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tiyler_durden's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-23-2005 06:34 AM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 117 (Private: 56)
Comments: 2
Views: 219,294

In General Back after holiday. Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #22 New 09-09-2004 04:20 AM
Hey All,

Well after two weeks holiday and then one week off due to a dentist issue.
What can I say getting back was great! I saw all the usual faces. I was surprised to see "Moustache guy" sneak in and get changed very quietly and not as loud as he usually is,but I just carried on watching the people.Then in spilled three young kids and they joined the group.At this point I thought things had changed and I had come at the wrong time or something...

The lesson started with some fun as it seems that "Kick boxer guy" had passed his black belt test and had trouble with his Hakama and this created a stir.
The lesson was taken by "Yoda" ,who was on fire, and said that this lesson would entail grabs from behind. This was super cool and the first one was an entering technique where you spun the assailant around you and then entered and dropped him,I kind of had troubles with this.
The second was a different one where you did Ikajo,kind of easy!
The third you did sakajo,easy. and the forth you did iriminage,which was amazing as I supplely dropped in to a really good groove and my partner noticed this ...surprising!!
Then we stopped and did some work with swords which I find very hard to do but it was fun none the less and I know sword play is very important for aikido.
We did one where you drew the sword,whilst stepping with the right foot.then turn a little to the left and stepping in with the left and cutting.Placing the sword back whilst stepping back with the left!

Nice lesson.
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