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So... For last few class when we do rolls I have been watching. Now this seems and undstandably so ,like I am not doing what sinsis has siad to do wich is do rolls. However, I have a delmea...and it goses like this. I only know conplntly how to do a forward roll. I knida know how to do a slaping one , but only form the grond not standing and everyone else dose it standing. I used to have a simaler problem with the forward roll and finaly after watching I figrued out how to do that one. So, since they are tryed of explaning or have not explaned how to do the roles I am watching to figure it out. Also,I am trying to figure out what the other rolls are and how many you are suposed to do and how to do the ones I am relly unfimaler with. Since they seem not to want to give me gadace... this is the only way I know how ... besicedes it is one of lurning...
My delma is thow a few of the higher rancking students ask why I am not doing them and if there was a reson.. I felt like explaning .... but could not think of how to say it in a way that did nto acusss them of anything nore seem like i was anyoned just after doing somany wrong ... i am kidna scared to jsut try, they then tell me i am gign to brack my neck or wrist.
Dose anyone have any advace on how I can ither telll them and sinsinsay that I am lurning through that way or better how do ask for how to do it and what am i asking rely?
Blesed be!