I really like these companys. I will omit the ones that have lots of logo's or the words jiujitsu on their gi's.
http://www.howardliu.com/ - really nice quality and service\
http://www.gameness.net/ - the pearl gi should be ok for non-bjj training, their other gi's are covered in patches. The pearl gi is very light weight.
Vulcan makes some super light gi's, but they have patches on them. I have heard the patches are easy to remove however.
http://www.ouano.com/kimonos.php - Light weight, no patches or un-needed logos. Very nice quality.
I personally prefer atama, but they say jiujitsu on the shoulders.
Of course for people on a budget I usually recomend
www.kwon.com They are super cheap gi's, they don't last very long ( a year or two), but they work.
Of course none of these are like your example picture, but I felt this might help other's looking for gi's.