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sakumeikan's Blog Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 06-17-2011 04:36 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 5
Comments: 10
Views: 85,127

In General Sad news Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #5 You are subscribed to this entry  New 10-13-2013 07:57 AM
Hi everyone,
I have recently received news of the death of Morihiko 'Mark 'Murashige, 6th Dan Shihan.
I am sure I speak for all his former colleagues when I say he will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Murashige Sensei for many years assisted Chiba Sensei at San Diego Aikikai. He was an excellent teacher with his own personal take on aikido.He had a very unique way of doing waza.
Murashige Sensei was very good humoured and well respected.We/I have lost a good friend and teacher.He may well be gone but he will not be forgotten..I offer my condolences and sympathy to his wife and family members on their loss. With sadness and deepest respect, Joe.
Views: 3152

In General 9th Dan promotion in Uk??? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 10-07-2013 05:51 PM
Hi ,
Have we here in theU.K a newly promoted 9th Dan? Is it a rumour or based on fact? Anybody got any info here?? Cheers, Joe.
Views: 3046 | Comments: 3

In General Wanted :Dead or Alive [No Rewards payable ]. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 02-04-2013 06:20 AM
Dear All,
I have been sitting here contemplating my navel.Suddenly a thought entered my head.Where have the following contributors to our Forum gone?I refer to Graham Christian and Tony Wagstaffe. Somehow the
Forum seems to be somewhat bleak in their absense.Quite frankly I miss the spiritual type ramblings of Graham and the hard nosed style of journalism shown by our chum Tony.Am I in minority of one?Am I losing my mind?Have I been watching Jeremy Kyle too much??
Either way I hope these two merry men are still alive and kicking.Graham, come back soon, all is forgiven.Tony, still keep up the good work giving taxi fares dodgers a a short sharp lesson.
Cheers, Joe
Views: 3601 | Comments: 7

In General shihan titles presented Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 08-08-2012 04:19 PM
Last week presentations of Shihan titles were made to Henry Ellis and Derek Eastman Senseis at the Hut dojo.The late Haydn Foster Sensei was awarded 7th dan Aikikai rank posthumously.The awards were made by Chiba Sensei 8th Dan Shihan.
As most of you know each man was an early pioneer of Aikido in the U.K. I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say 'Well done, congrats' on these promotions.Cheers, Joe.
Views: 2397

In General Alan Ruddock Sensei Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 04-03-2012 01:08 AM
Dear All,
I have been informed by the Isle of Man aikido dojo that Alan Ruddock Sensei has passed away.For those who may not know Ruddock Sensei he was an Irishman who trained with O Sensei. As such he was an early pioneer alongside Ken Cottier Sensei and Henry Kono Sensei.He was also involved in Karate. I would like to express my deep sympathy and sadness on behalf of the Aikido community to his family and friends.with respect, Joe Curran.
Views: 2371

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