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Old 12-29-2002, 12:55 PM   #1
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Question One with the Universe

Koichi Tohei wrote:
Let us have a Universal Spirit that loves and protects all creation and helps all things grow and develop.
To unify mind and body and become one with the Universe is the ultimate purpose of my study. Motto -
The Shokushu
I have been reading of people who have had trouble with the concept of becoming one with the universe. But in fact, aren't we all already one with the universe? Even if you died today, all your body components would still remain in the universe. They would just change states during decomposition.

Even if you died and your soul went to Heaven, wouldn't Heaven still be part of the universe, by definition of the word universe?

To me, the only thing arts like Aikido does, is make one more aware of your circumstances. It doesn't change them, it changes you.

Then there are people who call Aikido "The Art of Peace", when it's not. harmony or union, Universal Energy/Life Force, Way or Path therefore Aikido can be translated into the Way to Union with the Universal Energy.

Aikido is a martial art that can teach "how to become one with the universe". That's what the writings of the founder, K. Ueshiba and K. Tohei all indicate. Yes, you can develop it for self-defense or street tactics, but that's not what it's there for.

Comments and opinions?

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Old 12-29-2002, 02:52 PM   #2
Dojo: Messores Sensei (Largo, Fl.)
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Re: One with the Universe

Remember a couple of years ago when linguists publicized the fact that in Middle-Eastern cultures, "virgin" means "young woman", regardless of the the status of her hymen, and not "woman who hasn't yet had sex"? It provided an interesting problem to Christianity's myth of the immaculate conception.

Wary of what havoc mere verbal ticks can cause, I tend to "put off until more information is available" problems like this. The universe seems like a pretty big proposition to me. I'm sure I would be startled into a coma just becoming one with my zip code. In order to make any sense at all of such things, I recur to metaphorical interepretation. I wonder if, indeed, it wasn't metaphor intended. No one looks for a wound on someone stuck on the horns of a dilemma; need we seek nebulae and black holes considering "the universe"?

(Also, didn't the founder himself call aikido variously the art of peace and love?)

Don J. Modesto
St. Petersburg, Florida
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Old 12-29-2002, 04:24 PM   #3
Chris Li
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Re: One with the Universe

Ted Ehara (tedehara) wrote:
Then there are people who call Aikido "The Art of Peace", when it's not. harmony or union, Universal Energy/Life Force, Way or Path therefore Aikido can be translated into the Way to Union with the Universal Energy.
It could be. Of course, "aiki", with a different character for "ai" but the same "ki" kanji, could be translated as "belch". Not too much universal energy/life force in there...

Same goes for many of the hundreds of words that use "ki" as part of their construction. It can be tricky translating something out of context, especially when what you are talking about it not really three words ("ai+ki+do") but two ("aiki+do"). Anyway, if you hang around with translators long enough you'll find that most are of the opinion that there is really no such thing as a direct translation, especially with a word as abstruse as "aiki".



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Old 12-29-2002, 06:31 PM   #4
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: Re: One with the Universe

Don J. Modesto (Don_Modesto) wrote:
Wary of what havoc mere verbal ticks can cause, I tend to "put off until more information is available" problems like this. The universe seems like a pretty big proposition to me. I'm sure I would be startled into a coma just becoming one with my zip code. In order to make any sense at all of such things, I recur to metaphorical interepretation. I wonder if, indeed, it wasn't metaphor intended. No one looks for a wound on someone stuck on the horns of a dilemma; need we seek nebulae and black holes considering "the universe"?

(Also, didn't the founder himself call aikido variously the art of peace and love?)
Well, yes. Compared to what the Founder had to say in "Takemusu Aiki" and "Aiki Shinzui", Tohei Sensei's comments seem relatively simple. Are we to take the "Kojiki" and "Reikai Monogatari" (the source of the Founder's discourses) literally?

Best regards,

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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Old 12-29-2002, 06:41 PM   #5
Dojo: Aikido de la Montagne, Montreal
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Becoming One with the Universe certainly is scary !

But there is nothing else that can eliminate this anxiety that there is inside of me.

Actually, one good tip to become One, don't do anything.

I am me.
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Old 12-29-2002, 09:08 PM   #6
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Re: Re: One with the Universe

Don J. Modesto (Don_Modesto) wrote:
Remember a couple of years ago when linguists publicized the fact that in Middle-Eastern cultures, "virgin" means "young woman", regardless of the the status of her hymen, and not "woman who hasn't yet had sex"? It provided an interesting problem to Christianity's myth of the immaculate conception.
Actually "virgin" in old semitic languages means "young unmarried woman". Not only it was not less uncommon to have sex before marriage anymore than it is today, these "virgins" were forced to do ritual prostitution at one of the main female deity temples (usually Astarte or equivalent) at least once in their life before getting married, and sleeping with travellers and total strangers against contributions to the temple priests. those who refused to comply had to shave their head.

On the other hand, semitic peoples were known to offer their daughters (usually the eldest) to warm the beds of their visitors.

Historically speaking, it is very unlikely that the "Virgin Mary" was still physically a virgin when she got married with "Joseph".
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Old 12-29-2002, 09:45 PM   #7
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U guys love to split hairs.

Let's try and get through the forest of details to look into the heart of the matter. I've quoted this before, but I haven't read any commentary on this. Perhaps some of you would like to try?
Ultimately, there is only one state of ki. My father had the following to say about the ultimate state of ki which he had himself attained:

"Through physical training I reached the ultimate understanding of budo. Once the essence of budo had been thus revealed to me, I realized that a person's body and mind and the ki which unites the two should be brought into perfect harmony, and that these three elements should be further unified with the activity of the universe. It is possible to unify one's mind and body and, subsequently, the universe, through the expert use of ki."

Aiki is, therefore, the unification of the ki which is the basis of the life-force and is made manifest by subtle breath control with the ki which is the basis of existence and which permeates the entire universe, and aiki is to become one with the universe itself.

Conversation with the late Ueshiba Kisshomaru pg 144 The Mysterious Power of Ki by Kouzo Kaku.
Any takers?

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Old 12-29-2002, 09:55 PM   #8
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Re: One with the Universe

Ted Ehara (tedehara) wrote:
... But in fact, aren't we all already one with the universe? ...

To me, the only thing arts like Aikido does, is make one more aware of your circumstances. It doesn't change them, it changes you.
Well said! I think that makes perfect sense. We are, by virtue of living here, part of the universe.. however, it is quite variable to what degree a given person is AWARE of how connected he is to everything.

So as far as I can see at this point in my training, awareness of my relation to the universe is what aikido might bring to me.

However.. people like O-sensei and various buddhists and others all tend to talk about some certain state of being that is acheived through following "the way," and they all sound strikingly similar to each other. I wonder if awareness is the only thing going on that leads to such a dramatic change of state.
Ted Ehara (tedehara) wrote:
...Then there are people who call Aikido "The Art of Peace", when it's not
Well. I have to agree with Don Modesto on this one--calling it the art of peace is not an attempt at translation; it's more like the way O-sensei said aikido is "the way of the mountain echo" or "Aikido is the manifestation of love." It is clear to me that it is the art of peace because the founder of this art talked about resolving violent attacks in ways that "save the attacker from his sin" through forgiveness.. that is a little beyond me right now but obviously peace was his goal, I know he said that outright a lot.
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Old 12-29-2002, 10:51 PM   #9
Chris Li
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Ted Ehara (tedehara) wrote:
U guys love to split hairs.

Let's try and get through the forest of details to look into the heart of the matter. I've quoted this before, but I haven't read any commentary on this. Perhaps some of you would like to try?

Any takers?
Sure, that's one of the ways that M. Ueshiba described "aiki". Variously, he also described "aiki" as "love", "peace", "harmony", "the mysterious action of the breath", "the echo of the kotodama", and so forth...



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Old 12-30-2002, 07:33 AM   #10
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Don Modesto wrote:
in Middle-Eastern cultures, "virgin" means "young woman"
Edward Karaa wrote:
Actually "virgin" in old semitic languages means "young unmarried woman"
This stuff is new to me. Which languages (and cultures and time periods) are you we talking about here?

Yours in Aiki
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Old 12-30-2002, 09:11 AM   #11
Bruce Baker
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One in the universe

I have seen a number of discourses about what different teachers and even the founder described as being "One with the Universe", but what the heck are they talking about?

Is it the hermit who withdraws from society to become closer to nature, but in being the hermit he/she discovers the bond of humanity to be separate and yet a connection in natures evolution?

Is it the monk who sits and chants with prayer to find spiritual enlightenment but is none-the-less not enlightened into the economic and structural turbulence it takes to survive in the modern world?

Or is it just becoming enlightened enough to understand there is more to movement than the physical aspect we see with our eyes?

The different types of energy becoming matter and matter becoming energy in ballet of movement, interaction, and mixtures that we can sometimes sense, feel, or see, and other times we ignore what is seen or felt as we try to close down overloads in sensory input?

Most of us understand the rule of 'our space'. That little space that is our space in which we have our feeling of satisfaction, safety, and we are comfortable with ourselves, but isn't that also the same as becoming one with the Universe too? Becoming acquainted with the phenonmenon outside of our space, interpreting it, finding the sense of what is happening around us so that our mind and body can function without conflict of with mind or body within this life, this space?

One with the Universe?

Interesting conflict in thought and deeds.

There is more to the universe we live in than mere physical movement, and maybe this is what it means to become one with the universe. We must find the prompts that encourage action, cause disharmony or harmony, see how our action or inaction affects the ourcome, and learn to be part of this living universe.

You are one in the universe already.

I guess 'One with the Universe' means you learn some of the ways to work with the energy, actions, and living things you encounter in a way that is more positive than negative.

Learning to be more adept in seeing your interaction would be defining at how good you are at being "One with the Universe."


You ain't the only one.

I have found some logical reasoning by defining my behavior, my instinctual behavior, verses my learned behavior within my society, and how to come to terms with instinct verses accepted behavior or my society.

First step in resolving internal conflict of mind, body, and my present universe.

Second step, is to consider the things that make up life in the world, how they affect each other, and what outside forces of nature do to change the course of these life forces.

That would envolve a combination of scientific studys as well as environmental concerns. If you look at the world in the big scheme of things, even the earth is alive as it mixes and changes levels to create new elements from these changes.

Simply put, your body is a collection of elements that is formed into your human shell that generates thoughts, life, energy ... so too are any forms of energy in the universe moving from mass to energy to mass to energy and so on. It may be in a different form, or on a different timetable, but these are the true life giving energy's of the Universe that we are encouraged to become "ONE" with .

One with the universe?

Not easy.

There is a lot to learn, and I sometimes think that ignorance is indeed bliss.

Or is that the best way to be "One with the universe?"

Nah ... takes all the fun out of being alive.
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Old 12-30-2002, 10:09 AM   #12
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IMHO, "one with the universe" is our natural state of being. As said, we already are. I believe that we spend so much time thinking about differences and separation, that we forget about sameness and connectedness. Aikido is a tool for our awareness of what already is.

Until again,


Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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Old 12-30-2002, 11:23 AM   #13
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Re: Re: Re: One with the Universe

Peter A Goldsbury (Peter Goldsbury) wrote:
Compared to what the Founder had to say in "Takemusu Aiki" and "Aiki Shinzui", Tohei Sensei's comments seem relatively simple. Are we to take the "Kojiki" and "Reikai Monogatari" (the source of the Founder's discourses) literally?
"Takemusu Aiki" and "Aiki Shinzui"--These aren't available in translation, are they. Are there any commentaries available on them? (The very idea beggaring my point, I suppose...)

Actually, I've seen these titles bandied about recently but was under the impression that Osensei had only published things under his name that others had written. Could I trouble you for some remedial bibliography here, Peter?

As always, thanks.


Don J. Modesto
St. Petersburg, Florida
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Old 12-30-2002, 03:09 PM   #14
Chris Li
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Re: Re: Re: Re: One with the Universe

Don J. Modesto (Don_Modesto) wrote:
"Takemusu Aiki" and "Aiki Shinzui"--These aren't available in translation, are they. Are there any commentaries available on them? (The very idea beggaring my point, I suppose...)

Actually, I've seen these titles bandied about recently but was under the impression that Osensei had only published things under his name that others had written. Could I trouble you for some remedial bibliography here, Peter?

As always, thanks.

Well, I'm not Peter...

"Takemusu Aiki" is a series of lectures by Morihei Ueshiba transcribed by Hideo Takahashi and originally published in the Byakko Shinkokai newsletter. A contact at the Byakko Shinkokai told me a few months ago that an English translation is in the works, but I don't know anything else. It is fairly complex, and probably is the best collection the thoughts of Morihei Ueshiba on the nature of Aikido in his own words.

"Aikido Shinzui" has recently been republished and is a collection of articles written by Morihei Ueshiba for the Aikikai newsletter. I don't know of any plans to translate it, but Peter may know more. As with "Takemusu Aiki", or just about anything that Morihei Ueshiba produced, the material can be pretty hard going, even if you speak Japanese.

For me, a big part of slogging through these books is the chance to read Morihei Ueshiba's thoughts in the original language without having to go through the filter of a translator (no matter how skilled). There ain't nothing like the real thing baby .



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Old 12-30-2002, 04:22 PM   #15
Peter Goldsbury
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Hello Don,

An English translation of part of "Takemusu Aiki" appeared in the last four print issues of "Aikido Journal", but has been discontinued. There are extensive footnotes, but even then, you can make sense of what O Sensei said only by reference to works like the "Kojiki" and "Nihon Shoki".

I have also discovered that the Founder appears not to have read the "Kojiki" directly: he acquainted himself with Japan's early myths through the works of Onisaburo Deguchi. There is a print version available of "Reikai Monogatari", but I myself have the electronic version. None of all this is in English, by the way, except for Philippi's translation of the "Kojiki" and W G Aston's version of the "Nihon Shoki".

Happy New Year.

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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Old 12-31-2002, 10:20 AM   #16
Dojo: Messores Sensei (Largo, Fl.)
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Thank you Chris and Peter.

Alas, I don't read the real thing...


Don J. Modesto
St. Petersburg, Florida
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Old 12-31-2002, 02:43 PM   #17
Russ Qureshi
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On the idea of "already being one with the Universe"... do read the collected writings and talks of Jiddu Krishnamurti. The tome I have read is called Total Freedom. Also, D.E. Harding's "On Having No Head" actually has a few exercises you can do to help one see there is no separation between seer and seen.

Aikido, chado or even a walk in the woods (among a endless number of other activities)are methods one can use to be aware of the obvious.

Thinking deeply in a shallow way????

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Old 12-31-2002, 05:07 PM   #18
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Arrow thread drift

Peter A Goldsbury (Peter Goldsbury) wrote:
...I have also discovered that the Founder appears not to have read the "Kojiki" directly: he acquainted himself with Japan's early myths through the works of Onisaburo Deguchi. There is a print version available of "Reikai Monogatari", but I myself have the electronic version. None of all this is in English, by the way, except for Philippi's translation of the "Kojiki" and W G Aston's version of the "Nihon Shoki"...
Looking at a translation of "The Kojiki" by Basil Hall Chamberlain. I know it's old, but it's still in English.

I know the Founder was influenced by Onisaburo Deguchi, but because of the availability of "Kojiki" wouldn't it be hard to prove he didn't directly read it or at least use a copy to verify Deguchi?

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Old 12-31-2002, 06:21 PM   #19
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: thread drift

Ted Ehara (tedehara) wrote:
Looking at a translation of "The Kojiki" by Basil Hall Chamberlain. I know it's old, but it's still in English.

I know the Founder was influenced by Onisaburo Deguchi, but because of the availability of "Kojiki" wouldn't it be hard to prove he didn't directly read it or at least use a copy to verify Deguchi?
Actually, with Chamberlain's translation the 'naughty' bits are in Latin (see pp. 20-21, where Izanagi and Izanami dance round the pillar). Philippi's translation has some useful appendices and a glossary of all the kami appearing in the book. It is still heavy-going, nontheless, but comparatively easier than the Japanese text.

As for the Founder's reading of the Kojiki, I know that he occasionally talked to kokugaku scholars and read Reikai Monogatari. Some of the Founder's library still remains in Iwama and there is a copy of Onisaburo's book there. However, I understand that the Founder had a favourite copy of Reikai M. which he often read or had read to him, but I have not yet seen this. My information about O Sensei's reading habits comes from talking to the older shihans at the Aikikai Hombu. Though the kokugaku movement popularized the early stories of the Kojiki and they would be known to most Japanese, I am not sure whether the actual text of the Kojiki was widely available when the Founder was alive. Nowadays even quite well-read Japanese rarely read it, in part because the kanbun text is so difficult.

Happy New Year.

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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Old 12-31-2002, 07:08 PM   #20
Richard Elliott
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Happy New Year to One and All.

"Being One with the Universe" I have no idea what this could mean. However I am willing to believe there could have been, is or will be people who do. Why? Because I have met men and women who have a more comprehensive understanding of life than I do and actively apply their lives in ways that show me this.

One of the reasons that O'Sensei is still one of my favorite people is the vision he expressed: a vision of wholeness: Oneness.

To me, this is not just a vision to contemplate, but a goal and an aspiration. I don't know any who seriously believes that "whatever is, is right" in this world. O'Sensei didn't believe it or he wouldn't have tried those commune experiments and he continued to train to his dying day. So, it seems that this vision is not one that should instill passivity, quietism or some other pollyanna thing. I go for it because it is a call to challenge myself, test my understanding and to take a risk from time to time (and it takes a challenge for me to get off my fanny). It seems to me that Ueshiba presented his art as a struggle. A struggle to discover and make for harmonious relations: with oneself, then others, then...

This may not be correct, but it sounds like KI is something considered to be real. It exists, and can be used and directed. The use of KI in a model to explain energy systems concerning the human body would seem a good one. I am indebted to Ms. Kujo in her post on the scientific understanding of KI and the pitfalls of over-extending models and the making of category mistakes. But this, it seems to me, is one of the pitfalls of attempting to broaden one's scope of understanding and context of relations with one's neighbor or the earth. It is sometimes necessary to step-out of what is familiar and well-defined ( oh well, it seems so to me.)

I must admit there is a thread of skepticism I cannot quite overcome in my own thinking. If one is willing to accept one's understanding of the world as a model no better or worse than any other, what leads someone to a position of complete moral relativism? For instance, I don't think O'Sensei was value-nuetral about the use of KI or he wouldn't have told students not to show techniques to just anybody. Perhaps there is a category mistake in there, I'm just not sure.

Peace to All for the coming 2003.

Respectfully, Richard
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Old 12-31-2002, 10:52 PM   #21
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thread drift

Peter A Goldsbury (Peter Goldsbury) wrote:
Actually, with Chamberlain's translation the 'naughty' bits are in Latin (see pp. 20-21, where Izanagi and Izanami dance round the pillar).
No Comment.
As for the Founder's reading of the Kojiki, I know that he occasionally talked to kokugaku scholars and read Reikai Monogatari. Some of the Founder's library still remains in Iwama and there is a copy of Onisaburo's book there...
Appears to be the start of an interesting article.

A Good New Year to Us All!

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Old 01-01-2003, 08:30 AM   #22
Bruce Baker
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IN verses With the universe

Since I am not versed in Japanese, I am gonna have to go with the old gut feeling of people having simular feelings and visions that come out in worded descriptions, inadequete or not, I would suppose we are discussing the difference of being on WITH the universe verses being IN the universe.

Not so much working in the spiritual sense, but the manifestation of being physically involved in action, thought,and deed in the natural sense of perfect performance, let's bring this into common perspective.

I know many of us appreciate perfect performances to the eye, whether it is in sport endeavors, or entertainment, or merely in the actions of our common day, and for those really good dayswe have with no incidents, escaping the problems ... these days are days when we are ONE WITH the UNIVERSE.

Aren't they?

Well, they should be.

Maybe there are more intricate explanations that can detail the state of mind it takes to have unflawed performances, but we all have, at least, one day in each of our lives when we are one with power of the universe, and on those days, we can do no wrong. Well ... in the sense of our common day, within our daily routines, allowing that we don't get hog wild and try something outside of our normal physical envelope, like jumping our car over a flaming wreck, or even something more outrageous.

One with the universe is simply the intricate term of learning to pay attention to the warnings of your environment, even the little feelings of danger or little voices that warn you to change direction in your planned day because there is danger lurking ahead, near, or around the corner.

The simplicity of looking both ways before crossing the street, and getting a sense of safety or danger ... one with the universe, baby!

How about looking ahead to the traffic bunching up in groups with a few individuals buzzing in and out to get ahead of the pack ... while you hang back, get the feel of traffic flow, and fit into flow at your chosen pace ... one with the Universe.

Observation, intuition, learned behavior, experience from interaction .... all things that make you one with the universe.

Of course, we could discourse the deeper meanings to the scholarly discussions of O'Sensei, Buddha, or any other text you choose, but isn't it much easier to apply what you know to the world you live in and find a general answer that covers most of the scholarly texts, be free of moot debates?

I guess I appreciate the common sense of Daniel Boone. When Daniel Boone was asked if he was ever lost he replied," No ... but I was a might bewildered for while."

Remember this little bit of common sense in you journey to be "One with the Universe."

It is not so much the learned ways that complicate the path, but the complicated way we interprete the simple things that cause us so much trouble.
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Old 01-01-2003, 06:00 PM   #23
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: One with the Universe

Ted Ehara (tedehara) wrote:
Aikido is a martial art that can teach "how to become one with the universe". That's what the writings of the founder, K. Ueshiba and K. Tohei all indicate. Yes, you can develop it for self-defense or street tactics, but that's not what it's there for.

Comments and opinions?
Well, this is the question originally posed by the starter of this thread and the main reason why I myself indulge in a close study of the Founder's writings in his own language is to understand him as far as possible on his own terms, rather than as mediated by the thinking of postwar Showa Japan, tinged as this is with western concepts of world peace and morality.

Best regards,

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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Old 01-02-2003, 07:05 AM   #24
Dennis Hooker
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To me it has always been about trying to understand my place in the universe. Something I read early on by O-Sensei, or his son, I can't put my hands on it at the moment so I can not be certain. The saying as close as I remember it was " I am the center of the universe, if I take a step to my right the universe is not off center by a step I remain the center of the universe." I guess since the universe stretches for ever an ever in every direction from my center I am the center of the universe. This is not egotistical at all it is merely a personal fact for each of us. Now if I can behave as the center of the universe and cooperate with its laws then perhaps I can tap into some of that energy that revolves around me. Perhaps if I am in balance with the universe then if someone were to attack me they would be attacking the universe. This is how I read the words. If I have strong visualizing ability and a descent understanding of the movements of nature perhaps I can be more a little more that I would have been.

Dennis Hooker: (DVD) Zanshin and Ma-ai in Aikido

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Old 01-08-2003, 06:20 AM   #25
Bruce Baker
Dojo: LBI Aikikai/LBI ,NJ
Location: Barnegaat, NJ
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 893
The fact that all particles of matter are held together by energy, which has been proved in recent experiements (that is if it isn't yet another hoax posted in forums or the news media) that the center of all matter is energy, does indeed bring new light to our use of energy in our bodies tapping into the energy of the world around us.

Would this mean that with the proper training we could indeed tap into this invisible source of energy that has been misconcieved in both its origins and uses? There really is validity to all the reports of Ki/ chi, generating positive and negative energy with thoughts or actions within martial training, and we need to train to gain proficientcy in the use of this energy.

It never ceases to amaze me how science proves many of the crackpot ideas to be valid, and the many of the general misconceptions of the general populace to be the real crackpots of their society?
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