The Japanese Budo Association (JBA), based in Tokyo, Japan, but international in scope, has appointed Salahuddin Muhammad to its executive board, effective August 2019. Mr. Muhammad will be assuming numerous duties as an executive officer of the JBA, and will be dividing his time working in Japan and the US.
The JBA is chaired by Yasuhito Asano, menkyo kaiden in Shinkage Ryu and Eishin Ryu. Mr. Muhammad is a student in Shinkage Ryu under Mr. Asano, and will be bringing Asano Sensei to the US and Europe to teach seminars. The organization is dedicated to preserving, promoting and enhancing the vitality of traditional Japanese martial arts, and encouraging a spirit of cooperation and support among the many different styles and systems.
The official announcement from Japan:
私はサラディン ムハンマド先生に日本武道協会の執行役員になることをお願いし、先生に快くお引き受け頂きました。こらから私たちは助け合いながら日本武道の発展に寄与して参ります。どう か皆様のご協力をお願い申し上 げます。 日本武道協会 会長 浅野康人
"I have asked Dr. (sic) Salahuddin Muhammad to be an executive officer of the Japanese Martial Arts Association, and I am very happy with this teacher. From now on, we will contribute to the development of Japanese martial arts. Please help us with all your cooperation.
Japanese Martial Arts Association
Chairman Yasuhito Asano"