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Old 03-22-2005, 01:25 PM   #1
Nick P.
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Dojo: Sukagawa Aikido Club of Montreal
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Unhappy Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Hello everyone,

I am looking for his agenda / listing of seminars for 2005.

Searches result in lots of interesting bio information and write-ups of past seminars and visits, but those are not what I am looking for.

Basically, I am hatching a plan to try and get to one of his seminars this year, as well as see if he is in Japan this July.


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Old 03-23-2005, 07:16 AM   #2
SeiserL's Avatar
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

IMHO, it is an experience worth going out of your way for. He stops in Southern California often and I have trained with him several times. His emphasis on alignment and basics if enlightening. His personality is delightful. I true gentleman dedicated to Aikido.

Lynn Seiser PhD
Yondan Aikido & FMA/JKD
We do not rise to the level of our expectations, but fall to the level of our training. Train well. KWATZ!
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Old 03-23-2005, 07:41 AM   #3
John Houck
Dojo: Westminster Tenshinkai Aikido
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

I highly recommend attending one of Fujita Masatake Shihan seminars. Even though the instructions are in Japanese, Fujita Masatake Shihan speaks Aikido which is universal. He has a wonderful personality, great attitude, and quite humorous. I have had the honor of attending 2 of his seminars(ya, I'm spoiled now-ha). Good luck and Good Training
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Old 03-23-2005, 08:30 AM   #4
Nick P.
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan


Thanks for your responses. You have succeeded in amplifying my resolve to attend his seminars.

Would either of you know how to even begin the process of sending him an invitation to give a seminar? I imagine that would be the most direct way of finding the information I am seeking.

Or better yet, how did you find out he was giving a seminar?

Again, thanks.

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Old 03-23-2005, 10:29 AM   #5
Nick P.
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Duh, here's one


(almost) Jackpot!

Please, please, please fill-in any others you might know of!

Last edited by Nick P. : 03-23-2005 at 10:37 AM.

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Old 03-25-2005, 07:10 AM   #6
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Nick Pittson wrote:

Thanks for your responses. You have succeeded in amplifying my resolve to attend his seminars.

Would either of you know how to even begin the process of sending him an invitation to give a seminar? I imagine that would be the most direct way of finding the information I am seeking.

Or better yet, how did you find out he was giving a seminar?

Again, thanks.
Mr Pittson,

Fujita Sensei has retired from his postion as Director of General Affairs at the Hombu Dojo, but is still active in teaching aikido in Japan and overseas. He has been coming to Hiroshima ever since he was a student at Takushoku University and regularly visits Holland and eastern Europe.

I think that if you were interested in inviting him to give a seminar, his first question would be who you were and where/under whom you had trained/were training. It is no small matter to invite an 8th dan shihan to give a seminar outside Japan.

On a more personal note, I was involved in organizing Fujita Sensei's first seminar in the UK and I forgot to arrange an uke (in my experience, he prefers to have one uke for the entire training course). So I took uke for Fujita Sensei for the whole seminar and it was a very good chance to experience his aikido at first hand, so to speak. I recommend that you pay special attention to the way he does irimi-nage, shiho-nage and certain forms of kokyu-nage. These can be quite devastating if you have trained in a different form and I have seen some experienced yudansha (e.g., 4th dan) come to grief.

I am sorry that this contribution is late. I have been in Europe and have not checked this web site for a while.

Best regards,

Last edited by Peter Goldsbury : 03-25-2005 at 07:13 AM.

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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Old 03-25-2005, 12:40 PM   #7
James Young
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Peter A Goldsbury wrote:
I recommend that you pay special attention to the way he does irimi-nage, shiho-nage and certain forms of kokyu-nage. These can be quite devastating if you have trained in a different form and I have seen some experienced yudansha (e.g., 4th dan) come to grief.
From first hand experience I can second that recommendation. I remember when I was at one of his seminars and he was teaching kokyu nage and I took the ukemi. Initally it didn't seem to be all that different from a lot of people's way of doing kokyu nage but when it started to come down I still remember the unexpected amount of power I felt. It was unexpected because he wasn't moving particularly fast throughout the movement nor was there any perceivable use of strength. However, it did feel like a ton of bricks was coming down on me and needless to say I had to take a very quick ukemi straight to the ground. It was an interesting experience. Like others have commented his seminars are always enjoyable and if you have an opportunity I highly recommend attending as well.
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Old 03-25-2005, 05:39 PM   #8
Nick P.
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Mr Goldsbury, Mr Young,

Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my query.
I did not know that Fujita Sensei had retired as Director of General Affairs at Hombu.

I would fully expect him to ask the questions you listed, Mr Goldsbury.
recounts some of our history, and our link to Fujita Sensei.

(As an aside, I have been studying Aikido under Mike Bush Sensei here in Montreal. For as long as I have studied Aikido, Bush Sensei has shared his personal videotapes showing Fujita Sensei with Suzuki Sensei as uke, some dating back to 1980. Sadly, we lost Suzuki Sensei a couple of years ago to cancer. Fujita Sensei delivered his eulogy.)

I realize now what my question should be.
Is there a polite and unassuming way of finding all of Fujita Sensei's seminars? I envision an assistant or secretary who anyone could approach for this information. Perhaps a coordinator at Hombu. Of course, the mere act of requesting said information may be more overt than I may intend it to be. Please tell me if it is.

The goal (as naive as it may be) is to arrange our travel plans and schedule to attend one of his seminar's. An example; he is giving a seminar in May in Colorado at Nippon Kan, I believe. I may be heading to Japan as early as May, and would go out of my way to stop-over in Colorado to attend.

Again, thank you.

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Old 03-25-2005, 06:46 PM   #9
James Young
Location: Orange County, CA
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Posts: 87
Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan


Unfortunately I really don't have any Fujita-sensei contact information to share, as I have no connection with him, but if no one here can help you may want to contact the honbu directly. If you are going to Japan anyway this year my recommendation would be to try and catch him there. When I last met him at a seminar I attended he mentioned to me that he taught a class at the Budokan in Tokyo. I think he said it was on Monday nights but that was a couple years back so I don't know if he still does it nor have any idea of what time the class would be. Good luck.
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Old 03-26-2005, 03:26 AM   #10
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Nick Pittson wrote:
Mr Goldsbury, Mr Young,

Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my query.
I did not know that Fujita Sensei had retired as Director of General Affairs at Hombu.

I would fully expect him to ask the questions you listed, Mr Goldsbury.
recounts some of our history, and our link to Fujita Sensei.

(As an aside, I have been studying Aikido under Mike Bush Sensei here in Montreal. For as long as I have studied Aikido, Bush Sensei has shared his personal videotapes showing Fujita Sensei with Suzuki Sensei as uke, some dating back to 1980. Sadly, we lost Suzuki Sensei a couple of years ago to cancer. Fujita Sensei delivered his eulogy.)

I realize now what my question should be.
Is there a polite and unassuming way of finding all of Fujita Sensei's seminars? I envision an assistant or secretary who anyone could approach for this information. Perhaps a coordinator at Hombu. Of course, the mere act of requesting said information may be more overt than I may intend it to be. Please tell me if it is.

The goal (as naive as it may be) is to arrange our travel plans and schedule to attend one of his seminar's. An example; he is giving a seminar in May in Colorado at Nippon Kan, I believe. I may be heading to Japan as early as May, and would go out of my way to stop-over in Colorado to attend.

Again, thank you.
Mr Pittson,

Thank you for your reply. I have looked at the websites you cited and it seems clear that your dojo already has a strong connection with Fujita Sensei.

I suggest that you write to Fujita Sensei directly, in English, via the Aikikai Hombu Dojo. I am sure that the letter will reach him. However, if you have any problems contact me privately. I think my contact details are in my profile.

Best wishes,

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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Old 03-26-2005, 06:15 AM   #11
Dojo: Aikido Philippines
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 130
Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Fujita Shihan will be in Bangkok on November 4-7, 2005. Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba and a lot of shihans will also attend the said seminar. I talked to Fukakusa Shihan a couple of days ago here in the Philippines and he told me that Fujita Shihan already confirmed his attendance.


HOST Aikido Association Thailand (Motohiro Fukakusa Shihan)

GUEST OF HONOR Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba

VENUE The Grand Hotel, Bangkok
238, Ratchadapisek Road, Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10320, Thailand

DATE US$300 per person (twin-sharing)
3 nights (4th - 7th Nov) includes daily breakfast and lunch, welcome dinner, 2nd night buffet dinner, farewell dinner and seminar.
US$360 per person (single)
Covers as above


ROOM RATE US$50 per night
Includes breakfast, for those who wish to arrive earlier or extend their stay after the seminar.

CONFIRMATION DATE We appreciate all who are interested to participate to give their names, package required and all fees (in full, no refund) to ASK office by 15th July latest in order to facilitate our confirmation of all places with Aikido Association Thailand.

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Old 03-26-2005, 09:05 PM   #12
Nick P.
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Mr Goldsbury,

I will proceed as you suggest and write to him care of Hombu. Do you recommend I include a short description of our "lineage", or is a simple request for his itinerary sufficient?

Again, thank you for your assistance and gracious offer.

Mr Miel,

Perfect. If Thailand is where we end up, then I will be sure to seek you out and thank you personally.

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Old 03-27-2005, 07:41 AM   #13
Peter Goldsbury
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Re: Info: Fujita Masatake Shihan

Nick Pittson wrote:
Mr Goldsbury,

I will proceed as you suggest and write to him care of Hombu. Do you recommend I include a short description of our "lineage", or is a simple request for his itinerary sufficient?

Again, thank you for your assistance and gracious offer.

Mr Miel,

Perfect. If Thailand is where we end up, then I will be sure to seek you out and thank you personally.
Dear Mr Pittson,

Perhaps I misunderstood your earlier post. If you want to have a schedule of Fujita Sensei's seminars in 2005, then, obviously, you could contact him directly. I can help you to do this if necessary.

However, if you want to invite Fujita Sensei to give a course in your own dojo, then you should also contact him directly, but the questions he might ask will be rather different. I can also help you to do this, but because I do not know you, I cannot vouch for your bona fides. You will need to look after him, right from his departure from Japan until he returns safely to Japan.

Since your dojo already seems to have a relationship with Fujita Sensei, perhaps you are aware of this. In which case, I think you will not mind me reiterating something you know already.

Best wishes,

P A Goldsbury
Kokusai Dojo,
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