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Old 03-29-2006, 01:03 PM   #1
Dan D Carreau
Dojo: Chudokan
Location: Ontario
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Posts: 5
Healing Cancer through Aikido?


I am located in Ontario Canada and have been practicing Aikido at the Chudokan Dojo under their direction of Kevin Blok and Art Williams.

I have had to stop practicing since I now have cancer.

Have anyone known or know if there is healing through Aikido to perhaps help my condition?

Your Student

Dan Carreau
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Old 03-29-2006, 01:38 PM   #2
Aiki LV
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

I'm sorry I don't know of any healing aikido can provide for cancer. With the exception of helping you to enjoy yourself. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck!!! Your post struck a cord with me because I have a dear friend whom I train with in aikido that has had cancer. Thankfully it appears they have removed it all. I just remember that during his treatment he had times where he could not train or could only train on a limited basis. He is now back in action and better than ever. Hang in there, take the doctors advice and hopefully you'll be training again soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sincerely,
Mindy Imbuido
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Old 03-29-2006, 01:54 PM   #3
Ron Tisdale
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

People do come back to aikido keiko after dealing with cancer. I know one of them, and he is an ENORMOUS inspiration to me. Good luck with your healing.


Ron Tisdale
"The higher a monkey climbs, the more you see of his behind."
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Old 03-29-2006, 02:17 PM   #4
SeiserL's Avatar
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

With deepest compassion, IMHO, while Aikido can add to the quality of life, it cannot heal.

Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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Old 03-29-2006, 03:59 PM   #5
James Davis
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

I'm a file clerk in a cancer specialist's office. While aikido can't cure cancer, it can give you some valuable tools to help you cope. It is very important that you keep a positive attitude. Breath control will have value for you when you become angry, and you probably will. If the cancer doesn't weaken you, then the drugs designed to fight it probably will.

Whether it's cancer that's out to get you, or three punks in a parking lot, you don't give up and you don't stop.

Best of luck to you.

"The only difference between Congress and drunken sailors is that drunken sailors spend their own money." -Tom Feeney, representative from Florida
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Old 03-29-2006, 04:08 PM   #6
Michael O'Brien
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?


My mom and my wife are both cancer survivors. Stay mentally strong and keep a positive mental attitude. You can beat this. My thoughts are prayers are with you.

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Old 03-29-2006, 05:01 PM   #7
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

I'm very close someone who started aikido to get back in shape/pull her life back together after her latest and hopefully last round of cancer. She didn't train while she was being treated and the treatment was so rough that, to be honest, I don't think she could have. She's having a grand old time with practice now. I only get to see her when I'm in Seattle and it was wonderful to train with her last time I was back there. I never thought I'd see that day, to be honest. For many years she was very resistant to the very idea of aikido. She approaches practice like it's playtime. She approaches most of her life like it's playtime.

Stay positive. It's not good to withdraw from the world. The friends you've made through aikido are part of your support system. Aikido won't cure your illness, but it'll give you something to lean on. You're in my thoughts.
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Old 03-29-2006, 05:14 PM   #8
Mark Uttech
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

A good principle of Aikido is a principle of natural adjustment.
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Old 03-29-2006, 07:40 PM   #9
Larry Cuvin
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

Sorry to hear Dan,
Maybe Ki breathing and Ki meditation could help... I'm not really sure. Don't loose hope, good luck, and we'll pray for your healing.
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Old 03-30-2006, 01:31 AM   #10
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

good luck. My father has had cancer for some 10 years now (when he was given a maximum of 2 years to live) but still trains regularly. His doctors stopped him taking ukeme pretty much from day 1 and there are some days (weeks) when he is too weak to train but when he can he does.
His doctors say that his positive attitude and general fitness are whats kept him going so far.

I wish you well on your journey to recovery
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Old 03-30-2006, 03:38 AM   #11
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

I think it may be said that there is recuperative power in physical and mental training, coupled with healthy lifestyle and positive attitude. If this can be fostered through Aikido (and I think most would say it can be) then I'd have to give a qualified "yes". The body can heal itself of many things, and there are constant examples of recoveries that even the best medical minds cannot fully explain.

I also know that the Ki Society are convinced of the healing power in ki training. The practice of kiatsu is one of the fundamental disciplines taught there. You may wish to check this out further. Start with the book "Kiatsu" by Tohei Sensei.

May your path bring you good fortune.
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Old 03-30-2006, 09:32 AM   #12
Dojo: Circulo de Aikido
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

If training makes you feel good, if it helps you to stay positive, then I think it's an important step in your road to recovery. My father-in-law had lung cancer in a very advanced/aggressive form (many doctors did not even want to operate) and he kept on doing the things that gave him pleasure. He had one lung removed and he has been cancer free for 4 years. He just put it in his mind that he would heal and that attitude has had miraculous effects. If I had cancer, I would find a good psychoanalyst and would most ceirtanly keep on training aikido.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep us posted on your healing process. If you would like to have any other information regarding my father-in-law's treatment write me at:


all the best
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Old 03-30-2006, 09:37 AM   #13
billybob's Avatar
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

I was told I had scoliosis and it was incurable. I learned I had post traumatic stress disorder because I began treatment and started getting over my anxiety disorder! I also decided at that moment that I did not have incurable scoliosis - I had some crippling physical injuries that I was locked around due to the emotional issues.

Much therapy later, and featuring Chi Kung, or Qigong, of the 'standing like a tree' variety has opened up my injuries. The pain was out of this world, but tomorrow I retake the second kyu test I failed 18 years ago.

Aikido may not heal, but all of the paths to healing, and healers I have found, were connected to aikido in some networked way.

Do what your doctors order. Study chi kung. Decide to be well.

God Bless you, and take courage on your difficult, but valid, path.

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Old 04-02-2006, 12:00 PM   #14
Ali B
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?


I would recommend you read The Journey by Brandon Bays, it could positively reinforce that you can heal from this. It may also help you to understand the healing process; cell memory and emotional release.

Good luck on your path, as everyone has said, positive attitude is important, as is openness. Aikido certainly promotes that, so I am sure it can only help, even if you find the physical movement difficult at times, we know the challenge is how we use it in our daily lives. Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going for you, I am sure you wont need luck as you will be fine.

Light n love
Ali x
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Old 04-02-2006, 10:17 PM   #15
Adam de courcy
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

Hi Dan,

I know what you are going through. i got diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of last year and spent all of 2005 fighting the bugger. i went through radiation therapy and surgery, which were both a bitch.

The 3 things other then medical treatment that I did that helped my body heal itself were:

1) getting my spine regularly checked by a Chiropractor
Chiropractic is an awesome profession, the chiropractic philosophy is all about increasing the body's ability to heal it self. The idea is that your nervous system controls every function of our body therefore if something interferes with that communication system then the body's ability to heal its self is reduced. A chiropractor helps reduce the interference to the nervous system. I get my spine checked by a chiropractor once a week, even now my cancer is gone as it keeps be healthy, just like eating healthy food and regular exercise do.

2) taking Glyconutrients from a company called Manatech.
Glyconutrients are a very powerful dietary supplement which helps the cells in your body communicate with each other better. If your cells are communicating better then your body is more likely to heal itself.
If you are interested go to www.manatech.com and click on the associate directory then click on Canada and fill in the form someone from manatech will contact you.

3) continuing my aikido training in what ever way i could was also a great healing tool. When I was well enough to get on the mat i did, when I wasn't I did breathing exercises while focusing Ki on my tumor. My ass there is no healing from Aikido training. I used the principles of aikido right through my cancer, (focusing on my centre, relaxing, breathing deeply, and directing energy or ki or good thoughts or what ever you want to call it to my tumor.) I suggest if you are well enough to train, then get on the mat. Cancer becomes a big focus in your life when you have it and getting on the mat and training is a chance to leave that behind for a time and having fun. It is also a opportunity to be with a community that cares about you other then your family.

You can beat this. Its big and scary, but just fill your self up with Ki and irrmi and you will knock this thing on its ass.

feel free to private message me, if you want anymore info or if you just want to chat.

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Old 04-02-2006, 10:43 PM   #16
Adam de courcy
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

the company is actually mannatech, forget the extra 'n'.

therefore website is www.mannatech.com

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Old 04-02-2006, 10:48 PM   #17
Perry Bell
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

Philip Smith wrote:
good luck. My father has had cancer for some 10 years now (when he was given a maximum of 2 years to live) but still trains regularly. His doctors stopped him taking ukeme pretty much from day 1 and there are some days (weeks) when he is too weak to train but when he can he does.
His doctors say that his positive attitude and general fitness are whats kept him going so far.

I wish you well on your journey to recovery
Hi Dan

my deepest sympathy, I have lost 3 beautifull teachers to Cancer. Keep your spirits up I am sure all of us wish you the best, you will be alright, keep the faith and be strong.

Hi Phil

My mother too had cancer and was given two years this was when she was about 45 years old she did the kemo thing for a while then decide that if god wanted her he could have her and stopped, she is now 83 years young and still going strong, is amazing what the mind can do if you give it a go.
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Old 04-03-2006, 12:07 PM   #18
heyoka's Avatar
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

FWIW I think 'healing' is pretty poorly understood still, and whatever makes you happy and doesn't place your health in undue danger is probably a good thing. Some people have used their martial study as a direct healing tool. I'm thinking primarily of Suzy Chan, who only used faith and her tai chi training to overcome breast cancer. http://www.wahlum.com/taichi/

Best to you.

Paul Major
Dojo Secretary
Aikido Center of Los Angeles
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Old 04-03-2006, 12:29 PM   #19
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

Dan, sorry to hear this. If you would like to check out an alternative healing method, or just something to supplement your normal treatment, check this website out. My sensei is known for his KI methods. He has many cancer patients currently through out the US and Japan. The website is www.ryokukai.com. You can follow the KI links to find out more info and call to ask more questions if you like. If you decide to come down and check the KI out, you're more than welcome to practice as well if you feel like it.

Good luck and keep fighting!

Nathan Snow
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:06 PM   #20
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

Paul Major wrote:
I'm thinking primarily of Suzy Chan, who only used faith and her tai chi training to overcome breast cancer. http://www.wahlum.com/taichi/Best to you.
There are virtually no recorded documented studies to suggest that what she is proposing works and she even admits there were issues with her diagnosis. As to the ryokukai guy, if you can't read his site, and form an intelligent judgement about him and his ki in less than 10 seconds then you get what you deserve.

Meanwhile, modern medicine has documented successful methods for treating many kinds of cancer. To imply otherwise, and to discourage people in any way, from looking into modern medicine is borderline to committing murder. At least the ryokukai guy isn't claiming to cure anything from what I saw.

Now, if you want to engage in these kinds of practices, and you feel better because of it, then by all means, but don't do it and exclude modern medicine. Aikido can absolutely help you to feel better about yourself, to be active, and bring many other positive benefits to your life which may, if nothing else, make your life a better life.

PS: If you want to blast me for being a closed-minded alternative healing bigot, tell me how some fat guy from Russia has demonstrated psychic powers, that Homeopathy works and you know meridians work even though we can't find any proof of their existance, then lets do that in another thread. I don't check in often anymore but I still check in enough to catch the thread.
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Old 04-03-2006, 02:30 PM   #21
heyoka's Avatar
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

Erik Haselhofer wrote:
Now, if you want to engage in these kinds of practices, and you feel better because of it, then by all means, but don't do it and exclude modern medicine.
...I don't think anyone here was advocating the exclusion of modern medicine?

Erik Haselhofer wrote:
Aikido can absolutely help you to feel better about yourself, to be active, and bring many other positive benefits to your life which may, if nothing else, make your life a better life.
That seems to be the general consensus.

Paul Major
Dojo Secretary
Aikido Center of Los Angeles
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Old 04-04-2006, 01:42 PM   #22
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

Erik Haselhofer said
To imply otherwise, and to discourage people in any way, from looking into modern medicine is borderline to committing murder.
Methinks you did not readeth my post sir!

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Old 04-04-2006, 05:04 PM   #23
Ivan Sekularac
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

If you are able to train continue to do so it will help you relax and build your physical strength... but beyond that you need to talk to you doctor and see what the best treatment for you is.

Stay positive and look for good medical help... forget any woodo crap and talk to your doctor.

I wish you all the best.
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Old 04-04-2006, 05:32 PM   #24
Dojo: Aikido Downtown
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

While I dont have anything to add on the aikido healing cancer topic, I just wanted to send out positve thoughts to you

Dan Hulley
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Old 04-08-2006, 01:04 PM   #25
Dan D Carreau
Dojo: Chudokan
Location: Ontario
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Re: Healing Cancer through Aikido?

To everyone thanks.

As you know kemo can be hard on the body.

At present my teeth are starting to break, and my hair is gone but i have some how over come this.

Again thanks

Your Student

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