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Robyn Johnson's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 10-16-2004 09:35 AM
Robyn Johnson
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 20
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Views: 48,906

In General Great class on Tuesday!!! So happy!!! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #7 New 07-01-2004 01:30 PM
Tuesday's class (6-29-04) was WONDERFUL!!!!!!

My mom just arrived home from work to pick me up for Aikido when my friend, Amy, drove up (she was finally coming & was going to ride with us). My mom and I tried to explain Aikido to her all the way there and even in the Taco Bell across from the dojo while we were eating. After we ate, we let ourselves into the dojo and my mom and I changed into our gi's. Amy surprised me because she was doing all sorts of neat cartwheels and flips on the mats! I didn't know she could do that and I'd kill myself if I tried.

Sensei Mark soon arrived with Larry and I introduced her to them. Peter walked in later. Mark told Larry to show her how to stretch and later the stances and rolls (my mom helped with that) while he changed, put on his hakama, stretched, and then he let me come "play" with him. I did terrible again as usual but I had fun. He made me realize that I was giving uke back some distance while doing Irimi Nage when he would suddenly turn and grab me in a bear hug--to show that I was "loosing him". I hope I'll remember that so I can work on it.

Mark started class and we did the bowing and breathing and I realized I forgot to tell Amy about that. Then we did basic stances and turns for Amy's sake and watching her out of the corner of my eye, I realized I also forgot to tell her to make sure her foot pivots enough so she doesn't twist her knees too much!

Technique-wise we did Kotiagieshi (sp?) from Katatori (?--one hand grab), omote (I think!). I went to be with Amy and I was quickly reminded how terrible I often do with beginners as I'm bad at explaining techniques (it's backwards to me) and I'm used to having ukes that know where to go or what to do so it's awkward and Mark had to come help us a few times. Larry was then told to be with her but after that Mark decided that HE would be her partner (which worked out well as there was uneven numbers anyway) and he was for the rest of the class.

Anyway, class turned out to be a LOT of fun!!!! Amy couldn't believe how nice everyone was and she thinks Aikido is really cool and beautiful/graceful. Mark used Peter as his uke all night and it was funny because they showed off a bit for her (with breakfalls, etc.) and an old friend of his who came to watch, so they could both see some of the higher level stuff. After class, I asked Mark if he'd do the Ikkyo-Nikkyo-Sankyo-Yonkyo-Gokyo-Kotegi.-Shiho-Irimi-Koshi-nages on me (like he did when Wayne first came) so Amy could see some of the other techniques. He laughed and did it to me with gusto and when I got up again he joked and asked if I wanted him to do it again. I joked back and said, "sure!" and offered my arm but he laughed and kissed my hand instead. How sweet!

Mark asked Amy if she was going to come back on Thursday and she said she'd have to see if she's free and she'd let me know if she could. She is able to come so I called Mark the other day to let him know and he told me that his friend (who watched class) told him later that she could tell that "that girl" must have been doing Aikido for a long time because she looked really good. She meant ME!!!! I'm not "really good" but that made me feel "really good" to get a complement like that and that Mark told me that she said that. Very encouraging!

Robyn (I call it the Gandalf smiley!)
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