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Matthew's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-19-2008 11:49 AM
My cyber sounding board...
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Status: Public
Entries: 104 (Private: 18)
Comments: 57
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In General Ahhhhhhh. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #62 New 10-29-2012 12:20 PM
Finally! I made it back on the mat after a month or so of sickness and other life events getting in the way. It's hard having a wife who is a dedicated teacher who takes the time to bring other teachers up to speed while working hard as ever to keep her students progressing. I was supposed to have thursdays as my training day, but with my wife's work load I've been lucky to have the saturdays I've had. I'm not complaining though. I'm proud of her and look to her as a regular source of inspiration for the kind of dedication people can apply to their craft. In retrospect, I just traded one set of lessons with another; it's up to me to make those bear fruit...one slow step at a time, if that's how it is.
Between coughing fits, the practice was great fun. I was happy to still feel comfortable with the basic form of things because it meant I could focus on what drives the form: soft, whole-body power. Sensei asked me for a kyu waza request and I chose morote dori shihonage. I wanted morote dori because it helps force me to use both sides of my upper body together and gives me a great work out as uke. Similar reasons for shihonage; I love the stretch through my torso I often get.
I was able to train at one point with the senior-most student and one of the things I always love about that is how he doesn't let me just go through the motions. The second I start muscling I can feel the mistake. Even though he is incredibly soft in his actions, I just suddenly find myself unable to keep going...and it's "smooth," unlike some of my kohai who are able to tense up and stop me, which feels very different...the difference between running into, and being stopped by, an elastic net and a brick wall.
The next day I "ran" a 5k with the wife and lads. I was glad for the bit of exercise the day before and the health that has returned, but afterward I was exhausted. I was surprised at how much so until I remembered I did much of it with my 3-year old on my shoulders and I weigh more now than I ever have in my life. Basically, a 155lbs. guy ran/walked weighing 210lbs. including lots of jumping and spinning and other fun, but tiring, activities. I'm suprised my ankles and knees feel as good as they do, all things considered. Next year I'm going to run a marathon though, so things are looking promising. Hurray for health!
Take care.
Views: 2009 | Comments: 1

RSS Feed 1 Responses to "Ahhhhhhh."
#1 10-30-2012 11:23 AM
Linda Eskin Says:
There's something about getting back on the mat that's like easing into a hot tub. "Ahhhhhh," indeed. :-)

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