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Yatta! Two keiko in two weeks! I'm a training machine! Watch out! But seriously though...
it's nice to not have a month or more between practice. I'm still getting thoroughly exhausted after taking ukemi from Sensei, but I can feel slight progress.
Focal points from training:
Imagine being up to the solar plexus in water; everything above the water does very little and is relaxed, but everything below the water is generating drive.
Start from the core; the periphery adds to that.
Equal ki in the hands.
Receiving the torque/lock from the left wrist, try to spread it out through the body into the right flank.
Start correct (as much as possible), then add speed.
That last one was reinforced nicely while practicing ikkyo. I noticed I kept trying to pounce to make it work, but when I slowed down I was able to get a better feeling involved, which was immediately noticeable to my partner.