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ESCalderon Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-16-2007 08:42 AM
Erik Calderon
Erik Calderon's Martial Arts Program
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 98
Comments: 51
Views: 15,305,256

In General What Does Aikido Mean Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #97 New 03-19-2020 04:15 PM
We all know what Aikido means, right...."The Way of Spiritual Harmony....." But, for me, just recently the meaning has changed.

After re-reading The Spirit of Aikido for the 7th time, I realized that in his book, Kissomaru Ueshiba defines Aikido as, "The Way to Harmonize the Spirit."

That's very different to what I always thought it meant. And of course after doing Aikido for over 29 years, teaching for over 19, I've kind of developed my own interpretation and meaning of Aikido.

Watch my new vlog, What Does Aikido Mean, to find out more....

Views: 1556

In General 3 Things you can do to improve your Aikido! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #96 You are subscribed to this entry  New 10-20-2019 10:15 AM
OK, I finally finished editing my new vlog. It took way to long because I was so busy working on other peoples YouTube channels.

I wrote an article about 3 months ago on the three things you can do to improve your Aikido, and shot a video. I think tips like these are great, especially for beginners and sometimes they'll even help out the seasoned Aikido practitioners. Someone like me, that's been doing martial arts for 44 years, I sometimes forget to stick to the basics, like staying in shape! And of course, as you get older, for some reason it gets harder to do those things you should be doing, like practicing Aikido!

Anyway, please check out my video: Click on this link or the image below:

Views: 2139

In General 3 Things to Expect as a Beginner in Aikido Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #95 New 07-19-2019 09:37 AM
Just finished uploading my latest vlog to YouTube. It's about the 3 things you can expect as a beginner in Aikido.

Click Here and Please take a look, comment, share and subscribe to my channel!

Views: 1990

In General What does Aikido Mean? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #94 New 04-02-2019 04:47 PM
My name is Erik Calderon and I've been doing martial arts from the age of 5. When I was 20, I got this incredible itch to move to Japan and study martial arts full time.

In 1989 I went traveling to Mexico with my Dad. One night, he had some business to attend to, and I was left in the hotel to kill the time. I turned on the tv and a movie called, "Nico," was airing.

It was interesting, and I enjoyed watching it. I especially like the martial art that was highlighted in the film, Aikido. I knew nothing about Aikido, but from what I saw, it looked like fun.

When I got back to Boston, I looked up a few Aikido schools and started taking Aikido classes at Shobu Aikido of Boston under William Gleason.

I read every book I could find on Aikido and learned about it's history, it's culture and its philosophy.

Aikido was founded by a man named Morihei Ueshiba. He was born in 1883 and died in 1969. In 1926 he moved to Tokyo, Japan and opened up his dojo, the Aikikai World Headquarters. During World War II the dojo was closed and Morihei Ueshiba moved to Iwama and built a dojo there. It's important to note these two location, because they have developed into two distinct styles of Aikido, the Iwama Ryu and the Aikikai style.

Learning about the history of Aikido and Japan and how it influenced the development and ultimately the meaning of Aikido is very important to make note of. During the war, and Japan's loss, the martial arts as a whole changed in ...More Read More
Views: 1903

In General Learn the Secret Technique... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #92 New 01-29-2019 11:43 AM
While I was training under Kato Sensei, he taught that each Kyo has a significant meaning: Ikyo - Physical Strength, Nikyo - Technique, Sankyo - Flow, Yonkyo - Focus, Gokyo - Disarm.

In light of that teaching, I've been creating my vlogs to highlight that teaching. I just finished my vlog on Nikyo, which is about technique. And yes, the title is click bait, and if you are wondering, there really is no secret technique, but the obvious, deliberate practice, and hours, weeks, months, years, decades...of deliberate practice.

Watch my vlog, comment, share, like and subscribe to my channel!

Views: 1730

In General How to Become a World Class Aikidoka! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #90 New 12-05-2018 07:36 AM
So, you think you need natural ability or talent to get good at Aikido.....think again! Geoff Colvin wrote a book called, "Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else."

It's a great read and very inspiring, well, to a certain degree...don't think it's easy to become great. There are two main ingredients to becoming great and two things that are going to help you get there.

Watch my vlog to learn more about what you need to become a world class Aikidoka!

click on the thumbnail below, or you can click on this text....
Views: 1703

In General Are You Afraid? Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #89 New 11-02-2018 03:46 PM
In Japan I learned about Ai-Uchi or mutual destruction; that means that your initial movement needs to be moving in a way that you are actually going straight into an attack, irimi. I've been studying this for that past several weeks and created a vlog about it. Please watch, share, like, comment and subscribe to my channel!

Click here to watch:

Views: 1480

In General Ikkyo - The First Principle Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #88 New 10-09-2018 10:18 AM
While in Japan, I learned a lot about the philosophy of Aikido. I learned some of the meanings behind the techniques, for example, Ikkyo. Ikkyo translate into first principle, but what does that mean?

The first principle, or foundation, to learning aikido is physical. That means that you need to exercise, you need to watch what you eat and drink, you need to take care of your body. As we age, we grow in strength, as long as we're sticking to a good routine and good habits!

Click on the thumbnail to check out my latest vlog on Ikkyo:

Views: 1875

In General Don't Forget to Breath!!! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #87 New 09-07-2018 12:13 PM
Breathing is a very important part of Aikido. Kokyu, or breathing is in every technique, we even have two specific techniques named Kokyu-ho and Kokyu-Nage.

Check out my vlog on breathing and how it relates to Aikido and life! Click on the thumbnail below:

Views: 1409

In General Finding the Right School / Instructor Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #85 New 08-14-2018 08:30 PM
I've been doing martial arts since I was 5 years old, on and off until I was 20, when I really dived in head first and started training every day. I've been to countless schools and studied under many different styles and instructors. Watch my YouTube vlog on the three things you need to know in order to find the right school / instructor:

How to Find a Good Martial Arts Instructor!
Views: 1514

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