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Seeking Zanshin: Blood, Sweat, Tears & Aikikai Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-24-2005 10:53 PM
One small gal + a dojo full of big guys = tons o' fun
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In General No Pain, No Gain Tally/Week's Summary for 03.08.04 Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #110 New 03-13-2004 07:59 AM
I'm rehashing this old ritual of mine because:
1. Pain, my old friend, is back again
2. I've been just too darn busy and tired with work, volunteering and everything else in my hectic life to write after every single class. I would take notes and post a bunch of consecutive entries in a row for the past week, but I just realized that this in theory could unfairly bump off the "Most Recent Entries" list other peoples' entries that are just as, or even more, recent.
3. I figure, now that I'm officially in the triple-digits with my journal entries, I'm sure that Jun would appreciate a little more brevity on my part --- I've no idea how many entries they expected to support with the Journals section...

So here we go ---

- Let's put it this way...I can barely move without *something* aching (especially in the neck and shoulders area)

- Four days of good practice (including a bokken and jo class)
- Definitely more good ukemi than bad; at least, folks told me it looked really good. With very few exeptions to this of the "oops --- I should have held on with the other hand, but oh heck, I'm in the middle of the fall" kind, it felt great while doing it. Mind you, I had no idea that I'd feel like this afterwards, so maybe it wasn't really as good as I thought )
- I now know to always hold on with the lower hand (regardless of the technique).

Other thoughts/things of note:

It's becoming readily apparent that (particularly doing weapons work this week, but sometimes in general practice as well) that I need to use my hips more as a centre of power. Since last week, I've been making a point of extending, but in the process seem to have largely forgotten about my hips --- which is only proven all the more by my hips being just about the only part of my body that doesn't ache right now.
Views: 1680 | Comments: 5

RSS Feed 5 Responses to "No Pain, No Gain Tally/Week's Summary for 03.08.04"
#5 03-18-2004 11:13 PM
Kelly Allen Says:
Thanks Jamie!
#4 03-18-2004 11:46 AM
jducusin Says:
Sure Kelly --- be my guest!
#3 03-17-2004 12:26 AM
Kelly Allen Says:
Jamie while I was transposing my journal the other night I came across a comment you made to one of my posts that refered to one of your posts (over sensitive nage) Since I transposed some of the comments that weren't just idle chatter I was wondering if I could have your permission to copy that perticular journal entery of yours to add continuity to those enteries? Kelly
#2 03-15-2004 11:07 AM
jducusin Says:
Thanks Kelly --- though I don't know how much of a celebration it really is...it's like I've got a whole book going here. I've been "backing up" my entries too, just in case.
#1 03-13-2004 11:31 PM
Kelly Allen Says:
Congratulations on your 100th entery! Horns, ballons, cheers, confetti. You've got me thinking about that space issue of the journals. I think tonight I'm going to copy all my enteries to another file and keep them on my computer at home. I'll back it up on a disc for extra protection. Kelly

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