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Trish Greene's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 10-21-2005 12:36 PM
Trish Greene
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 6
Comments: 3
Views: 31,301

In General Working on Technique Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 10-26-2005 10:13 PM
Tonight was a really good class. I was trying to focus more on using my hips while doing the techniques and on keeping my center balanced. After a month of a half of training, I am finally able to get through the warmups at the same pace as the rest of the class and I don't feel like an ole granny walking up hill anymore (even though I am just 35 yo!).

The Sensei had me work with both the kids and the adults tonight. I think its because I have more patience with the younger ones that just want to be "ultimate Martial Artist". I reminded the one child that always tended to be a real heavy and hard hitter during practice that he needs to under true victory, victory over self! I reminded him about the best martial artists were always in control of their movements. I am hoping that sinks ina bit for him. I trained with the childs dad tonight too. He is controled in his movements but still makes you fight to perform the technique, he gives no quarter being your uke.

One of the other guys that I worked with tonight ( I seem to be the revolving partner tonight!) was a young teenage guy, but I think he wasn't comfortable throwing me around so Sensei had us change partners. It's funny, I don't expect to be treated any differently from the other guys on the mat. I am the only adult female that works out there regularly. I am trying to get the guys to treat on equal grounds and not hold back because I am "female".

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