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Terry Donaghe's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-24-2005 09:40 AM
Terry Donaghe
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 36
Comments: 5
Views: 77,314

In General Attended First Rank Testing and Ankle Status Updat Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #14 New 08-15-2004 11:48 AM
Yesterday I watch my first rank testing. We had 6 students testing for rank. One for 5th kyu, two for 4th kyu, one for 1st kyu and two for shodan rank. The rank tests were exciting and educational. Watching the two shodan candidates was very cool, because that's stuff that I'll eventually learn!

Sadly, I'm still not able to train. I went to my regular doctor for an update on my status and because the ankle was still swollen last week - his prognosis is that I'll be off the mat until the second half of September. Apparently my ankle sprain is about the worst it can get without breaking bones or tearing tendons. Major bummer. But, I have no plans on quitting Aikido or even being particularly upset about my injury. I'm going to keep attending class at least once a week (I'm shooting for twice a week), and when I'm ready I'll get back at it.

I'm disappointed, but still excited about learning Aikido.
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