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Seeking Zanshin: Blood, Sweat, Tears & Aikikai Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-24-2005 11:53 PM
One small gal + a dojo full of big guys = tons o' fun
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  #116 New 04-02-2004 02:28 PM
How nice. At least to help ya git yer Aiki-mojo back.

After Jo practice (13-step kata, and paired work), we started off my good old friend, Shomenuchi Sankyo (Suwari Waza) as our appetizer last night. Some fun to be had as uke for Dave and Ken...whet my appetite for the rest of the night, that's for sure.

For the main course, we had some Katatedori Nikkyo and Kousadori Nikkyo, which was quite enjoyable (at least the adapting-to-newbie-uke's-energy part), in between shaking out your over-stretched wrists to relax them. Mmm...Nikkyo...

Then for dessert, we had the usual Kokyu Dosa, which again is always fun when you've got a new, "differently-energied" training partner.

So the theme for tonight (I suppose so as not to confuse us further with more complex techniques) was the good old standbys --- but for me, there was also that wonderfully challenging twist that comes with having more new bodies on the mats. And Nikkyo's always fun in and of itself. Okay, at least for me, it is. I think my ukes would have something rather different to say about it.
Views: 916

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