think where you and I go astray from understading each other is that you assume I agree with your findings in DR and Yanagi.
I don't.
The rest of your confusion of my points is based on your assumption that Yanagi and ALL DR is the same
It isn't
For you to make a statement that Kondo and Okomoto are doing the same thing tells me allot about you. No offense intended.
Think of it like this.
If I were to say to you that "The TKD at the inner city mall is the same as Aikijujutsu in the Sagawa dojo because they both hit!" What would you think of the understanding behind that statement?
I honestly do not think you can grasp what I am talking about unless we play for a while.
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:26 PM   #65
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets


Yes, I am belligerent. Yes, I defend my standards. If I didn't I wouldn't be teaching people "how to defend themselves".

I have simply asked the recognized experts (by popularity vote) to demonstrate how you use their stuff to teach other "how to defend themselves".

Now, you can critique the tapes I have put up. You can say they are bad or good. The results speak for themselves. Do my opponents react to my technique? Are they in pain? Are they fearful? Am I hitting them with little or no external power?

This is sticking to the analysis and not reacting emotionally.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola
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Old 04-25-2008, 12:38 PM   #66
Chris Parkerson
Dojo: Academy of the Martial Arts
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
You more or less stated the exact opposite of what I hold to be true.

I think where you and I go astray from understading each other is that you assume I agree with your findings in DR and Yanagi.
I don't.
The rest of your confusion of my points is based on your assumption that Yanagi and ALL DR is the same
It isn't
For you to make a statement that Kondo and Okomoto are doing the same thing tells me allot about you. No offense intended.
Think of it like this.
If I were to say to you that "The TKD at the inner city mall is the same as Aikijujutsu in the Sagawa dojo because they both hit!" What would you think of the understanding behind that statement?
I honestly do not think you can grasp what I am talking about unless we play for a while.
I can really only speak about my own path. I have displayed much of my technological descriptions of how I make techniques work. And I am no slouch at it. My circles are getting smaller and I am getting better at dropping people with a light touch....even from stasis.

Yet, I do not have "IT". I have been told so by Mike and Rob. Well, I am in large part using my teachers terms and method. He helps me reverse engineer Okamoto's movements regularly. Perhaps he does not have "IT" either but he can do and he can teach me Okamoto's stuff. So does Okamoto have "IT". Does he need "IT" to make his stuff work?
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Old 04-25-2008, 01:36 PM   #67
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Hi Chris
I'd say with your mindset YES! you'd most certainly get it. You are a searcher, and It doesn't appear your all stuck to one idea. If you read back to a whole bunch of other folks looking at this topic you'll see what I mean. Do I think you have it No, not really no. And with 4 bucks and my opinion you can get a decent cup of jo. I do think if you go and train with somone who will teach you this stuff you would not only have a blast, you'd most likely eat it up and work it to death. You appear to have a good work ethic. It will change and enpower all that soft jujutsu you keep talking about -and that- without you having to alter everything you know. Anyway, I've enjoyed talking with you here and there because you always are at least open to ideas.

Okomoto uses this stuff to make his waza work. To what extent he has it ingrained, to what level before it failed martially? I dunno. Who cares. It's just obvious he has worked the body method- to the degree he needs it. But it's not a competition. Everyone needs to pursue it for themselves with the best methods they can find, to use in whatever venue they want to use it in. Aiki games, or fighting.. As for reverse engineering it. Thats the source of the problem. It doesn't work that way. Let me put it another way. When shown Roppokai waza by a student of Okomoto, I can do them. I don't know them, But I can do them. Why? How? Did I engineer them?
Its in the body bud, not in the movement. they come after.

Trying to get to and learn the body training through any arts waza that has these skills at the core is the source of all the slow, loooong, learning curves. To each their own
Good luck to you

Last edited by DH : 04-25-2008 at 01:51 PM.
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Old 04-25-2008, 02:30 PM   #68
Chris Parkerson
Dojo: Academy of the Martial Arts
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
Hi Chris
I'd say with your mindset YES! you'd most certainly get it. You are a searcher, and It doesn't appear your all stuck to one idea. If you read back to a whole bunch of other folks looking at this topic you'll see what I mean. Do I think you have it No, not really no. And with 4 bucks and my opinion you can get a decent cup of jo. I do think if you go and train with somone who will teach you this stuff you would not only have a blast, you'd most likely eat it up and work it to death. You appear to have a good work ethic. It will change and enpower all that soft jujutsu you keep talking about -and that- without you having to alter everything you know. Anyway, I've enjoyed talking with you here and there because you always are at least open to ideas.

Okomoto uses this stuff to make his waza work. To what extent he has it ingrained, to what level before it failed martially? I dunno. Who cares. It's just obvious he has worked the body method- to the degree he needs it. But it's not a competition. Everyone needs to pursue it for themselves with the best methods they can find, to use in whatever venue they want to use it in. Aiki games, or fighting.. As for reverse engineering it. Thats the source of the problem. It doesn't work that way. Let me put it another way. When shown Roppokai waza by a student of Okomoto, I can do them. I don't know them, But I can do them. Why? How? Did I engineer them?
Its in the body bud, not in the movement. they come after.

Trying to get to and learn the body training through any arts waza that has these skills at the core is the source of all the slow, loooong, learning curves. To each their own
Good luck to you

That was a very kind and respectful answer. Thank you for both your sensitivities to my previous hours of sweat and pain as well as your honesty.

I really have few boundaries when it comes to learning from qualified people..... whatever their special skills are. I just ask that they be not gods or bullies.

I look forward to meeting up with you sometime soon.

When we do, I will empty my cup and absorb your teaching, and later evaluate its value to my path.


Chris Parkerson
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Old 04-25-2008, 03:38 PM   #69
Mike Sigman
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Chris Parkerson wrote: View Post
I really have few boundaries when it comes to learning from qualified people..... whatever their special skills are. I just ask that they be not gods or bullies.
Hmmmmmm.... I just glanced back at a number of posts with "godlike" references to obscure and often wrongly used terms that seem to imply "godlike" and "advanced" understanding of the arts. I also noticed a number of continued intimations about "can you use it in a fight" which were strangely like the intimidation of "bullies". I guess it's all in how you interpret a word. Sort of like "Swiftboating", now a verb, which means on the one side a verb that connotes lies and slander, but on the other side indicates inconvenient truths which the people yelling "Swiftboating" would just as soon that people not learn about.

I dunno.... once I catch on that someone is posturing in order to catch students and/or attention, I tend to not want to show any of the little I know to them. Not to punish them, but more out of seeing the obvious... these people will turn around and use what I show them to further try to impress people or collect students, even if they only have a few pieces of the puzzle. It's those students I worry about. Granted, that doesn't seem to matter to most people, but I'm odd that way.


Mike Sigman
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Old 04-25-2008, 03:55 PM   #70
Chris Parkerson
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Posts: 740
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Dan Harden wrote: View Post
The rest of your confusion of my points is based on your assumption that Yanagi and ALL DR is the same
It isn't
For you to make a statement that Kondo and Okomoto are doing the same thing tells me allot about you.
Just a quick reply...

I am in complete agreement that not all DR is the same. And Yanagi as I am being taught it is quite different in nature. Only in the context that Yoshida Kotaro was a daito teacher and that many small koryu aided to the whole was I making that statement.

Yanagi, as I am taught, is quite focussed on legs and lower body doing 95% or more of any technique. Much Baqua footwork and tai Chi posture work.

As a contrast, here is a clip of Sensei Goldberg from 200 Years of Jujitsu. I trained with him about two years after this tape so it provides a major difference for me.


Regarding Kondo and Okamoto, I have some suspicions that the holistic art was divided intentionally. The outer shell of technique remains in the Kodokai and the Roppokai teaches the internal process by way of games and exercises.

Splice the two together and you can figure out how tori can place uke in such convoluted positions. It just doesn't work well as an external waza unless you have the internal stuff to make it work.

That is how we practice in Yanagi, a blend of both. But this is just my opinion and I mean no disrespect to anyone by it.
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Old 04-25-2008, 04:27 PM   #71
Howard Popkin
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Who is that skinny guy at 3:47 ????

He falls well for a white belt

Howard Popkin
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Old 04-25-2008, 04:31 PM   #72
Howard Popkin
Dojo: www.pbjjc.com
Location: Long Island, NY
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

and who is the uke in this one ??? about 2:09


Howard Popkin
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Old 04-25-2008, 07:00 PM   #73
Chris Parkerson
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Howard Popkin wrote: View Post
Who is that skinny guy at 3:47 ????

He falls well for a white belt

Howard Popkin
This tape was before my time. In fact, it was this tape that got me interested in Sensei Goldberg (if I remember correctly). I had moved to Connecticut on a bodyguard contract and looked him up. I had to convince him that I really wanted to train with him. I drovve from Connecticut two times a week (when I was in town and not travelling with my client).... 3 hours round trip.

I think I remember they white belt guy though from my 1990-1991 days at Sensei Goldberg's basement dojo. He was yudansha in another jujitsu system as were many of Goldberg's students.

If you interpret the clip as I do, the black belt uke was not from his crew and had enough of Goldberg's hard and tight throwing style. Then he picked one of his guys to demonstrate on....the white belt.

I can attest to his ability to throw back then. The first time he clipped me with one of those, I was literally climbing over his body to keep my shoulder and elbow from dislocating and the fall was not pretty.

I would love to see him again and see where he has gone with his art. It was a wonderful thing to feel even 16 years ago.
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Old 04-25-2008, 07:55 PM   #74
Mark Jakabcsin
Dojo: Charlotte Systema, Charlotte, NC
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Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Chris Parkerson wrote: View Post
Regarding Kondo and Okamoto, I have some suspicions that the holistic art was divided intentionally. The outer shell of technique remains in the Kodokai and the Roppokai teaches the internal process by way of games and exercises.
Ahh, what does this have to do with Kondo Sensei?

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Old 04-25-2008, 07:57 PM   #75
Mark Jakabcsin
Dojo: Charlotte Systema, Charlotte, NC
Location: Carolina
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 207
Re: Daito Ryu, Yoshinkan, Taichi & Secrets

Howard Popkin wrote: View Post
Who is that skinny guy at 3:47 ????

He falls well for a white belt

Howard Popkin
Kinda hard to tell as the footage is a little blurry but he seems to be a pain wussy on the joint lock. hehehehe

Take care,

Mark J.
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