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Old 08-31-2009, 06:32 AM   #1
Paul Schweer
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 43
Re: The Aikido vs. my aikido

Luis Alba wrote: View Post
... You will not learn nothing from studing books or the way a person lived, you must put ur believes into Action and be about it, not just mention it. Dont talk the talk but actually Walk it.

The reason that you havent found the answers you seek is merly cause you've been looking in the wrong place....

Luis F. Alba
Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi.
Hello Luis,

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi." Would you please you explain?

Your AikiWeb profile says you are located in Orlando, but the dojo listed in your profile is "AikiBujutsu AikiBudo, Budo Providence." Is this your home dojo? Are you affiliated with an Orlando dojo?

I've included below links to two pictures from your web site that caught my attention. Do you also study sword?


Paul Schweer



Last edited by Paul Schweer : 08-31-2009 at 06:38 AM. Reason: corrected image link
Old 08-31-2009, 07:08 AM   #2
Marc Abrams
Dojo: Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai/ Bedford Hills, New York
Location: New York
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,302
Re: The Aikido vs. my aikido

Luis Alba:

I do not see in the biography section of the website where and with whom, any training in Aikido, Aiki-Budo, or Aikijujutsu took place. Could you please clarify the nature of that training?


At the end of the biography section, Kenji Ushiro Sensei was listed, with no mention of that encounter. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with the details of that encounter.


Marc Abrams
Old 08-31-2009, 10:03 AM   #3
jason jordan
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Dojo: Dallas Aikikai/ Southlake Aikikai
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Posts: 113
Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Actually I cared nothing about all of that...I just wanted to see some Videos of you in action. I don't doubt you are who you say you are, I just want to see. Your Bio almost makes you seem like O'sensei himself. White Hakama, Yamamda calling you master..etc. etc. Please Sensei, do you have any links?
Old 08-31-2009, 07:12 PM   #4
Dojo: Aikido of Midland
Location: Midland Texas
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 1,652
Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Hmmm. The bio speaks for itself. Looks age 35-40 ish at most with lots of grandmaster ranks. Who awarded the ranks and what was the lineage? The bio was more of a self pat on the back.
Old 09-01-2009, 12:39 AM   #5
Dojo: AikiBujutsu AikiBudo, Budo Providence.
Location: Orlando
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 8
Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

I'll try to anwer all your question in the order recieved.

Sekai Sokeshi, is the japanese meaning for Grand Master Of Lineage, or Master of Tradition. Hanshi, means Teacher of teachers, or the Master of Teacher. Names passed on to me by the many elders I've encountered on the Path. Hence forth making me responsible for the wisdon thats been passed on.
To he honest titles are nothing more then simply formality. It's how you carry yourself, and the dedication you give to the wisdom thats being passed on to you that makes you, whom you are. Its important as an Artist to give your all into that which feeds your Spirit.
At times we ourselfs are too blinded to accept whom we really are. I master all I learn, not just know it and the titles giving to me I accepted with honor yet knowing inside there's still much to learn.
It is important to understand that the Japanese way of speach is not like our own, more easly related to how a New Yorker would speak, where a few words should mean many things.
Budo Providence is litterly Avalon Park on the Alafaya side. We're deep in the woods in a city within the city. My students decided to call it such becouse we use the intire community as our school, and the school itself is made of it's members. We all live here so i call them Uchi Deshi, the only people that come to this place, live in this place, it wasnt untill a couple of my students requesting private teachings before their visit to Japan, that i began to teach here, plus an elder of the community of vietnamies decent, very familier of the Arts requested teachings as well, believe it or not he's eighty two, and very strong. Funny how live is there is a park we use at night to do weapons at full strenght and speed located on Aiken Lane, believe me i had nothing to do with nameing of that street.
My original teachings, that of my Great Grand Father, Grnd Father, and Father, hence fourth my Japanese Masters, and that of O'Sensei, is called Bujutsu. It was O'Sensei, whom later added the Kanji of Aiki to the beginning, reflecting on it as a way of Peace, and Harmony, saying that a true warrior is not one whoms heart is made of steal, but to recognize that Love is the true essence of all. Which means more then just words to those of that perticular path.
I affiliate my self with no dojo and represet the Essence of the Art itself, such teachings were not really know at the time as oppenly as today, and for many years i only affiliated my self with those of the path that trully came from Tradition. Believe it or not New York in the 80's was full of real Budoka families whom came in search of a better life from Japan, being a young kid on the streets these families took me in. Teaching me their language and culture after seeing the skills that had been passed on to me by my family, they completed the Legacy I carry today. A family tradition passed down through out the time.
It wanst until 1998 that I began to visit many dojos frequently whom were serching for the proper way of trainning Aikido, by that time the Art had really taken off on a World Wide scale, and it was a man of Yoshinkan whom asked me to teach his Students the Art. Since he didnt have the courage to so, not wanting to upset the elders of our path. You see Yoshinkan too is either modern Aikido, or the traditional Budo, and his teacher was of Tradition, yet he felt that even though he was a Sandan of Japan it would not be wise to pass on what he too held deep within, together we came to the agreement that if we were to open up to the public it will be earnd by taking the steps requiered in order one by one, with no moving foward to the next level with out true understanding..
These schools i strongly recomend if you are ever there. Schools still open today that can personaly speak of me, and teach you what i've passed on, wether of my way of being or Teachnique;
AikiJujutsu of Melbourne, Fl.
Melbourne Aikikai. Fl.
Browerd Aikikai, Fl.
Chung Teakwon Do, Dojo Melbourne Fl.
University of Caldas Aikido Aikika, Medellin Colombia.
New York Aikikai, NY. Only Yamada though, it was many years ago in Bogota Colombia.
Muay Thai Kickboxing, Coldeportes Yoshinkan Budo. Manizales, Colombia.
Yoshinkan Aikido, Medellin Colombia. Just the Master of their School from Italy.
Ninjutsu, Medellin Colombia.
Aikido Masters, PA. Look for David Nemeroff, Shihan.
*Last but def. not least where i've spend my time since i've been in Orlando, Tenshinkai Aikido. Where i've built a great father to son realtionship with the master of the school, Jose Andrade Sensei. Not the California master of Tenshinkai so theres no misunderstanding.
As for the schools I strongly recomend, whom i've encounterd as greating more then a metting on the matt, are located on my website under Links.
The Picture where three of us have swords, to the left is my Student for years and Close personal friend whom i consider a brother, Carlos Paguada. He had just returned from Iraq, and drove here from NC, as soon as he arrieved. An Army man who threw out the years has constanlly been by my side, to the left is his Brother in law. We had just begun teachings to the public in Budo Providence, for the first year or so I was verry picky of whom i taught and how i taught them, unilke the shcools of today. In my pressence you will not move on from Seiza unless correct posture is achieved. Many children stand and run, others take their first steps, but they all must learn how to sit. Same in the arts there is no reason to show anything new if whats taught has not been deeply understood.
On the second is my first Uchi Deshi in Orlando Nate Dixon, since 2002. He had just moved back to Orlando with his girl friend, and was more worried about fixing his posture then actually getting striked, worried he might get yelled at for not practicing. But he did and it was as if he never left. If you notice though im laughing cause to throw him off i handed him a sword with no ring guard something yet that he wasnt accustomed too. Since they are verry sharp and worth of great respect it took him a while to lower, and raise his grip.
As for the Katana, yes young master, I do, and have been sleeping next to one since the age of five, Daisho is my specialty.
I thank you for the wise questions you had, continue on with your jorney something tells me your on the right Path, which eventually will lead you to complete Satori.

Marc, Marc, Marc.
Go back to the website, in a light grey above all the chapters of my life you'll see the name, location, and Arts of my Masters, and teachers along the way.
Where my Budo, began was before the essence of my birth. My Great Grand Father, and Grandfather, both visited and Trained with O'Sensei in Japan, they were high ranked Military men in Colombia. It was them along with my father whom began my Teachings of the Arts. By the age of three i was well aware of my Path, no different then a 3 year old whom can dribble a basket ball.
In my birth place back home New York, basically being raised on the steets, Shiba and Suzuki Sensei took me in everyday after shool teaching me from the Original book that O'Sensei wrote for his students, that's when i was first intoduced to the Japanese Language, with the proper name of AikiBudo, not just Aikibujutsu or Bujutsu, but the completion of O'Sensei's teachings. Tanaka though a Budo man keep such teachings to himself, and Shiba my Original Master send me to him to learn Shodokan and practice more my direction of Ki, it was my first Public dojo but only for a period of six months, and by private Teaching, to fortofie my stance though strong as it was for that age, Shodokan did infact teach me more on how to ground myself, before i left the School Tanaka mention of Shiba's weaking of health telling me to continue on my path no matter what, that one day i'll bring to live the old ways. As a child now almost twelve i understood these words well.
Wise beyond my age i knew that the Modern ways which were more popular would begin to fade their true ways.
As for the the Nature of my trainning itself, I advise you to study each Kanji, as whole and individual, even as when joined, here i'll make it easy;
AikiBujutsu, AikiBudo, Aikido, Aiki, Bujutsu, Budo, Ai, Ki, Bu, Jutsu, Do, A, I, Ki, Bu.
if and when you finish studing these Charectors in depth, you'll understand the essence of my path, and the names they cary, and the reason behind its Order. Then I want you to go to my website and read every Chapter up until Aiki No O Kami, then and only in this order will your understand that O'Sensei, not me named the Art in such a way. I represnt the True Nature of My Warrior Lineage to the fullest extent of my life, and do not consider my self as an individual of a cetain public shool which i never was, but of a Family lineage of which i have been trusted over for its care and hence forth im only an individual of the Path that O'Sensei, cleared up for those whom seeked the Truth of their Nature, hence fourth I have no right to give indiviual names nor change anything that O'Sensei, dedicated so much for, and if I may be blunt with my words I see O'Sensei as my Great Great Grand father, not that picture people look at on a wall, to me it means so much more, and the man whom i trully thank everyday for the Wisdom he's passed on.
For three years i stayed in Colombia polishing my techniche in the Mountains, Forests, and Jungles of Caldas, and Antioqioa only visiting the city to participate in seminars or teach, at that time as well I competed and was undefeated in combat. It was Yamada, whom told me you can either continue competing and become famouse, or you can continue to Master Budo. I choose Budo, fame and cameras i shy from, doing this blog stuff took many years of thought for me to do I've known of Aikiweb for about 10years now or so.
Oh yes it's been a bussy year so i've had no chace to complet the biography. Everything before the Aiki Expo were replies to the questions, comments, and experiences of that time by my students or fellow members of the Arts.
Kenji Ushiro is a great man and if you see on the Chapters of the Aiki Expo are in " " i chosse my words verry carefully. My experience with him reminded me of my privete teachings of Shodokan under Tanaka Sensei, in Queens New York, That school though has long been gone. It was located across the street of St. Johns Catholic Church, on 32nd St, Flushing.
It wasnt untill I moved from Booklyn to Queens that my Shodokan trainning began every day after school, and training with either Shiba, Or Suzuki an hour before. Susuki lived in my building on 35th n Parsons, Shiba's building is right b4 the Church, going back to Kenji, I was the only Hakama amongts an ocean of White gi's formally I had heard of his Ki from the students that accomponied me, and they strongly recomended his encounter, I was verry impressed with the Traditional way that he taught, something all Karate schools have lost.
I was only allowed to train with his highest rank students and I tell you they were all very good, and the Old Masters that occompanied him were of top quality, even made me release my self from a technique that they had never seen no one move from, the pain was so sharp and the flow of Ki so persice that i just natuarly reacted and you should've seen our faces I amazed that i actually felt pain after so many years, taking me back to when i was a kid, and they were just amazed that i was able to move.
It was a great experience the whole Expo was, but if you looking for Karate Ushiro is the one to seek, not only for Karate itself but that which makes Aikido what it is, Ki itself.

Im not the best when it comes to computers I'm having though some of my students make me copies of the Videos they have of me in Tenshinkai, and at the Expo. I'll def. let you know when we put them up.
For now though if you have the Aiki Expo part one, you'll see me with Andrade Sensei, of Tenshinkai. I did a simple Bokken demo with him, you'll see me flying with the sword.
For a long long time i would not allow pictures or videos of my teachings, it wasnt untill Andrade litterly open his doors to me so I could express my teachings and use his students as my very own, for wich im greatfull, it's thanks to all of them that I felt more and more confertalble expressing my views to the public.
Often Telling me "Sensei we fear that in 300 years your teachings will be lost, if you dont open up to the World it will all be Lost".
To be honest these words impacted me profoundly becouse it is a dream of mine to pass on the Arts to my children, yet never thinking that there are people out there much like yourself whom seek the truthness of our Art, and the old ways which have been lost. Its thanks to people like yourself whom make me more confertable and proud to express my views and teachings of the Art knowing that its in good hands.
You see Jason when some one passes on a Spiritual gift to another, it must be valued and cared for like the rarest and ancient of Swords.

John Riggs.
The ranks are explained in each chapter of the Bio, whom, where, why, and how they were awarded. The Lineage is that of whom i consider my Great Great Grand Father, or how my Great Grand Father, and Grandfather, refered to as The Old Man their father, O'Sensei, himself, you can put me to the test at any time.
For those of traditional ways a paper means Nothing at all, if its not signed with real blood and sweat. It's the Nature of the Spirit within which speaks for itself, never forget that!
As for a self pat on the back i know nothing off infact my friend your not dealing with your public Dojo personal, so personal ego is something you should leave at the door before you even start on this path, understood?
I'm my worst critict, and own not a video of my self though there are a couple that circulate not only in the Martial Arts World, but the Arts itself, Movies, Music Videos, and the Cultures or whats called religions of today.
Close guess on the age currently I'm Twenty Eight, and been on my path since before my birth, at Three concious of Unifying Spirit, Mind, and Body.
While at that age I can only imagine how u only knew to pick your nose and get your dipper wet. In our time kids were kids rarely did you find one with gifts at such an early age.
Today though if you have children listen close, for they are wise, the aftermath of what we've created through out our time.
O'Sensei, warned us about this, we must make a world of peace and love before all is lost. Listen to them and Teach them well, influence threir own personal gifts so they too can begin to shine at an early age.
I see your Located in Texas luckly enough i just had family move their bout a year ago though their children stayed here with me to continue on with their trainning. I'll def. make it my thing to visit and train at your school, Rokudan. Like i always say actions speak louder then words, and its always good to have a Tatami to visit every where you go.

Luis F. Alba
Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi.
AikiBujutsu AikiBudo, Budo Providence.
Old 09-01-2009, 06:42 AM   #6
Paul Schweer
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 43
Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Hello Luis,

Thank you for your reply.

Luis Alba wrote: View Post
... Sekai Sokeshi, is the japanese meaning for Grand Master Of Lineage, or Master of Tradition. Hanshi, means Teacher of teachers, or the Master of Teacher. Names passed on to me by the many elders I've encountered on the Path... where i've spend my time since i've been in Orlando, Tenshinkai Aikido. Where i've built a great father to son realtionship with the master of the school, Jose Andrade Sensei.
Very well -- I'm not used to seeing those terms used as official aikido titles and/or ranks. May I ask the name of the person(s) who passed them to you?

A father-to-son relationship with Jose Andrade -- I'm not sure I get your meaning. Does this imply he is your teacher? Or, maybe, has he asked you to be his teacher?

Luis Alba wrote: View Post
... yes young master...
Don't call me that; I'm neither.

Luis Alba wrote: View Post
... continue on with your jorney... which eventually will lead you to complete Satori.
Sounds painful.

Paul Schweer
Old 09-01-2009, 07:11 AM   #7
Dennis Hooker
Dojo: Shindai Dojo, Orlando Fl.
Location: Orlando Florida
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 456
Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

"A father-to-son relationship with Jose Andrade "

Jose and I have had our disagreements over the years but I cannot believe he would condone this kind of delusional bull shit. He takes his Aikido seriously and that is obvious, perhaps I will give him a call.

Dennis Hooker: (DVD) Zanshin and Ma-ai in Aikido

Old 09-01-2009, 08:06 AM   #8
Michael Hackett
Dojo: Kenshinkan Dojo (Aikido of North County) Vista, CA
Location: Oceanside, California
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 1,253
Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Please do, Hooker Sensei! Let us know what he has to say.

"Leave the gun. Bring the cannoli."
Old 09-01-2009, 08:30 AM   #9
Marc Abrams
Dojo: Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai/ Bedford Hills, New York
Location: New York
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,302
Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Luis Alba wrote: View Post
I'll try to anwer all your question in the order recieved.

Sekai Sokeshi, is the japanese meaning for Grand Master Of Lineage, or Master of Tradition. Hanshi, means Teacher of teachers, or the Master of Teacher. Names passed on to me by the many elders I've encountered on the Path. Hence forth making me responsible for the wisdon thats been passed on.
To he honest titles are nothing more then simply formality. It's how you carry yourself, and the dedication you give to the wisdom thats being passed on to you that makes you, whom you are. Its important as an Artist to give your all into that which feeds your Spirit.
At times we ourselfs are too blinded to accept whom we really are. I master all I learn, not just know it and the titles giving to me I accepted with honor yet knowing inside there's still much to learn.
It is important to understand that the Japanese way of speach is not like our own, more easly related to how a New Yorker would speak, where a few words should mean many things.
Budo Providence is litterly Avalon Park on the Alafaya side. We're deep in the woods in a city within the city. My students decided to call it such becouse we use the intire community as our school, and the school itself is made of it's members. We all live here so i call them Uchi Deshi, the only people that come to this place, live in this place, it wasnt untill a couple of my students requesting private teachings before their visit to Japan, that i began to teach here, plus an elder of the community of vietnamies decent, very familier of the Arts requested teachings as well, believe it or not he's eighty two, and very strong. Funny how live is there is a park we use at night to do weapons at full strenght and speed located on Aiken Lane, believe me i had nothing to do with nameing of that street.
My original teachings, that of my Great Grand Father, Grnd Father, and Father, hence fourth my Japanese Masters, and that of O'Sensei, is called Bujutsu. It was O'Sensei, whom later added the Kanji of Aiki to the beginning, reflecting on it as a way of Peace, and Harmony, saying that a true warrior is not one whoms heart is made of steal, but to recognize that Love is the true essence of all. Which means more then just words to those of that perticular path.
I affiliate my self with no dojo and represet the Essence of the Art itself, such teachings were not really know at the time as oppenly as today, and for many years i only affiliated my self with those of the path that trully came from Tradition. Believe it or not New York in the 80's was full of real Budoka families whom came in search of a better life from Japan, being a young kid on the streets these families took me in. Teaching me their language and culture after seeing the skills that had been passed on to me by my family, they completed the Legacy I carry today. A family tradition passed down through out the time.
It wanst until 1998 that I began to visit many dojos frequently whom were serching for the proper way of trainning Aikido, by that time the Art had really taken off on a World Wide scale, and it was a man of Yoshinkan whom asked me to teach his Students the Art. Since he didnt have the courage to so, not wanting to upset the elders of our path. You see Yoshinkan too is either modern Aikido, or the traditional Budo, and his teacher was of Tradition, yet he felt that even though he was a Sandan of Japan it would not be wise to pass on what he too held deep within, together we came to the agreement that if we were to open up to the public it will be earnd by taking the steps requiered in order one by one, with no moving foward to the next level with out true understanding..
These schools i strongly recomend if you are ever there. Schools still open today that can personaly speak of me, and teach you what i've passed on, wether of my way of being or Teachnique;
AikiJujutsu of Melbourne, Fl.
Melbourne Aikikai. Fl.
Browerd Aikikai, Fl.
Chung Teakwon Do, Dojo Melbourne Fl.
University of Caldas Aikido Aikika, Medellin Colombia.
New York Aikikai, NY. Only Yamada though, it was many years ago in Bogota Colombia.
Muay Thai Kickboxing, Coldeportes Yoshinkan Budo. Manizales, Colombia.
Yoshinkan Aikido, Medellin Colombia. Just the Master of their School from Italy.
Ninjutsu, Medellin Colombia.
Aikido Masters, PA. Look for David Nemeroff, Shihan.
*Last but def. not least where i've spend my time since i've been in Orlando, Tenshinkai Aikido. Where i've built a great father to son realtionship with the master of the school, Jose Andrade Sensei. Not the California master of Tenshinkai so theres no misunderstanding.
As for the schools I strongly recomend, whom i've encounterd as greating more then a metting on the matt, are located on my website under Links.
The Picture where three of us have swords, to the left is my Student for years and Close personal friend whom i consider a brother, Carlos Paguada. He had just returned from Iraq, and drove here from NC, as soon as he arrieved. An Army man who threw out the years has constanlly been by my side, to the left is his Brother in law. We had just begun teachings to the public in Budo Providence, for the first year or so I was verry picky of whom i taught and how i taught them, unilke the shcools of today. In my pressence you will not move on from Seiza unless correct posture is achieved. Many children stand and run, others take their first steps, but they all must learn how to sit. Same in the arts there is no reason to show anything new if whats taught has not been deeply understood.
On the second is my first Uchi Deshi in Orlando Nate Dixon, since 2002. He had just moved back to Orlando with his girl friend, and was more worried about fixing his posture then actually getting striked, worried he might get yelled at for not practicing. But he did and it was as if he never left. If you notice though im laughing cause to throw him off i handed him a sword with no ring guard something yet that he wasnt accustomed too. Since they are verry sharp and worth of great respect it took him a while to lower, and raise his grip.
As for the Katana, yes young master, I do, and have been sleeping next to one since the age of five, Daisho is my specialty.
I thank you for the wise questions you had, continue on with your jorney something tells me your on the right Path, which eventually will lead you to complete Satori.

Marc, Marc, Marc.
Go back to the website, in a light grey above all the chapters of my life you'll see the name, location, and Arts of my Masters, and teachers along the way.
Where my Budo, began was before the essence of my birth. My Great Grand Father, and Grandfather, both visited and Trained with O'Sensei in Japan, they were high ranked Military men in Colombia. It was them along with my father whom began my Teachings of the Arts. By the age of three i was well aware of my Path, no different then a 3 year old whom can dribble a basket ball.
In my birth place back home New York, basically being raised on the steets, Shiba and Suzuki Sensei took me in everyday after shool teaching me from the Original book that O'Sensei wrote for his students, that's when i was first intoduced to the Japanese Language, with the proper name of AikiBudo, not just Aikibujutsu or Bujutsu, but the completion of O'Sensei's teachings. Tanaka though a Budo man keep such teachings to himself, and Shiba my Original Master send me to him to learn Shodokan and practice more my direction of Ki, it was my first Public dojo but only for a period of six months, and by private Teaching, to fortofie my stance though strong as it was for that age, Shodokan did infact teach me more on how to ground myself, before i left the School Tanaka mention of Shiba's weaking of health telling me to continue on my path no matter what, that one day i'll bring to live the old ways. As a child now almost twelve i understood these words well.
Wise beyond my age i knew that the Modern ways which were more popular would begin to fade their true ways.
As for the the Nature of my trainning itself, I advise you to study each Kanji, as whole and individual, even as when joined, here i'll make it easy;
AikiBujutsu, AikiBudo, Aikido, Aiki, Bujutsu, Budo, Ai, Ki, Bu, Jutsu, Do, A, I, Ki, Bu.
if and when you finish studing these Charectors in depth, you'll understand the essence of my path, and the names they cary, and the reason behind its Order. Then I want you to go to my website and read every Chapter up until Aiki No O Kami, then and only in this order will your understand that O'Sensei, not me named the Art in such a way. I represnt the True Nature of My Warrior Lineage to the fullest extent of my life, and do not consider my self as an individual of a cetain public shool which i never was, but of a Family lineage of which i have been trusted over for its care and hence forth im only an individual of the Path that O'Sensei, cleared up for those whom seeked the Truth of their Nature, hence fourth I have no right to give indiviual names nor change anything that O'Sensei, dedicated so much for, and if I may be blunt with my words I see O'Sensei as my Great Great Grand father, not that picture people look at on a wall, to me it means so much more, and the man whom i trully thank everyday for the Wisdom he's passed on.
For three years i stayed in Colombia polishing my techniche in the Mountains, Forests, and Jungles of Caldas, and Antioqioa only visiting the city to participate in seminars or teach, at that time as well I competed and was undefeated in combat. It was Yamada, whom told me you can either continue competing and become famouse, or you can continue to Master Budo. I choose Budo, fame and cameras i shy from, doing this blog stuff took many years of thought for me to do I've known of Aikiweb for about 10years now or so.
Oh yes it's been a bussy year so i've had no chace to complet the biography. Everything before the Aiki Expo were replies to the questions, comments, and experiences of that time by my students or fellow members of the Arts.
Kenji Ushiro is a great man and if you see on the Chapters of the Aiki Expo are in " " i chosse my words verry carefully. My experience with him reminded me of my privete teachings of Shodokan under Tanaka Sensei, in Queens New York, That school though has long been gone. It was located across the street of St. Johns Catholic Church, on 32nd St, Flushing.
It wasnt untill I moved from Booklyn to Queens that my Shodokan trainning began every day after school, and training with either Shiba, Or Suzuki an hour before. Susuki lived in my building on 35th n Parsons, Shiba's building is right b4 the Church, going back to Kenji, I was the only Hakama amongts an ocean of White gi's formally I had heard of his Ki from the students that accomponied me, and they strongly recomended his encounter, I was verry impressed with the Traditional way that he taught, something all Karate schools have lost.
I was only allowed to train with his highest rank students and I tell you they were all very good, and the Old Masters that occompanied him were of top quality, even made me release my self from a technique that they had never seen no one move from, the pain was so sharp and the flow of Ki so persice that i just natuarly reacted and you should've seen our faces I amazed that i actually felt pain after so many years, taking me back to when i was a kid, and they were just amazed that i was able to move.
It was a great experience the whole Expo was, but if you looking for Karate Ushiro is the one to seek, not only for Karate itself but that which makes Aikido what it is, Ki itself.

Im not the best when it comes to computers I'm having though some of my students make me copies of the Videos they have of me in Tenshinkai, and at the Expo. I'll def. let you know when we put them up.
For now though if you have the Aiki Expo part one, you'll see me with Andrade Sensei, of Tenshinkai. I did a simple Bokken demo with him, you'll see me flying with the sword.
For a long long time i would not allow pictures or videos of my teachings, it wasnt untill Andrade litterly open his doors to me so I could express my teachings and use his students as my very own, for wich im greatfull, it's thanks to all of them that I felt more and more confertalble expressing my views to the public.
Often Telling me "Sensei we fear that in 300 years your teachings will be lost, if you dont open up to the World it will all be Lost".
To be honest these words impacted me profoundly becouse it is a dream of mine to pass on the Arts to my children, yet never thinking that there are people out there much like yourself whom seek the truthness of our Art, and the old ways which have been lost. Its thanks to people like yourself whom make me more confertable and proud to express my views and teachings of the Art knowing that its in good hands.
You see Jason when some one passes on a Spiritual gift to another, it must be valued and cared for like the rarest and ancient of Swords.

John Riggs.
The ranks are explained in each chapter of the Bio, whom, where, why, and how they were awarded. The Lineage is that of whom i consider my Great Great Grand Father, or how my Great Grand Father, and Grandfather, refered to as The Old Man their father, O'Sensei, himself, you can put me to the test at any time.
For those of traditional ways a paper means Nothing at all, if its not signed with real blood and sweat. It's the Nature of the Spirit within which speaks for itself, never forget that!
As for a self pat on the back i know nothing off infact my friend your not dealing with your public Dojo personal, so personal ego is something you should leave at the door before you even start on this path, understood?
I'm my worst critict, and own not a video of my self though there are a couple that circulate not only in the Martial Arts World, but the Arts itself, Movies, Music Videos, and the Cultures or whats called religions of today.
Close guess on the age currently I'm Twenty Eight, and been on my path since before my birth, at Three concious of Unifying Spirit, Mind, and Body.
While at that age I can only imagine how u only knew to pick your nose and get your dipper wet. In our time kids were kids rarely did you find one with gifts at such an early age.
Today though if you have children listen close, for they are wise, the aftermath of what we've created through out our time.
O'Sensei, warned us about this, we must make a world of peace and love before all is lost. Listen to them and Teach them well, influence threir own personal gifts so they too can begin to shine at an early age.
I see your Located in Texas luckly enough i just had family move their bout a year ago though their children stayed here with me to continue on with their trainning. I'll def. make it my thing to visit and train at your school, Rokudan. Like i always say actions speak louder then words, and its always good to have a Tatami to visit every where you go.

Luis F. Alba
Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi.
AikiBujutsu AikiBudo, Budo Providence.
Mr. Alba:

1) You might want to use a spell check program.

2) Unless you suffer from echolalia, or made a failed attempt at being condescending, then my name is simply "Marc."

3) Believe it or not, the wave of sincere Japanese martial artists came to the New York Metropolitan area in the sixties and seventies. Gee Whiz, some of us even studied with them before you were an itch in your parent's pants. It just so happens that one of my old friends and former teachers was part of that group. Please provide me with the full names of Mr. Shiba, Mr. Suzuki and Mr. Tanaka. Their particular styles and ranks in those arts should also be easy for you to provide me. Please do not try and claim the same nonsense that others have tried in that these people were quiet, not known,....... The reality is that the group of Japanese teachers were well known to each other and frequently got together socially.

4) You state that your father and grandfather visited Japan and trained with O'Sensei. You should then have no problem providing us with their names, when they trained in Japan and what rank they received in Aikido. Of course, this information can be checked with the Hombu Dojo in Japan directly. Integrity starts and ends with truth. I am sure that you will have no problem providing all of us with the proper information.

5) You said: "As for the the Nature of my trainning itself, I advise you to study each Kanji, as whole and individual, even as when joined, here i'll make it easy;
AikiBujutsu, AikiBudo, Aikido, Aiki, Bujutsu, Budo, Ai, Ki, Bu, Jutsu, Do, A, I, Ki, Bu.
if and when you finish studing these Charectors in depth, you'll understand the essence of my path, and the names they cary, and the reason behind its Order. Then I want you to go to my website and read every Chapter up until Aiki No O Kami, then and only in this order will your understand that O'Sensei, not me named the Art in such a way. I represnt the True Nature of My Warrior Lineage to the fullest extent of my life, and do not consider my self as an individual of a cetain public shool which i never was, but of a Family lineage of which i have been trusted over for its care and hence forth im only an individual of the Path that O'Sensei, cleared up for those whom seeked the Truth of their Nature, hence fourth I have no right to give indiviual names nor change anything that O'Sensei, dedicated so much for, and if I may be blunt with my words I see O'Sensei as my Great Great Grand father, not that picture people look at on a wall, to me it means so much more, and the man whom i trully thank everyday for the Wisdom he's passed on. "
B) I am also a licensed psychologist. The first couple of sentences could be the signs of someone who was not properly trained in writing English. The referential nature of those sentences, and lack of logical reasoning could lead one to think of some sort of grandiose, delusional thinking at worst, or simply a wannabe grandiose person.

6) I have looked at your website and you simply list Ushiro Sensei's name. What were your encounters with Ushiro Sensei? What were your conversations with him about? It is not listed on your website. Telling me he is a great person provides no meaningful or useful information to me. Ushiro Sensei and I have a personal relationship, so that I can easily check what you claim DIRECTLY with him. I am sure that some other people on this forum will be speaking with Yamada Sensei to check his recollections of you. I would love to hear back from people on that

7) For the time being, I would greatly appreciate it if you get together with another well-known Aikidoka near you. His name is Dennis Hooker Sensei. I am sure that he could provide us with an honest opinion of what your skill level and knowledge of the art is like.

8) You mentioned Broward Aikikai. I assume you mean Florida Aikikai. Who would you like us to contact there about you? Would Peter Bernath be a good person to speak with?

9) Outside of those cute titles to your name, could you please let us know what ranks you hold in Aikido, what organizations gave you those ranks, and whom did you test under?

10) Just so happens that an Aikido friend of mine has been doing some good work in Columbia for a number of years. With his fine contacts throughout that country's martial arts community, I am sure that he will be able to verify your claims about your experiences in Columbia.

Mr. Alba, you seem to have opened a very interesting can. The question that has yet to be answered, is what is inside the can?


Marc Abrams
Old 09-01-2009, 08:34 AM   #10
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Dennis Hooker wrote: View Post
this kind of delusional bull shit...
Leave it to our beloved Dennis to call it as it is...
Old 09-01-2009, 08:55 AM   #11
Dennis Hooker
Dojo: Shindai Dojo, Orlando Fl.
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

"7) For the time being, I would greatly appreciate it if you get together with another well-known Aikidoka near you. His name is Dennis Hooker Sensei. I am sure that he could provide us with an honest opinion of what your skill level and knowledge of the art is like."

Well Marc that is OK but to play with the Grand Puba himself you have go through his top ten first. I don't think I would even want to do that to get to myself.

Grand Puba

Dennis Hooker: (DVD) Zanshin and Ma-ai in Aikido

Old 09-01-2009, 09:01 AM   #12
Marc Abrams
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Dennis Hooker wrote: View Post
"7) For the time being, I would greatly appreciate it if you get together with another well-known Aikidoka near you. His name is Dennis Hooker Sensei. I am sure that he could provide us with an honest opinion of what your skill level and knowledge of the art is like."

Well Marc that is OK but to play with the Grand Puba himself you have go through his top ten first. I don't think I would even want to do that to get to myself.

Grand Puba
Grand Puba:

I was thinking of something like a mix between an expo and a UFC cage match. Since I am sure that the master of masters of teachers who have ever taught to teacher that might have taught to somebody who might have been somebody who should have known that they were somebody..... would have a lot to teach you. Being that he could not escape the opportunity to teach you (OCTAGON), there would be so much learning taking place. We could make this a pay-per-view event and donate the proceeds to the retirement home for wannabe sokes. I hear that they are in need of real support.

Marc Abrams
Old 09-01-2009, 09:05 AM   #13
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi



Just thought I would share some funny exchange I had recently with someone calling themselves Luis Alba Sokeshi. For some background, he posted a reply on AikiWeb that was pretty strange and had a link to his website:

The aikiweb threads:

And I LOVE these photos that were pointed out by Paul on the aikiweb thread:

From my point of view, this can not actually be real. But merely an elaborate prank just to get a rise out of the aikido community. In fact, I've often joked with friends that I wanted to make something like that myself. Kind of like this parody site: http://eternal-earthbound-pets.com/

So, I sent him a message through the comment system on the site. I wish I had kept the text, but it was something like:

Thanks for the hilarious site. You have just enough detail to make many people think your serious. But just enough bullshit to give the rest of us a good laugh.

I've often thought about making a site like this my self. You should link to a comments page where you can post the messages you get from people who think this is real.


Then I got this reply from him at 3:30am this morning:
Learn how to watch your toung cause I really have no problem at all cutting it out for you unlike you wanting to be a true part of this Path i am recognized as such and the highest of our Master including Kondo, and Saito, and Yamada, have recognized it as such too.

If you knew anything at all you would def. appreciate the gift I have put online for the World to see, for it's I've known since Birth.

What did you do as kid, pick ur nose, wet ur pents, go to church and cry?.....
Unlike you my church is and has always been me sword I'll def. show you whats it about if you wanna stand up to it.

So since your a bad uke make sure to come across my path I'll def. show you the streanght on the Arts.

Infact what is your number and dojo, I'll personally come visit you, and show you what a master is really all about, oh bring all your friends along for the ride too the more the merrier, the less petty I'll on that pethetic waist of selfyou call life.

This is either an elaborate joke from someone with way to much time on their hands, or it is from someone who is clinically unbalanced or at the very least borderline mentally challenged (sub 85 IQ).

The only thing that make me think this is NOT a parody, is this item I found from 2007 when doing a google search on his name. Scroll to the comment at the bottom.

On the other hand, this wikipidia entry shows that Luis Alba is a famous Mexican comedian:

I'm not sure how much I want to encourage dialog with him, but I am going to send out some mass emails to the places where he says that he had trained.

I'll also post this email to AikiWeb.

Old 09-01-2009, 09:14 AM   #14
Dennis Hooker
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Through communication with other people I have come to realize this man really believes what he says is true. He not a troll as suspected, or even a prankster, but someone who believes what he says. He even threatened the life of a friend of mine. A man most people would not what to threaten. When it comes to this it is no longer a game or fantasy, when you threaten a man's life and his family’s livelihood it suddenly gets vary serious in a very real way.

Dennis Hooker

Last edited by Dennis Hooker : 09-01-2009 at 09:18 AM.

Dennis Hooker: (DVD) Zanshin and Ma-ai in Aikido

Old 09-01-2009, 09:15 AM   #15
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Hi folks,

Let's please keep the tone of your messages here on AikiWeb as respectful as you can. I believe that all discussion, no matter how controversial it may seem, can be conducted through civil and respectful discourse without sacrificing any of the seriousness nor depth of the conversation.

Thank you,

-- Jun

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Old 09-01-2009, 12:39 PM   #16
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Jun Akiyama wrote: View Post
Hi folks,

Let's please keep the tone of your messages here on AikiWeb as respectful as you can. I believe that all discussion, no matter how controversial it may seem, can be conducted through civil and respectful discourse without sacrificing any of the seriousness nor depth of the conversation.

Thank you,

-- Jun
Sometimes, it's just so very difficult.

Tarik Ghbeish
Jiyūshin-ryū AikiBudō - Iwae Dojo

MASAKATSU AGATSU -- "The true victory of self-mastery."
Old 09-01-2009, 02:30 PM   #17
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

If someone came to your dojo and said that Jesus had taught them karate, how would you react? Would you beat them up and throw them in the dumpster?
Old 09-01-2009, 02:35 PM   #18
Michael Hackett
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Ricky, where you and I both live, my first reaction would be to ask Jesus Who? Lo siento.

"Leave the gun. Bring the cannoli."
Old 09-01-2009, 02:37 PM   #19
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Hi folks,

One more request -- please contribute positively to the discussion topic.

Thank you,

-- Jun

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Old 09-01-2009, 02:39 PM   #20
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Michael Hackett wrote: View Post
Ricky, where you and I both live, my first reaction would be to ask Jesus Who? Lo siento.
lol. Very good Michael.
Old 09-01-2009, 02:45 PM   #21
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Jun Akiyama wrote: View Post
Hi folks,

One more request -- please contribute positively to the discussion topic.

Thank you,

-- Jun
Forgive me Jun, but I am having difficulty deciphering the "discussion topic" as outlined. I googled "Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi" and I'm just not getting it.
Old 09-01-2009, 02:52 PM   #22
Marc Abrams
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Ricky & Michael:

I privately apologized to Jun, who has been working overtime lately trying to keep things in check on his forums. Someone acts condescending towards me and I do not back away. However, this is Jun's "house" and he has his house rules that we all need to respect. I managed to keep it in check and ask him to answer some questions. I frankly do not expect Mr. Alba to answer them in a manner of full disclosure. Based upon Mr. Alba's claims, questions being asked to him and an apparent threat that Mr. Alba made to someone's life, we should stick to the facts (or lack thereof) in this matter.

For better or worse, Mr. Alba will have to live to the consequences of the statements that he makes. We can be brutally honest with him in asking him to verify his claims. That should hopefully be enough.

Marc Abrams
Old 09-01-2009, 04:22 PM   #23
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Re: Sekai Sokeshi, Hanshi

Hi folks,

I'm going to close this thread as I really can not see how continuing the discussion here on AikiWeb can be a positive contribution to the site.

If you have any thoughts, please do feel welcome in sharing them with me via private message or by e-mail.

-- Jun

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