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Wow! Today was hot! Not the weather, but the class. We started with Morote dori Kokyu Ho. Finally I know what was my problem. When I step and drop my elbow and shoulder, move hands right up, do not pull to outside. That's much easier. Then we did 31 jo kata partner practice from 13 to 21. Thrust higher!
Then we did suwari waza... a lot of it with shomen attacks initiated by nage, yokumen attack and iriminage and some others that I can't remember. The last one was a new one. Nage is in seiza, uke comes with shomen or yokumen attack. Nage just lies on a side (90 degrees) escaping the attack, one foot at uke's foot, the other one srtikes the knee. That simple The important thing is to lie down at 90 degrees from the line of attack. If you lie back, you are too far from the attacker.