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Shany's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-17-2007 12:58 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 7
Comments: 2
Views: 64,813

In General Today's Class, so much fun!!! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 08-27-2007 04:06 PM
Awesome!!!!! that's what I can say!!!!

This was a long weekend, and a long training today.
Let me begin that I trained Aikido for 3 days straight (total 4 times a week) last week, and that was just toot cool, I mean, you can always enter and find your self just learning all the time.
A lot of corrections, allot of new and old techniques, using weapons and putting it all together! just fantastic!!
I won't mention last week, because that was just a ot of training! hehe, but I'll note that we did a lot of Jo practicing.

Today's lesson was all about groups, groups and more groups, by groups I mean, randori alike simulations, both in tai-jutsu (hands) and bokken (wooden sword).

First we began with a workout, around 10-15minutes to get our muscles stretched and warm, than we began doing some basic movements and a basic technique: Ki No Nagare,
at first I trained with someone, who was a bit toll, so it was not much useful in the beginning to try and blend to his movements, but later on I got to make it pretty cool when I trained with one of the instructors, and the movement was better.

Once that was done, my Sensei called up 3 people for demonstration, and showed us about flow and movement when multiple attackers attacks (usually with sho-men-uchi, so we could practice the ki no nagare technique, and of course other techniques we could remember & execute on such small period of time.

I felt so alive when I handled 3 persons, my heart was beating so fast when I finished... so cool. of course when we did the training, it was fast speed, it was decent speed where one would wait a bit for my uke to fall..etc.
I executed ki no nagare, shio-nage, sankyu grip, irimi-nage and basically it all looped, since I couldn't think other stuff at that time besides those.

I remember last time (when I first started) I had such, it was with 1 person (instructor) and I could barely do anything, if at all! nice improvement!!!

On we continues, this time with the bokken, sho-men-uchi with the bokken, and than 3 techniques, since there were 3 attackers!

1 attacks me from the front, and the two of them attacks me from both sides! the first with sho-men-uchi, I trurn, makes an Atemi, grab the tsuka (sword's handle) in the middle, and bend it and push the handle up 90 degrees, the attacker's hands breaks (body get cut in the processes) and I now have the sword, I block with attacker from the right, (slice his hands when our bokkens meet) and turn 180 degrees and slice the hara (stomech) of the left attacker's before he can strike me.

We practiced more stuff, some asked questions, and basically it was such cool session today.
After class ended, I decided to attack one of the instructors hehehe (soon to get sho-dan), I always attack him, since his a buddy of mine now, and I decided with other friend to do 2 on 1 fight (same as we did in class), we kicked some ass, (of course it always comes down that I pin him to the ground with some weird kind of freestyle attacks hehehehe), but that's just fun off-mat time!
next the 2 guys attacked me, I handled slowly with some techniques, and we attacked the 3rd guy too.

when that was off, me and the guy (not the instructor) went to practice on the Jo Kata that we do all the time! total amount of off-mat practice was an hour.
total Aikido practice today: 2½ hours!!!

Long story short, this day's conclusions are that:

1. I can handle multiple attackers with more skill and better tool set (techniques) that my unconscious draws out.
2. I can still remember the Jo Kata and keep improving it (over 15moves).
3. Off-mat time is such wonderful free style aikido that will sharpen your movements and skills if you just do it all the time after class.

Hope you enjoyed reading,
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