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Old 01-05-2012, 11:36 AM   #1
Gary David
Gary David's Avatar
Location: Long Beach, CA
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 332
February 17-19 Seminar with Walter Muryasz, OCAK, Santa Ana, CA

The weekend will examine the relationship between the following items:

o Effective body mechanics and the concept of KI.
o The techniques in the art of Aikido and the proper use of these techniques
o The body-mind and the bases of fluid movement in the art
o The practice of breath control and meditation

And finally:

If the place where we practice Aikido is called a dojo, which means place of enlightenment, then what is the nature of this enlightenment? How does it relate to Aikido? Is it the same enlightenment that one seeks through the practice of Zen?

Walter is the Kai Cho of Seishin Aikido in the San Diego area, and his practice of Aikido was strongly influenced by his association with Tohei Sensei and his teachers in previous martial arts.

I met Walter in 1974 and have been friends since. Walter has continued to explore alternate approaches to understanding Aikido while maintaining the traditional avenues. He continues to look for the physiological framework behind the magical. Walter seems to be an intuitive processor in that he analyzes the information he takes in and arranges it in a format structure that allows a level of understanding leading him directly to "knowing" without having all the parts. His continuous search has revealed much and paired with his ability to pass the information along through direct teaching has helped open the door to areas that many of us would never have discovered without his help. He is always interesting and thought provoking.

Walter has had a relatively local presence in the San Diego area in recent years though he has continued to present his teaching at OCAK several times a year as he has done since the 1970's. If Walter and what he provides seems of interest please join us for the weekend. More information will be provided here as it is available and questions can be directed to me by PM.

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Old 01-21-2012, 06:54 PM   #2
Gary David
Gary David's Avatar
Location: Long Beach, CA
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 332
Re: February 17-19 Seminar with Walter Muryasz, OCAK, Santa Ana, CA

To add some details here for those who are interested.....

Friday 7:30 - 9:00 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Cost: $85 entire seminar, $15 Friday only, $55 Saturday only & $25 Sunday only

Orange County Aiki Kai
2525 North Grand Ave, Suite Z
Santa Ana, CA 92705

Contact: OCAK (714) 997-4861 or Seishindo (858) 672-2650 / seishin@etandp.org
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