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Old 05-14-2009, 07:10 PM   #1
Dojo: aikido of central new york
Location: syracuse,ny
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 143
Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Hi i am looking for input from anyone who may have been exposed to all of these, still train in Aikido and which style they prefer?
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Old 05-15-2009, 02:40 AM   #2
Dojo: Stockholms Aikidoklubb
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

What kind of Aikikai?
Many "Iwama style" teachers are still within the aikikai, ex Bill Witt Shihan, Ulf Evenås Shihan, Pat Hendricks etc.

Of the various aikikai-styles that I have been exposed to my personal ranking is something like this:

Martial (at least theoretical):

Overall favourite: Iwama

But for some reason I think it has more to do with exposure to good teachers within each paradigm than the styles in themselves.

Last edited by grondahl : 05-15-2009 at 02:48 AM.
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Old 05-15-2009, 04:21 AM   #3
Dojo: Wokingham Aikido
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Brian Northrup wrote: View Post
Hi i am looking for input from anyone who may have been exposed to all of these, still train in Aikido and which style they prefer?
Hi Brian,

They all have something to bring to the Aikido table

If you have the choice of cross-training amongst the styles, or attending cross-style seminars, then once you have the basics down I believe that exposure to a variety of styles will help make the student a well-rounded Aikidoka

Preference is a very personal thing, and has a lot to do with one's mental and physical make-up. In short, if one style doesn't suit, try another!

My own preference is for the Aikikai because it suits my body and mind best. However, I have learned valuable lessons from Iwama, Yoshinkan and Tomiki which influence the way I train today

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Old 05-15-2009, 05:53 AM   #4
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

The last three, in no particular order. Including also Yoseikan, of course. Just my preference...
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Old 05-15-2009, 06:02 AM   #5
Rabih Shanshiry
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

I would generally choose to train only in Yoshinkan or Iwama style as I respect their (IMO) more martial nature. Might consider Tomiki or Aikikai but only if neither of the above were available in my area and only if the teacher was exceptional.
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Old 05-15-2009, 06:56 AM   #6
Ron Tisdale
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

I started in a style close to the Ki Society, went to an off shoot of that, then did Yoshinkan for many years. Through out the Yoshinkan training, I've been fortunate to be exposed to "Aikikai" (quotes because that is an organization not a style), Daito ryu, Iwama, Ki Society, Independant dojo, Yoseikan.

Each has methods I like, I keep my base training, and learn as much as I can about the others.

What information exactly are you looking for?


Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:47 AM   #7
Dojo: aikido of central new york
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Ron Tisdale wrote: View Post
I started in a style close to the Ki Society, went to an off shoot of that, then did Yoshinkan for many years. Through out the Yoshinkan training, I've been fortunate to be exposed to "Aikikai" (quotes because that is an organization not a style), Daito ryu, Iwama, Ki Society, Independant dojo, Yoseikan.

Each has methods I like, I keep my base training, and learn as much as I can about the others.

What information exactly are you looking for?

I guess when i say style of Aikido being Aikikai, i mean from the official Hombu under Moriteru Ueshiba, founded by O'SENSEI and really brought to international scale by the previous Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba(my apologies for any misspellings).

I currently train in this organization, and always will, but i would like to expose myself to another style or two just for curiosities sake, and that is the info i am interested in finding out. Thanks
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:50 AM   #8
Ron Tisdale
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

I understand what the Aikikai is...

If you want to train in a different "style" all you need to do is find a different dojo/teacher...they may well be in the Aikikai as well, as it is not a "style"...

There is a thread on e-budo that gives an extremely good break down on different "styles" in aikido. I'll look for the link in between implementations this morning.


Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:52 AM   #9
Dojo: aikido of central new york
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

I do know that Ki society, and Yoesiekan do not intrigue me much, nor does Nihon Goshin Aikido, nothing personal against them but i dont like the Karate aspect of the last two and Ki society or Shin Shin Toistu is a little to soft for me, or at least that has been what i have gleaned from looking at them, however i may be completely off base, and if so my most humble apologies.
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:54 AM   #10
Ron Tisdale
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan




Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:57 AM   #11
Dojo: aikido of central new york
Location: syracuse,ny
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Posts: 143
Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

I will also say that Yoshinkan and Iwama Ryu, have caught my fancy somewhat. I guess though the real reason i am looking for help is that i only have one source for Aikido where i live and if i do try another style i will have to travel to do it. So i am trying to get predisposed before my trek(s).
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Old 05-15-2009, 07:59 AM   #12
Dojo: aikido of central new york
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Ron i have looked into Doshinkan and even talked to your sensei, and he has invited me done for a weekend, so may see you there soon.
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Old 05-15-2009, 08:01 AM   #13
Dojo: aikido of central new york
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Just so you know Utada sensei seem like a nice man Ron
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Old 05-15-2009, 08:19 AM   #14
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Ron Tisdale wrote: View Post


Not sure if everyone knows or not, but E-Budo changed their whole site and no one can view threads without logging in. They sort of shut the door to outsiders viewing what they're talking about. Interesting, don't you think? I wonder what, or who, made them do that.

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Old 05-15-2009, 08:27 AM   #15
Ron Tisdale
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Hi Mark, I think there was a law suit at some point. If you register, no worries.

Hi Brian, Utada Sensei is a *very* nice man, he puts up with ME!!

His 35th anniversary is comming up, and we would love to have you there, or any other time you can make it! It's always good to train with other people.

There is a room above the dojo where guests from out of town occationally stay...if that is taken already for the time you are coming down, let me know. I live outside the city, but may be able to put you up depending on timing.


Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
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Old 05-15-2009, 08:44 AM   #16
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Ron Tisdale wrote: View Post
Hi Mark, I think there was a law suit at some point. If you register, no worries.

Hello Ron,

Mark is right. I am a moderator, but I need to register my name and password, in order to be able to access the E-budo from another browser, for example. I access AikiWeb from Firefox, but E-Budo from Safari. So I was also blocked from accessing E-Budo via Mark's post (via Firefox). I myself doubt whether there is any ulterior motive here--but I suppose I am biased: I am a senior moderator there.

Best wishes,


P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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Old 05-27-2009, 03:42 AM   #17
philippe willaume
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Brian Northrup wrote: View Post
Hi i am looking for input from anyone who may have been exposed to all of these, still train in Aikido and which style they prefer?
I have not seen or hand any hands on with Tomiki.
personally I tend to prefer the aiki-urukai style of aikido.

but really at the end it really depends on club you train at. regardless of the style there is always something you can take home.
so where you pratice should matach your aspirations but you should try to attend as many seminar you can.


One Ringeck to bring them all and in darkness bind them,
In the Land of Windsor where phlip phlop live.
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Old 06-07-2009, 06:59 AM   #18
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Philippe Willaume wrote: View Post
That being said we have all have the withe hand of foster sensei on our forehead.
Who is Foster Sensei? Do you mean Haydn Foster of the Hut?

Best wishes,


P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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Old 06-07-2009, 07:01 AM   #19
Dojo: Aiki Shoshinkan, Aiki Kenkyukai
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

I started out with Ki aikido and later moved to Mainstream aikikai. But I've also experienced some Iwama and Yoshinkan as well as an offshoot of Yamuguchi.

To tell you the truth, I liked the Ki aikido I started out with. It wasn't martial but at the end of the day, it built up your center and good principles for serious practice. Relaxation, extension etc.

Aikikai was a mix bag but since its Kihon is generally accepted I guess I learn the technical bits the most here.

Iwama was great stuff. Really fun, really informative. Some of its understanding/method can be incorporated into striking with very good effect. Its unfortunate I couldn't learn/practice more of this style.

I've never practised under Nishio's style but I wish I had the opportunity.

Yoshinkan was ok. Their's is probably the most easiest to teach kids or uniform bodies. Rigid and standardised. Not for me though.

Yamaguchi's offshoot. I like it. Coupled with Endo'ism, and Daitoryu aiki methodology, this to me is my idea of perfect aikido. To get a good teacher to train you in this though is very hard at least where I am right now. Its fortunate that I do have a teacher though he lives in a neighbouring country. Still, we do what we can.

Draw strength from stillness. Learn to act without acting. And never underestimate a samurai cat.
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Old 06-07-2009, 08:00 AM   #20
philippe willaume
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Re: Aikikai, Iwama Ryu, Tomiki Ryu, Yoshinkan

Peter A Goldsbury wrote: View Post
Who is Foster Sensei? Do you mean Haydn Foster of the Hut?

Best wishes,

yes the very same.

One Ringeck to bring them all and in darkness bind them,
In the Land of Windsor where phlip phlop live.
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