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Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would like to study to become an aikido shihan, how encouraging would you be?
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07-01-2007, 01:30 AM
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Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would like to study to become an aikido shihan, how encouraging would you be?
AikiWeb Poll for the week of July 1, 2007:
If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would like to study to become an aikido shihan, how encouraging would you be? - I don't do aikido
- Very encouraging
- Somewhat encouraging
- Not very encouraging
- Not at all encouraging
Here are the current results.
07-01-2007, 02:29 AM
Location: Auckland
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Posts: 971

Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
I'd ask them why they have decided they want to be a shihan.
"When your only tool is a hammer every problem starts to look like a nail"
07-01-2007, 07:44 AM
Dojo: K-W Ki Aikido (Kitchener, Ont)
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 119

Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Hi all:
I would definitely be encouraging.
One of my mentors started doing aikido when he was 50 and became an inspiring sensei. Rev. Bill Bickford Sensei started Ki Society dojos in Ontario. If it hadn't been for him, our style would not likely be in Ontario now.
e ya later
07-01-2007, 09:08 AM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Well I'll be honest here,
The very very few that have come along I've always asked to stay and watch a few classes before deciding to join in.
Those that have joined in and who have been gently looked after soon realise that maybe it is a little more demanding than at first thought and go off to do taichi or something as an alternative.
The ones that have tried sticking and who are a little more tenacious go on to about 3rd kyu and then fade.....
Anyone older than 40 years unless in really good physical shape will definately find it more difficult.... unless one practises in a very very soft way..... 
Last edited by Tony Wagstaffe : 07-01-2007 at 09:10 AM.
07-01-2007, 09:26 AM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
There are several on these boards over fifty. People leave and stay at all ages.
Jerry Miller
07-01-2007, 09:56 AM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
The age isn't problem. But a newb of any age telling me they want to "train to be a shihan" would likely warrant further discussion.
"When your only tool is a hammer every problem starts to look like a nail"
07-01-2007, 10:14 AM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
I would not be encouraging at all, because the idea of studying Aikido is to always be a student and never stop learning. That is an on going goal. To state the one wants to attain a certain rank or status, misses the whole point of studying budo in the first place.
07-01-2007, 12:42 PM
Dojo: Aikido of Petaluma, Petaluma,CA
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Posts: 834
Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
As I have a 76 year old teacher who began training at 40 and is now 4th dan, I don't see why not. They may not reach Shihan but it is possible to reach high rank, even when you begin at the advanced age of 46, which is when I started.
07-01-2007, 01:36 PM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Same thing I would say to a 20 year old who came in and said he wanted to train to be a shihan; one step at a time, one step at a time.
07-01-2007, 02:20 PM
Dojo: aikido of charlotte
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Age per se is certainly a detriement if one wants to attain an arbitrarily high level. Same reason as investing. The more time you have theoretically the more you can gain. It is UNLIKELY but not impossible that a person who starts at 50 will attain the same ultimate level as a person who starts at 20. Of course there are all sorts of things that could influence that. However, I would like to comment on a different previous comment, namely that anyone over 40 will have to practice in a soft way. I started when I was 38 (ok so I took two years of Tomiki in high school....), and was in good shape but no world class athlete. We practiced on thin mats over concrete, so the only way to continue was to learn the right ukemi. I went hard and took big falls just like everyone else. Only serious injuries in 14 years have been a first degree shoulder separation and a dislocated finger during a seminar. I'm now 52 and still can go hard with the youngsters. Of course my ukemi is more informed and I no longer go home and sit down and count the places that aren't sore.....! It's all about stretching and ukemi.
07-01-2007, 06:04 PM
Dojo: Aikibudo Seishinkan
Location: FORT WAYNE, IN
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Posts: 106

Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Last year I had a 55 year old student with an artificial leg show up to start class, When he asked if he can take class, the word NO was in my mouth ready to come out. But instead I said, "if you're willing to try it, then so am I".
In this case, I may ask them what they think Shihan is and try to give them realistic expectations. But I would probably not discourage them from taking class.
Jim Mc Coy
07-01-2007, 07:05 PM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Ageism is not something O Sensei practiced. I learned from Mary Heiny Sensei that encouragement is a better practice. I voted 'very encouraging' because the world is so wide there is plenty of room for all kinds of people to try, try, try.
In gassho,
07-01-2007, 07:55 PM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
I started training aikido when I was 40 years old. I was the oldest by far in our dojo. That Summer, we went to gasshuku at Gleason Sensei's dojo in Boston. It was a hard gasshuku for me and I had a difficult time keeping up. I saw one old guy (looked about 60 or 70) on the mat wearing hakama and I found myself training a lot with him. I was amazed by his soft power and I trained with him as much as I could. I mentioned to him that I was worried about starting aikido so late in my life. He told me that he started when he was about 40 also, and suggested I have fun and not worry. Later, people told me how fortunate I had been to have gotten to train with Sekiya Sensei. I had no idea then who he was. His amazing aikido and kind encouragement made a deep impression on me.
That was more than 10 years ago. Of course I'm nowhere near becoming shihan, nor will I ever be, but I keep training and love it more all the time.
Last edited by SteveTrinkle : 07-01-2007 at 07:57 PM.
Reason: bad spelling
07-01-2007, 08:05 PM
Dojo: Martha's Vineyard Aikido Club
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 154
Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
I might encourage them to train, but my sense is that in our organization it takes something like 30-40 years for those who train most intensely (uchideshi, etc.) to be promoted to shihan, if politics are in their favor. It's not a realistic goal for a 50 year old. Sensei? Maybe. Shihan? Probably not.
07-01-2007, 10:58 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 96
Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Much is being made of the fact that the beginner has stated he wants to aim for becoming a Shihan.
If one was not yet a Shihan himself it would be somewhat precocious to suggest it impossible. If one were very close to Shihan rank he could explain what is involved.
If one were already a Shihan he could give a good belly laugh, and then say, by all means, but one step at a time.
And then you go to shake the newcomer's hand and he drops to one knee and throws you across the dojo with a Shihokuzushi... Muhahahaha! I am actually Yoda Zatoichi Shihan, and I was just testing you!!! Your advice was good but you are not a Shihan yet...
07-02-2007, 08:23 AM
Dojo: Calgary Aikikai
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Posts: 68

Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
What would you do if a 50 year old Shihan came into you dojo and wanted to take part in a beginners class?
Andrew Barron
07-02-2007, 09:12 AM
Dojo: Yoshin-ji Aikido of Marshall
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
First I would ask them to teach it.
In gassdho,
07-02-2007, 10:18 AM
Dojo: Berkshire Hills Aikido
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
I would be really surprised 'cause I don't know what a shihan means....but I would be really welcoming.
07-02-2007, 10:34 AM
Dojo: Doshinkan dojo in Roxborough, Pa
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Does anybody know what age the founder of the Roppokai was when he started training?
Ron (I remember telling my instructor that I hoped to be an instructor one day. Makes me blush just thinking about it...  )
Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
St. Bonaventure (ca. 1221-1274)
07-02-2007, 10:36 AM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Stephen Trinkle wrote:
. I saw one old guy (looked about 60 or 70) on the mat wearing hakama and I found myself training a lot with him. I was amazed by his soft power . Later, people told me how fortunate I had been to have gotten to train with Sekiya Sensei. .
I like this story...thanks for telling it. It's an encouraging one and I think it'll only get more encouraging as I get older.
07-02-2007, 12:06 PM
Dojo: Dangayan Singkaw Aikido Shinzui Group Philippines
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
If the person in who came in would like to become a Shihan appointed by the Aikikai, I would inform him/her of the following regulations: ( http://www.aikidoeast.com/aikidoeast...of_shihan.html)
" Rules for Appointment of Shihan
1. Rules for Appointment of Shihan
These Rules for Appointment of Shihan have been developed based on the provisions of Paragraph 15 and 16 of the Aikido World Headquarters' International Regulations, and are intended to supplement the said International Regulations.
2. Shihan
Shihan is the title of Aikido instructor defined in Paragraph 15 and 16 of the International Regulations.
3. Appointment of Shihan
The Hombu appoints Shihan at its discretion pursuant to Paragraph 16 of the International Regulations.
4. Recommendation for Title Shihan
(1) An Aikido organization which has been given Official Recognition by the Hombu can recommend any of its instructors who meets the qualifications as a candidate for Shihan.
(2) To be qualified as a candidate for Shihan, he or she must fulfill the following conditions.
- In principle, have more than six years of experience teaching Aikido in his or her organization after obtaining 6th dan.
- Be proficient in the practice and instruction of Aikido.
- Be of good personal character.
(3) An individual person cannot recommend himself or herself. The recommendation should come from the person responsible for the relevant organization and be in written form. Recommendations can be submitted at any time of the year.
(4) For recommendation of a candidate, the form attached to these Rules must be used.
(5) The Hombu shall notify the relevant organization upon receipt of the recommendation, and inform the organization of the schedule for the examination of the document submitted. Upon immediate review of the submitted documents, the Hombu may judge a candidate as not qualified at this time for being considered for the title of Shihan, and in this case will notify the relevant organization accordingly.
5. Examination and Examination Committee for Appointment of the Title of Shihan.
(1) The examination of candidates based on the document submitted shall be conducted once every year at the Hombu. The date of the examination will be determined by the Hombu. The examination shall be comprised of a review of the submitted documents and a personal interview, if necessary.
(2) The Examination Committee for Appointment of Shihan shall be established by the Hombu.
6. Notification and Certificate of Appointment
After the examination, the Hombu shall notify, in written form, the relevant organization of the result of the examination. To the person appointed as Shihan, the Hombu will send a Certificate of Appointment.
Now if that person meets all of the requirements stated above, I would be very encouraging.
Inocencio Maramba, MD, MSc
Dangayan Singkaw Aikido Shinzui
07-02-2007, 02:39 PM
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Posts: 1,214

Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
I would say good luck. 
07-02-2007, 04:00 PM
Dojo: Aikibudo Seishinkan
Location: FORT WAYNE, IN
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Posts: 106

Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
Andrew Barron wrote:
What would you do if a 50 year old Shihan came into you dojo and wanted to take part in a beginners class?
Doing things like this would have a lot to do with how he got to be Shihan. I probably would ask him to teach it also.
Jim Mc Coy
07-03-2007, 05:53 AM
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
I don't see why saying s/he wants to be a Shihan is an issue? After all, people start Aikido for many reasons, and usually stay for completely different ones.
07-03-2007, 07:23 AM
Dojo: Bristol North Aikido Dojo
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Re: Poll: If a 50 year old person came into your aikido dojo and said that they would
I would say good luck too.
People are so keen to knock anyone else dreams...why is that?
If someone aims high and falls a little short then so what? They'll still achieve an awful lot.
I'd also be very flattered that they thought we were the people that could take them to this level !
Last edited by Dazzler : 07-03-2007 at 07:27 AM.
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