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ESCalderon Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-16-2007 07:42 AM
Erik Calderon
Erik Calderon's Martial Arts Program
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 98
Comments: 51
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In General Golden Dragon Acrobats Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #69 New 09-01-2010 08:42 AM
Last week we got together for a little physical training and enjoy a wonderful evening watching the Golden Dragon Acrobats.

I think a few of the students realized how easy it is to get out of shape and how important it is to get a physical fitness program going.

We only did about 50 pushups, 50 situps, 50 back extensions and a two mile jog/walk, then we did a few sprints up a hill.

The training was simple, just some pushups, situps, back extensions a jog and a few sprints. Nothing special, nothing extravagant, no wild names like tae bo, pilates, Yoga...just your basic thing that could get kind of boring, but what I've discovered is that when you are in the company of friends, even the most mundane boring task can be fun!

The Golden Dragon Acrobats are truly amazing! I wonder if it would be more fun to try that out than to do Aikido?!?!?Maybe not.....Don't think my body can do what they can!

Erik Calderon, Vinny Nguyen and Rafael Garcia from left to right

Erik Calderon

PS Here is another video I made. Please enjoy it:

Suwari Waza tanken dori gokyo variation
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