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Old 09-13-2010, 02:12 AM   #1
Aikido Alive
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Takemusu explained

武産 Takemusu can be said to be the fruit of hard and long practice (Shuren 修練) of Aiki (合氣, blending or harmonizing) that "gives birth" (Musu) to qualities such as:

* Rectitude (義, gi)
* Courage (勇, yuu)
* Benevolence (仁, jin)
* Respect (礼, rei)
* Honesty (誠, makoto or 信, shin)
* Honor (誉, yo)
* Loyalty (忠, chuu)

These values are often associated with Bushidō 武士道, the Japanese way of the warrior. Noble and valorous these qualities depicts the fruition of personal maturity and responsibility inherent in the human potential. Takemusu, more than just being the spontaneous interaction, intuitive response and creative action in the practice and play in the art of Aikido, it is a maturation of an ideal human engagement in relationship with oneself, with others and with society at large. It is a spiritual development that embraces humanity in its totality. Through dedicated training and life-long interest in human and spiritual evolution we come to see that the quality of engagement we have with others lends itself to a different kind of experience. A birth of a communion and shared values that is never seen in the isolation of the private and merely personal domain of life. Takemusu then, is the birth of a shared identity; a realization and creation of our inherent unity and oneness. This is seen in the dojo on a smaller scale in our joyful and dynamic interaction in training, sometimes to a greater or lesser degree, but nevertheless it can be tasted and recognized.

修練 Shuren - the polishing and kneading of one's spirit, forging it into something strong and bright through sincere and dedicated training. The meaning of Shuren is "training" or "discipline." The word carries a strong connotation of serious training. The first character "shu" can also be read as: "asamaru" and means to hold firmly. "Ren" can also be read as "neru," meaning to knead or polish.

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Old 11-05-2010, 12:02 PM   #2
graham christian
Dojo: golden center aikido-highgate
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Smile Re: Takemusu explained

Bjorn Saw wrote: View Post
武産 Takemusu can be said to be the fruit of hard and long practice (Shuren 修練) of Aiki (合氣, blending or harmonizing) that "gives birth" (Musu) to qualities such as:

* Rectitude (義, gi)
* Courage (勇, yuu)
* Benevolence (仁, jin)
* Respect (礼, rei)
* Honesty (誠, makoto or 信, shin)
* Honor (誉, yo)
* Loyalty (忠, chuu)

These values are often associated with Bushidō 武士道, the Japanese way of the warrior. Noble and valorous these qualities depicts the fruition of personal maturity and responsibility inherent in the human potential. Takemusu, more than just being the spontaneous interaction, intuitive response and creative action in the practice and play in the art of Aikido, it is a maturation of an ideal human engagement in relationship with oneself, with others and with society at large. It is a spiritual development that embraces humanity in its totality. Through dedicated training and life-long interest in human and spiritual evolution we come to see that the quality of engagement we have with others lends itself to a different kind of experience. A birth of a communion and shared values that is never seen in the isolation of the private and merely personal domain of life. Takemusu then, is the birth of a shared identity; a realization and creation of our inherent unity and oneness. This is seen in the dojo on a smaller scale in our joyful and dynamic interaction in training, sometimes to a greater or lesser degree, but nevertheless it can be tasted and recognized.

修練 Shuren - the polishing and kneading of one's spirit, forging it into something strong and bright through sincere and dedicated training. The meaning of Shuren is "training" or "discipline." The word carries a strong connotation of serious training. The first character "shu" can also be read as: "asamaru" and means to hold firmly. "Ren" can also be read as "neru," meaning to knead or polish.
Very good. Thank you.
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Old 11-05-2010, 12:19 PM   #3
C. David Henderson
Location: Santa Fe New Mexico
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 606
Re: Takemusu explained

Do you think the capacity for " spontaneous interaction, intuitive response and creative action in the practice ... of Aikido" requires cultivation of such personal virtues, or emerges from them, or even that the kind of martial arts training that cultivates this spontaneity necessarily results in the emergence of the "noble" qualities you list?

I honestly don't see a necessary or sufficient relationship between the two; can anyone elaborate?

David Henderson
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Old 11-06-2010, 12:01 PM   #4
Dan Rubin
Dojo: Boulder Aikikai
Location: Denver, Colorado
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 372
Re: Takemusu explained

Do you mean shuren or tanren?
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