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Charlie taught both classes. In the first class we did a variant of the ikkyo/nikkyo/sankyo/yonkyo progression. The attack was shomenuchi, and the idea was to really focus in on the way that kokyu can deflect the attacker and move him off of your line. This is something that I need more work on. It's hard not to simply pass my arm sideways, hitting ukes hand. Instead, it's important to catch uke and then to use the turn of my body to turn my arm, so that uke rolls along it. This is easy to say, and I've sort of known how to say it for a while. I need to practice it before or after class in order to make it more of a part of my movement, especially when I'm feeling intimidated.
The second class focused on ushiro waza. I think the key here (like so many places) is moving from hamni to hamni. When things are moving so circularly (like they are in ushiro) it's hard to really keep a strong hamni.