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In General
11-28-2006 08:22 PM |
I cannot believe that it snowed where i live! We never get snow! And four inches of it.
I've lived in Ohio, so four inches is pretty pathetic, but the roads weren't plowed. Everything was just iced over. As much as I love snow...
I can't get to my dojo!!!!!!
I feel horrible! My parents won't let me drive up! It's only fifteen miles away, but it's black ice the whole way. Bummer.
You know that feeling you get when you miss class? The one where you're hiper aware, and it feels like you have to much pent up energy in your body? Like there's more blood in your veins than they can hold, so it feels like you're going to explode? That's what I feel like right now.
I have this tightness right between my shoulder blades that won't go away until I land in a well-placed brakefall. And testing is coming up soon. So I want to be there to help the kohai(sp?). And the misogi seminar...
So much to look forward to and I can't get out of my house!!!!!!!!
Views: 1520
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Aikido Kiai
02-16-2006 01:36 PM |
Last night we practiced kiai for the first time! I was so happy, becuase i've never been able to practice it inside the dojo! The technique was katatedori saiyundo (sp?), so poor uke was really clothe-lined! When I did my first kiai technique, my partner was slammed into the mat, and Sensei grinned and laughed and said that was the way to do it.
The little compliments always make my day! I love it when i do something right. I don't want to sound self-centered or anything, it's just nice when I successfully do a technique!
It was funny though, another pair was working next to us (duh), and when one of them did their kiai, it came out as a "long primal scream that blew half the students off the mat." I read that description in one of the forums, and i thought it was perfect for last night's Aiki-doh moments!
Views: 1391
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Three Samurai
12-17-2005 06:24 PM |
My Sensei told me the story of the three samurai awhil ago, so I don't remember all the names. But the general gist is thus:
A swordsman guild was looking to hire a warrior, and had three samurai coming in that day for viewing. The guild leaders set up a private room with a desk for the process. To test the warriors who came, they set an apple above the door, so it would fall when the entrance was opened.
The first Samurai entered, and the apple fell to ground in two pieces, as the Samurai had drawn his katana and cut it in half. He was not gived the job.
The guild leaders replaced the apple.
The second Samurai entered, and the apple fell to ground unharmed. The Samurai had backed up a pace, and had his hand on the handle, ready to draw. He was not given the job either.
Once again, the guild leaders replaced the apple.
Finally, the third Samurai entered. Instead of cutting the apple or letting it fall to the ground, he caught it. He was the one who got the job.
I have to question the story, as it doesn't really coincide with the time period it is supposed to be set in, but I like its "moral."
The first Samurai overreacted and needlessly drew his sword.
The second Samurai was to cuatious to act in time.
The third Samurai - well, you get the picture.
It's not a perfect example, but I like the principle, of simple being aware enough to react properly.
Views: 1234
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12-17-2005 12:06 AM |
I think I passed.
I stepped on uke once. But I think I passed.
Sensei said it was "outstanding." So I think I passed.
Everyone told me it was a very cool test with some really neat techniques they had never seen. Isn't it funny how you always think you did REALLY bad, but everyone else says you did wonderful.
What's also ironic, is that I had a half hour to practive before the test. I did it perfectly. I mean it was sublime. No mistakes. Perfect footwork, balance, timing, everything.
And then there's the test.
I STEPPED on uke. I had to turn it into a foot pin.
I also had to turn a ushirowaza technique into a koshinage because uke decided he wanted to go around the wrong way. Poor guy.
But Sensei said he couldn't wipe the smile off of his face, literally. He doesn't usually say anything, but I was leaving for vacation, so he took pity on me.
I'm pretty sure I passed.
Oh my God, I just took my Shodan test, and most likely passed. I've been dreaming of this time ever since I learned what a black belt was. I just...took Shodan. And probably PASSED. o_O
Wow...so that's what this feels like...
Views: 1413
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Test List
12-16-2005 03:00 PM |
The techniques I will be doing tonight for my test:
-Slasher (I have no name for it. The technique ends in kotegaeshi. ;P)
-Kubeshime Sankyonage
-Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi
-Shomenuch Nikyo
-Munetsuke Kotegaeshi
-Hijidori Chickenwing (Again, no name. You pull one arm out of elbow lock and swing to uke's side, and use your arm to put uke on his stomache using the shoulder still wrapped around your other elbow.)
-Ushiro Ryokatadori Kokyunage (Kokyu Ho)
-Ushiro Ryotedori Kotegaeshi
-Ushiro Ryokatadori Sankyo Saiyonage
-Ushiro Comidori Sankyo Kokyunage (Kokyu Ho)
-Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi
-Yokomenuchi Saiyonage
-Yokomenuchi Shihonage
-Slapping (turn inside tegatana, use opposite hand to "grab" tegatana while using the other to slap uke's face and flip him)
-Yokomenuchi Nikyo
aka Randori
Yonningake - four man attack
-Ryotedori Shihonage
-Ryotedori Iriminage (juji)
-Ryotedori Kohonage
-Yokomenuchi Enundo
-Shomenuchi Enundo
-Katadori Enundo
-Ryotemochi Enundo
-Kosadori Enundo
-Yokomenuchi Kokyunage
-Katadori Kokyunage
-Katatedori Kokyunage
-Munetsuke Kokyunage
-Ryotedori Kokyunage
-Maegeri Irimidori
-Maegeri Kokyudosa
-Shomenuchi Kotegaeshi (juji)
-Ryotedori Tenchinage
-Katatedori Kaitenage
-Ushiro Ryokatadori Nikyo
Wow! What a long test. I keep going over the techniques in my head. I need four uke's for the whole thing. Two are for the
Views: 2680
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Shodan Test Tommorow
12-15-2005 11:18 PM |
So my Shodan test is tommorow. It's hard to believe.
I've been training in Aikido for the last twelve years. I've been out of town with my family for the last four years during testing time. Sensei finally got annoyed and said he would test me early.
I look back now, and remember all of the promices I made along the way.
Like the time I went to a seminar taught by a lady Master. She had really long blonde hair pulled back in a tight braid that would snap around in arcs when she did techniques. I promiced I wouldn't cut my hair until after my Shodan test, so I could wear my hair in a long braid like her. I haven't cut my hair short since that seminar, and it's the same length hers was.
Another time was when a fellow student took his own Shodan test. This was years ago. His name was Mr. Futicawa, or along those lines. He was moving to Hawaii (I think), so Sensei graded him in a shorter time period. Anyway, after his test, he came up to me, and gave me his hakama. I promiced I would wear it for my test. I have it folded up ready for tomorrow nights test.
I'm...I feel...excited?
I know I'm ready, logically, I know all of my techniques. But I'm nervouse, and excited, and anticipating...and nothing. There are periods when I don't feel anything about it, just...that I will do it. Like a reflex...mushin?
I'm a little scared at the prospect of yonningake, but I think I can do it. I was able to do it a year ago, but I haven't been able to practice it recentl
Views: 1809
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In General
12-14-2005 11:48 PM |
I have a half hour comute between my home and my dojo. After class, it's dark outside, freezing. I'm heated up from practice and high on that Aikido Rush you feel after a good hard training session, and I feel clensed. Clean. I always think on the drive home with the windows down.
God (whatever diety you choose) versus Aikido.
Both are intangible.
You experience Aikido through practice. You experience God through worship.
Both are ways to enlightenment.
I am a sinner, becuase I love Aikido more than I love God.
But Hell will be Heaven through an eternity of throwing demons on their asses.
Views: 1251
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