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Onna Bugeisha Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 07-22-2009 02:01 PM
From a big fish in a small pond to a tiny fish in a big sea.
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Status: Public
Entries: 86
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  #20 New 08-08-2009 09:29 PM
Well, last night I was still feeling pretty exhausted and I thought I would take today off instead of training. So, before I went to bed, I set my alarm just in case I changed my mind. I go to sleep last night and before I know it, my alarm goes off. Uck... my head hurts! I turn it off and decide to sleep in and skip class. My husband came in and kissed me goodbye at around 7:45 this morning. Well, after my husband leaves, I roll back over and try to get some more sleep (I am hoping sleep will help the headache). Well, my adorable shih tzu (who decided not to be so adorable this morning) would not stop whining! In fact, she went from whining to full out barking. I was so peeved about it. Not only did I not get the sleep I stayed home for, but her barking certainly did not help my headache any. I ended up getting up earlier then I wanted and debated on going to class as I could have still made the aikido class. I decided not to because I didn't want to make my headache worse and by not going, my body was still getting rest (but not the sleep I believe it needs).

So, in the end, I wish I would have woken up earlier or in the middle of the night, popped some migraine meds and then woke up ready to go for class. Staying home was a complete waste for me and now I can't help but sit and wonder what I missed out on....

Never again!
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