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Sarah's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 03-05-2009 10:07 PM
Sarah Lothmann
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 4
Comments: 11
Views: 22,509

In General 11 Weeks & 1 Day Later Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #4 New 05-18-2009 08:22 PM
It's been 11 weeks and 1 day since I crunched my shoulder in class. I went to the doctor today for yet another x-ray. Doc says I'm all healed up!!! So now that the fracture is all solid again I have to do a few more additional weeks in Physical Therapy. During these next few weeks I am supposed to simulate some motions I will encounter in the horse world and Aikido dojo. Assuming there's no pain, then I am allowed back into action FINALLY!!!
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In General Road To Recovery Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #3 New 04-20-2009 02:01 PM
My lesson in what not to do, as I last wrote in my blog, ended up being a bunch of lessons all bound together in one moment of impact. The day after I drilled my shoulder into the mats I was at the Urgent Care for radiology and hopefully some relief. Rather a long story, but I'll give the short version of it: 2 doctors, 1 specialist, a trip to the MRI center to discover I'm claustrophobic, 3 new ice bags, 4 boxes of heat patches, 5 cut shirts, stacks of bills, stacks of dishes, 2 refills of pain meds, sleep and no sleep, and now on my third week of physical therapy later.... I finally am at my six week mark of my recovery! Phew! Talk about a doozie! As it turns out I fractured my Acromion and tore some beloved soft tissue. Oops!

I had a follow up last Friday. The doctor said I still can't go back to Aikido or riding horses for at least 4 more weeks and a clean x-ray. So I'm continuing, as I have been, to keep going to class to observe, read anything and everything I can get my hands on about Aikido, and practice my footwork.

So I suppose this has been my official initiation to the art? Glad to have it out of the way! I'm super eager for the day I get to get back into my gi and finally make it to my official "3rd day".
Views: 2430 | Comments: 5

In General A Lesson In What Not To Do Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 03-08-2009 03:12 PM
- Day #2 on the mats -

I stumbled out of bed this morning feeling still achy and sore from my first day. I had been stretching several times in the last few days to encourage a speedy recovery. So I stretched once more, hopped in the shower, nuked some breakfast and headed to class. So eager I was for my chance to apply what all I could remember, that I nearly got a speeding ticket on the way there. This was my first hint that I needed to heed, but failed.

I got to the dojo, suited up, and again stretched myself out. Finally I was feeling limber again! The Sempai that I had met when I first visited the dojo was there again this morning. Sensei asked him to work with me for awhile. He is fantastic! His energy feels very aware and absolutely adjustable! No wonder he's a black belt! I don't know yet just how much he's trained or for how long, however, he certainly offers a lot that I can and am learning from. He started me out with various rolling techniques. Something about the way he said things brought about one of those "Aha!" moments. While my ankle is weak and unstable, I was able to overcome it somewhat because he taught me the importance of spotting and keeping my attention directed on where my energy is returning to. So excited to have something click, I began to rush... BIG whoops! As he was having me practice frontward rolling from kneeling, I got lost in transition. I left the present moment. On my first day, I started imagining a ball o ...More Read More
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In General First Day On the Mats Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 03-05-2009 11:18 PM
Many years ago after watching several martial arts movies, and after having a conversation with a friend who was learning Aikido, I realized I wanted to try this. Long story short, my life training in the equestrian world kept me from discovering too much of anything new! Over the span of time I ended up in a Tai Chi class at my local YMCA. I did enjoy that, although my experiences there were cut short due to, well...I'll just leave it at - life. Six months ago my life shifted significantly. Everything that could have changed did change. Having learned the lesson of mind over matter, the possibilities of positive thinking, and the powers in manifestation, I decided to stop making excuses for not living for myself. I got online immediately to find out where some Aikido dojos were in my city. I had found a couple that were near my home. For some reason I kept feeling something encouraging me to visit one dojo in particular.

Upon entering that particular dojo, I was immediately greeted by one of the Sempai. He was smiling, friendly, and eager to welcome me. He took interest, asked me questions, and answered mine as well. He graciously showed me where I could sit to observe class, and then told me much about the dojo. After class I was greeted by the dojo cho. He too asked me questions and in turn answered mine. I already knew I wanted to come back for more!

After observing three classes, I asked if I could join as I had already felt such resonance with wh ...More Read More
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