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Old 02-26-2016, 06:54 PM   #1
Chris Li
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Create a Beautiful World

The first section of a conversation between Richard Moon and me for the "Create a Beautiful World" series. Hope that it's not too "stream of consciousness"...



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Old 02-27-2016, 11:29 AM   #2
Dojo: Open Sky Aikikai
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Nice! Stupid question:

Guidelines for practice say "Aikido is to be kept secret."

In this video, you say Kisshomaru Doshu had said he started learning Aikido after learning the techniques, and that learning the techniques only takes about 2 years.

So, the secret or even Aikido itself is Not in the techniques?
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Old 02-27-2016, 12:11 PM   #3
Chris Li
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

John Hillson wrote: View Post
Nice! Stupid question:

Guidelines for practice say "Aikido is to be kept secret."

In this video, you say Kisshomaru Doshu had said he started learning Aikido after learning the techniques, and that learning the techniques only takes about 2 years.

So, the secret or even Aikido itself is Not in the techniques?
I would say yes, that's correct. I would even say that Morihei Ueshiba, in my opinion, would say the same thing (Mark Murray discussed this a little bit here).

That's not to say that technique isn't important, or that folks shouldn't study technique, just that it isn't the heart of the matter.

Put another way (I mentioned a similar example somewhere in the interview), I memorized the multiplication tables when I was in elementary school. It's a useful tool, of course, but that's just something to help introduce you to mathematics and help you to deal with mathematical problems more easily. If you saw someone still running over the multiplication tables after thirty years in mathematics (and purporting to be a professor of mathematics) you'd probably say that something was wrong. Or at least, I would.



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Old 02-28-2016, 10:26 AM   #4
Chris Li
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Part II of a conversation between Richard Moon and Chris Li for the "Create a Beautiful World" series.



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Old 03-02-2016, 09:49 AM   #5
Chris Li
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Part III of a conversation between Richard Moon and Chris Li for the "Create a Beautiful World" series.



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Old 03-04-2016, 03:08 AM   #6
Dan Richards
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Richard and Chris, thank you. Watched and listened to all three videos...with really nice headphones.
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Old 03-05-2016, 04:52 PM   #7
Chris Li
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Part 4 of the conversation now available!



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Old 03-06-2016, 08:53 AM   #8
Dojo: Open Sky Aikikai
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

I am enjoying this, and I put a link up in a blog entry.

Do I offer students more than the chance to touch a bad copy of a copy of a copy of a copy? I hope so, but maybe not. The importance of feeling and the limitations of rote imitation, and how practice can continue without understanding.
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Old 03-06-2016, 04:02 PM   #9
Cliff Judge
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Christopher Li wrote: View Post
That's not to say that technique isn't important, or that folks shouldn't study technique, just that it isn't the heart of the matter.

Put another way (I mentioned a similar example somewhere in the interview), I memorized the multiplication tables when I was in elementary school. It's a useful tool, of course, but that's just something to help introduce you to mathematics and help you to deal with mathematical problems more easily. If you saw someone still running over the multiplication tables after thirty years in mathematics (and purporting to be a professor of mathematics) you'd probably say that something was wrong. Or at least, I would.
I don't think that's a very apt metaphor.

Beginning students of musical instruments are introduced to scales when they first start. I have heard that high level payers of musical instruments typically spend a great deal of their practice time working through scales.

I think the point of what we are talking about Ueshiba talking about is that practice of technique is supposed to yield more than good technique. Not that the techniques are a side matter or something you transition from.
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Old 03-06-2016, 04:38 PM   #10
Chris Li
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Cliff Judge wrote: View Post
I don't think that's a very apt metaphor.

Beginning students of musical instruments are introduced to scales when they first start. I have heard that high level payers of musical instruments typically spend a great deal of their practice time working through scales.

I think the point of what we are talking about Ueshiba talking about is that practice of technique is supposed to yield more than good technique. Not that the techniques are a side matter or something you transition from.
Arguing over metaphors just goes down a black hole. My point is the same, Morihei Ueshiba stated repeatedly that technique was not the heart of the matter. Folks may disagree with that, and that's fine, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.



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Old 03-06-2016, 05:12 PM   #11
Cliff Judge
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Christopher Li wrote: View Post
Arguing over metaphors just goes down a black hole. My point is the same, Morihei Ueshiba stated repeatedly that technique was not the heart of the matter. Folks may disagree with that, and that's fine, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.


But what did he mean by that, and was that meant to be instructive, or explanatory?

He could be saying "remember that you are not practicing technique simply for the purpose of causing a physical event." But would that meant that practicing technique is pointless? Or simply that there is a greater picture you need to keep in mind?

He could be saying "these techniques are pointless, why are you still doing them?" They could be pointless because they will never cause a physical event.
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Old 03-06-2016, 09:56 PM   #12
Chris Li
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

The 20 minute edit.

All pau - finally, da whole ting!



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Old 03-07-2016, 06:47 PM   #13
Location: Las Vegas
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Thank you very much on those very informative videos Li sensei and Moon sensei.

"For The Secret That The Warrior Seeks: You Must Know That The Basic Principles Lie In The Study Of The Spirit." - Morihei Ueshiba
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Old 03-07-2016, 06:50 PM   #14
Chris Li
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Rod Lansangan wrote: View Post
Thank you very much on those very informative videos Li sensei and Moon sensei.
You're welcome, I'm glad that you enjoyed them!



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Old 03-07-2016, 10:49 PM   #15
Cliff Judge
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Re: Create a Beautiful World


It was very nice to get a big-picture view of your thoughts on the matter. Sincere thanks for sharing, and thanks to Mr. Moon for giving you the platform to do it.
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Old 04-12-2016, 01:19 AM   #16
Chris Li
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Re: Create a Beautiful World

Richard has also put up some of the clips of his conversation with Bill Gleason:






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