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osaya's aiki-musings Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 10-26-2009 06:06 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 18
Comments: 29
Views: 74,864

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  #8 New 06-02-2010 01:42 AM
everything in my little aikido sphere has been going steadily for a long while, but recently with my plans to relocate, there has been a sudden surge of activity...

my original ryu's shihan, who has been in semi-retirement, has recently honoured me with some informal morning teas, talking about aikido, and we've also been trying to set aside time on the mat to do some 1-to-1 training. it's great.

he went overseas for work for the longest time, and so aside from the three first beginner classes that he took, i barely had any opportunity to learn from him in the last 4 years. to be able to tap into his wisdom so directly, has been a boon that i've been yearning for. i guess partially because of the reason that i'll be relocating to another state in the next few months and his current availability, he has granted me the opportunity to train with him and ask freely about aikido.

i've had so many questions about my original ryu's history as well as technical questions, and it was great to finally hear his tale and views first hand.

back at my current, main dojo, my sensei has suddenly informed me that he would like me to consider doing my next grading later this year. they'll assess me again in july to make the final call, but he'd like to see me get ready nevertheless. he was disappointed to hear about my leaving and yea, it was quite hard for me to do that too...

gah... this is making my decision to leave that much harder... but in the meantime, i'll just try to soak in as much as i can over the next few months.
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