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Shany's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-17-2007 12:58 PM
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Status: Public
Entries: 7
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In General Today & Yesterday's Aikido Class Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 08-17-2007 03:39 PM
Oh boy what a great 2 days they were!

First I must say that I'm soar! every inch of my body is hurting hehehe, my legs soar from running (I began running lately to increase my heart indurence, and also to lose weight), and other muscles from AIkido ,

Yesterday's Practice:
Yesterday we began training, like every practice, with a good 10min warm-up. Sometimes when the Sensei is either late, or has todo something else, he tells other Aikidoka to make the warm up.
usually we start with standing warm-up (hand,arms,upper body) and than follows a sitting warm-ups (legs. feet, toes and other lower body streches).

We first start with ikkyo undo and train basic moves and KI flow. main class was mainly about Jo practice.
towards the end we'v practice Komi-Jo 3... so much fun!
class ended, all went except me, the sensei, his close friend and 2 other.
me and another decided to practice the komi-jo 3 more.. and more.. untill we had it all going. we practiced parrarel to each other so we could see our selfs moving pretty much in the same pace. fun indeed!

One thing i must point, once the class is finished, the real fun begin, i have such a great rappor with the either aikidoka, which are now a good friends of mine. we practice freely, without any bounding. i ask alot of questions and put my friends (one is going to make a Dan test soon) in soo many different technique positions. hehe sometimes we test other stuff as well, (ju jutsu, ..etc)

the after practice, as i call it "Off Mat Practice" is just the best time !!!

Today's summery:
today we didn't practiced with our Sensei, rather with his highest student, who's suppose to replace him when my Sensei is gone to germany for 5 years, leaving his student with his sensei's knowledge to pass on the new generation.

today was more about kokyo nage techniques. since there are alot of varieties for kokyo-nage techniques, we studied them the entire 1½ hours.
and again, this was another dojo, not my main one in my city so there are other students which I must blend my Ki with. I have been there several times, so i know some of them. and some were new anyhow.

The Off Mat Practice again was just as great as yesterday, though a bit shorter. i practiced komi-jo 3 and komi-jo 1.

a great 2 non-stop days it were, (the first class for the week was at monday, and was great as well as these two.)

so, till monday, the next practice.
your more than welcome to write comments and questions!
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