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Qatana's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 05-06-2003 10:30 PM
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Status: Public
Entries: 24
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In General 2nd kyu test prep Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #8 New 09-17-2006 11:24 AM
Training for second kyu. I am seriously thinking about asking Sensei to give me another year.Shomenuchi Ikkyo Omote. Every test it gets Harder.Every test theres more stuff to think about and then forget about thinking about. I get up to demo, Do it again. Do it again. Do it Again.
At least he hasn't yet told me I'm being too brutal, considering how angry I am these days its surprising. Funny, I took up a martial art because I had a lot of anger and learned that you really cannot apply anger energy to aikido. Kinda defeats the Purpose!
Suwariwaza. OY VEY. First, lets call me up to demo uke. Then lets practice for a while, and then lets call me up to demo nage while everybody else rests their knees. And then lets do the ura...my toes hurt and its only just begun

sez Janet:but (to quote myself) you suck at a higher level now!

And to give myself *some* credit, the dojo was still full of paint fumes and I know that they were affecting me. And my ukes were pretty much all white belts,I did one of the suwariwazas with an 11-year-old who anticipated the defense and positions herself "correctly",and the guys are basically bricks...
I'm just not certain that I can give Sensei what he is Looking For on this one.

Janet:hmm. I say, trust the process, don't think about 'what he is Looking For", just train/prep cos the way aikido plateaus/spurts, there is plenty of time for growth/breakthrough between now and test time.

from Ghostcat, who just made Sandan in Oz:
Do it again.
Do it again.
Ten laps of the dojo with Monica on your back.
Now do it again.
That's a bit better.
For two hours.
With ukes that you're afraid of breaking.
You know what Sensei wants to see.
You know how you want it to feel.
Why do you keep fucking up?
Why do you feel so sucky.
So disappointed.
Do it again.
Do it until you can hardly move.
TRY to breathe.
Alright just wheeze.
Do ikkyo from lockdown by a sandan.
No, do it.
Come on!
Try again.
And again.
And again.
Two hours...
Sensei's gonna rails at the black belts.
He's pissed they didn't show.
He's gonna get them together tomorrow night.
And you're gonna do the WHOLE GRADING AGAIN!!!
Think about quitting.
You NEVER quit.
Get whiney. Get mad.
Just get there and do it again.
Break your finger.
Break through.
Believe in yourself.
You know that Sensei does,
they all do.
Think about what you need to work on.
Get back on the mats.
Keep training.
You know you love it.

Is training really doing the same thing over and over?
To me, the beauty is that it ISN"T.
Oh, the form or kata or ideal might be, but what I notice or work on or how uke attacks or .... pick a variable...is different each time AND with each one I've changed.
So it's not the same thing.
Either that or I'm deluding myself and AM insane :-)

me:it is and it isn't.
I could do tai no henko for an hour and every one would be an adventure in discovery

until Sensei is watching. At which point my observing mind goes right out the window!

Ghostcat:I wholeheartedly agree that aikido isn't doing the same thing over and over... but a large part of my grading was doing the same techniques over and over. Largely because I was doing them incorrectly and Sensei had me "do it again" until he was happy with my execution of the technique

me:I wholeheartedly agree that aikido isn't doing the same thing over and over... but a large part of my grading was doing the same techniques over and over. Largely because I was doing them incorrectly and Sensei had me "do it again" until he was happy with my execution of the technique

which was my point to begin with.
this is not about "training" this is about Test training.
Different puppies.
Views: 2232 | Comments: 5

RSS Feed 5 Responses to "2nd kyu test prep"
#5 09-30-2006 11:38 AM
Qatana Says:
from SatyrBuddha: one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cutone cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. and then try one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut.one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut. one cut... and so on. that is all. Me: enter .turn. enter. turn. enter. turn. enter. turn. enter. turn. enter. turn. enter.enter.enter.enter.enter. turn. ENTER. turn.ENTER. turn. ENTER. turn..... jiyuwaza..... in practice I'm getting better at entering. But before I went up to demo I was practicing with our 11-year-old and we got a little giddy so I wasn't exactly focussed when Sensei threw two Big ukes at me. I did technique. I did Survive. But totally lost my entering. More sword cuts. Enter,lift sword,turn. And yes, 70's, I DO know why we test. Every single class for the next six weeks IS the test. Test day is just the icing.
#4 09-29-2006 09:19 AM
70's Says:
Practice makes it right. Demonstration tests rediness under pressure. Don't make too much of mistakes or preparedness. Don't rush, and do what you do best when things get you down. Then launch into what you lack, and pull it in....
#3 09-23-2006 08:40 PM
Qatana Says:
Randori practice the last two classes. Finally starting to Enter instead of backing away butt first. Even to approach my ukes instead of waiting for them to be right on top of me. Starting to feel them instead of having to watch them. So we went around twice today, all the test candidates doing a two uke randori in the center. Even though it is really only one one test, Nancy's first kyu...and since we have seven tests going on that night, I probably won't get a randori although for the first time jiyuwaza is Required-I've had one one on all my prior tests. So we went thruogh the cycle twice and somehow I got to go Last. And we were out of "fresh"ukes by then, so I got to go up against Charlie, Sandan and one of my instructors, and Sensei, Godan, 6'3,250 pounds...I asked my other teacher if I looked as ridiculous as I felt and he said "this isn't a dance performance". But how it Looks IS very important to me. The dancer in me won.'t settle for less than pretty aikido. And now my ukemi sucks bigtime. Actually, my rolls have just made a huge jump in quality but my attacks Totally Suck. I know I am not yet able to absorb the kind of attack I am capable of putting out in terms of power/energy, so I am totally holding back. Hell, its not as if I could really hurt anybody in my dojo,well, maybe the kids.But my attacks just suck. Its getting so bad I woudn't uke much at all today. Wouldn[t even take a throw.Pitiful.
#2 09-19-2006 09:56 PM
Qatana Says:
We trained in yokomen attacks tonite. iriminage, kotegaeshe and kaitenage. None of which are on my test. However, 80% of my test IS iriminage, kotegaeshe & kaitenage-from shomen,tsuki & katate. Then all there is is shomenuchi ikyo-yonkyo,standing & suwariwaza,two hamni handachis and a bunch of variations & jiyuwaza. Piece of cake. Now to pull the other one, its got bells on...
#1 09-17-2006 11:26 AM
Qatana Says:
Ok so I woke up feeling great this morning and went off to the dojo. Amazing how it feels to wake up inside your own body,without the added weight of all the stories I usually carry around. To be focussed on what is right here,right now, and not somewhere outside of reality and approaching the realms of desire. To not have to want it to be any other way than it is Right Now. This week has just been the most amazing process. I Knew when I was sick for three days this week that it Was process and not pathology,a letting go, a re-tuning,so that even though it HAD to get ugly last night, it WAS what had to happen, for me, to give myself the space and the wherewithal to begin the Process of Letting Go. And not taking threee years to go about it,either. So into the dojo with this lovely light spirit. For this test, for all of us, Sensei is ramping up on the energy of the attack, which really gives me way more to have to work with than in regular training. Suddenly my partners are trying to make it difficult,giving me even more energy. And Every Single Time I had to get up and demo a test technique,and almost every time Sensei took ukemi for me, I got Compliments. Even a couple of "excellents"!!! So maybe I've Snapped Out of It. Maybe its just an intermezzo in the ongoing drama that is Jo's life. Whatever it is, I"m glad of it.

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