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Robyn Johnson's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 10-16-2004 10:35 AM
Robyn Johnson
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 20
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Views: 56,430

In General 4 year Aikido anniversary & Saturday's class Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #13 New 07-19-2004 11:05 AM

Last Thursday (July 15th) was our 4 year anniversary of our first Aikido class! I'm so glad that we've survived this long and we have sure learned and grown a lot (thinking back of our first years of classes).

Class that night was us, Amy, Jim, Sensei Mark, Larry, and Stark! Jim was teaching Amy Tae Kwon Do kicks and this guy came in and he looked vaguely familier. When he said his name was Stark, I remembered him instantly! He came for a couple of classes in April last year and I remember doing Irimi Nage with him (20 year version) and he picked things up quickly! Glad to see him back trying it again!

It was a fun class. I and Larry were Mark's uke's all night. We did Sankyo techniques and I was in that strange mood where I couldn't help giggling everytime I felt the Sankyo torque!

Saturday's class---Us, Amy, Jim, and Mr. Larry. We did Kotegaeshi and Shiho Nage. It was wonderful practice! However, it was really hot and I was dripping wet and I ended up being Mr. Larry's uke for almost the entire class!!! I was getting nausiated from being too hot and too tired and almost went to go sit out for a bit but I'd get a slight wind back and I just made it to the end of the class by the skin of my teeth. (I felt please to have lasted especially since I was actually honored to be uke for so long!) Mr. Larry corrected my Kotegaeshi hold several times and I was with Amy for the Shiho Nage! That was great because Mr. Larry was able to help me figure out how to keep the "bokken grip" on her wrist/arm the whole way through so she couldn't turn out. I kept messing up and I ended with being able to keep the torque on my left side (her right arm) pretty well but I would almost consistantly mess up on the other side. That's okay though. I'll get there.

Coffee after class was fun and we all stayed there talking for a long time. We told Mr. Larry that we're going to California for 13 days and we'll miss 2 of his Saturday classes. He said that that's too bad because he's going to teach all the "secrets" of Aikido and we're going to miss it! Ack! Anyway, this Tuesday is our last class for awhile as we're leaving on Thursday. Even though we're going to be super busy and having a blast on our trip, I'm going to be missing it and thinking of those guys when they're in class!

Robyn (Spiderman)

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