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Old 04-22-2004, 06:08 PM   #1
Dojo: Prairie-Aikikai
Location: Clive, IA
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 75
Aikido and Hapkido

This a topic I love. My father studied Hapkido when he was my age under a master in Bismark, ND. Over the years, he has obviously taught me a lot of Hapkido techniques. I just recently started training in Aikido, I think I'm picking up the techniques and mindset pretty well thus far. Anywho, I've heard from multiple sources that these two arts both originated from Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu. Must be, because all the principles of Hapkido are very similar to those in Aikido; albeit its a "harder" style. Really I think the only difference is that they work more with the Korean Tae Kwon aspect of things. Hapkido guys do more strikes...but we do more throws and locks. I realize that all martial arts are fairly similar in their aims and techniques at their highest level of practice, but I think these two arts do a wonderful job of complementing each other. My dad has seen many of the same techniques in Hapkido; such as Ikkyo(although thats not what they call it, obviously). Its great to be able to use Hapkido type "blocks" to blend and throw...but just like Aikido, Hapkido also stress body movement rather than having to actually block. I think any martial art does. When conftonted with rear choke type attacks, movements are also very similar. From what I've seen any style of Aikido teaches you to use the muscle you have MUCH more effeciently. So, I guess as I progress I can always add more power into techniques. I am just very pleased that different arts fuse together so well...maybe its because these are somewhat related..or maybe its because I'm developing the mindset of a mixed martial artist. Okay, have fun with this.
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Old 04-22-2004, 09:31 PM   #2
Clayton Drescher
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Re: Aikido and Hapkido

I studied Hapkido for a few months before I started Aikido. Apparently Hapkido is a "healing" art too, and my teacher emphasized proper breathing and pressure points that could be used offensively and as healing points. Its nice to know that a "hard" art like Hapkido also has a very deep and "soft" foundation
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Old 04-22-2004, 11:39 PM   #3
Dojo: Bu Iku Kai Mexico
Location: Queretaro Mexico
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Re: Aikido and Hapkido

The "harder style" issue well it depends which style of aikido you practice.

I have not seen a lot of Hapkido but from what I have it's similar to aikido, I agree with that.

What do you mean when you said that they do more strikes?, do you mean atemi or attacks? I ask this because if you are talking about atemis, well that also depends on the style of aikido you practice.

As far as I now, aikido is kind of a "healing" art to because it helps your body in a lot of things, what I did not knew is that Hapkido is a healing art (from that I understood that it may be similar to Shiatsu or Reiki, please correct me if I'm wrong).

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 04-22-2004, 11:54 PM   #4
Randal Gore
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Ai symbol Re: Aikido and Hapkido

I too studied a little Hapkido before starting Aikido. From the reading that I did, it looks as though the founder of Hapkido actually studied under OSensei. That would explain why Hapkido is so very similiar to Aikido but apparently the Hapkido founder (his name completely slips me at the moment, sorry) felt that the Aikido he had learned would be more effective by blending some of the Korean arts into it.

So my question would be: is Hapkido really just another style of Aikido?

Just curious

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Old 04-23-2004, 12:03 AM   #5
Brad Darr
Dojo: Aikido of Flagstaff/Seibukan Aikido Kobe
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Re: Aikido and Hapkido

I actually went to a Hapkido shodan test last weekend. Anyway before hand I did a little research. Apparently the originator of hapkido was the korean house boy of Sokaku Takeda and trained in Daitoryu aikijujutsu. Well because he was korean he is not in any of Takeda's records and as the story goes when he went back to Korea years later the certificates he received from Takeda were lost on teh boat ride home. Once back in Korea he set up a school but it was actually one of his students that started using the term Hapkido sometime in the 50's or 60's. Hapkido actually means the same in Korean as Aikido does in japanese. So there it is I got most of that information simply by typing in hapkido into Google and reading the history section of several sites.

the edges of the sword are life and death
no one knows which is which
-Ikkyu Sojun
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Old 04-23-2004, 12:32 AM   #6
Brad Darr
Dojo: Aikido of Flagstaff/Seibukan Aikido Kobe
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 49
Re: Aikido and Hapkido

So I was jsut looking at some old threads that have way more info than I could give. I also wanted to say that watching the shodan test was interesting and the connection between the two arts is very apparent. Just within the first ten minutes I noticed ikkyo, nikkyo, sankyo, shihonage, kotegaeshi, kokyu nage, or some variation of these. Also I really liked the way they did shihonage, with a foot sweep, as they curl the arm they would also sweep the foot making for an effective if some what intense fall. Anyway the connection is definately there to see regardless of all the historical/political gobbledy gook.

the edges of the sword are life and death
no one knows which is which
-Ikkyu Sojun
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Old 04-23-2004, 02:39 AM   #7
batemanb's Avatar
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Re: Aikido and Hapkido

Bruce Simms, used to post quite a bit over on Aikido Journal is a pretty good resource for Hapkido history and lineage.



A difficult problem is easily solved by asking yourself the question, "Just how would the Lone Ranger handle this?"
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Old 04-23-2004, 08:56 AM   #8
Nick Simpson
Dojo: White Rose Aikido - Durham University
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Re: Aikido and Hapkido

I hate soft aikido, if its not hard whats the point? Then again, im a thug
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Old 04-23-2004, 09:05 AM   #9
Dojo: Shobu Aikido Cape Cod
Location: Cape Cod, Massachusetts
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Re: Aikido and Hapkido

Nick, I know this is off the point of the thread, but I am curious. You say you hate "soft Aikido" When you say soft aikido, does that mean that when you throw or pin, you add more power to the technique than is required to get the same result if soft Aikido is used?

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Old 04-25-2004, 05:31 PM   #10
Dojo: Prairie-Aikikai
Location: Clive, IA
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 75
Re: Aikido and Hapkido

Well thanks for the comments guys...just reaffirming that these arts do in fact have a strong connection. As far as softness goes; if you train for "softness" and near perfect technique...adding a little more muscle power to your body(center) power and extension could only make it stronger right? People have always told me learn the technique well first...then you can add power and practicality accordingly.
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Old 04-25-2004, 10:27 PM   #11
gasman's Avatar
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Re: Aikido and Hapkido

a very interesting read, this. ive been aware for a long time that hapkido shares many techniques and much of the philosophy of aikido. ive had some regulars in my bar that did hapkido and next week I am going for a doorman seminar held at some place called "the Korean Self Defence Institute" This could be very interesting... I used to do Tae Kwon Do and now I'm eager to find out more about this other Korean art.

(and it all comes from India through China, innit?)
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