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Ron Tisdale's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-19-2004 11:52 AM
Ron Tisdale
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 38 (Private: 1)
Comments: 28
Views: 256,040

In General Knee seems ready for romping! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #17 New 01-07-2004 10:05 AM
Well, after close to six months of pain, rehab, no practice...I think I'm ready for some steady mat time. I'm starting off with one practice per week, then building up from there. I trained before the new year at the Boulder Aikikai (that was a great time), at the Doshinkan Hombu New Year's celebration (got to teach a little and do a little free-style demo) and did a thousand sword cuts last night to open the New Year at the Homeikan. So far, the knee gets better every time I practice, so I think its ready for some more sustained exercise.

Did some freestyle after class last night with one of the strong karate guys...now that was fun! Miss training with my buds there. The training in Boulder was great, but my smokey lungs had trouble the last hour and a half handling the thin air. whew! But I had great partners, and would love to train there again. I'm really looking forward to training there again sometime. If any of the folks I trained with there see me online, I hope they'll drop an email so we can get to know each other better. Thanks to Jun for getting me situated!

Best wishes to all for a happy and healthy New Year!

Views: 2357 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Knee seems ready for romping!"
#2 01-16-2004 09:08 AM
Ron Tisdale Says:
Thanks! So far so good...but I've got a lot of conditioning work to redo! Just ask Jun! Ron ('course, the air in Boulder is a bit thin...)
#1 01-07-2004 11:10 AM
jducusin Says:
Welcome back, Ron! Hope you'll keep us posted on how things go with you're return to the mats --- and have fun romping.

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