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Onna Bugeisha Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 07-22-2009 03:01 PM
From a big fish in a small pond to a tiny fish in a big sea.
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In General Ukemi is a workout...... Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #29 New 09-20-2009 11:34 PM
Well this week has been pretty good overall. We have been doing a lot of things I have never done before and there were several things that I did that I have absolutely no idea of what the names are. Most of the classes this week I have left feeling absolutely beat! No energy and just plain tired. Part of the reason is sensei is using me as uke more and depending on the technique it can take a lot out of me. Sometimes by the end of the technique when I turn to find a partner I am dragging. Once, when I reid to my partner, I just couldn't help it and stole a few seconds rest while I was still down in my rei. A very compromising position, but it was a necessary risk at the time. HAHA. Since I am the low one on the totem pole I am usually uke first, which just makes the problem worse. At one point I worked with a higher ranker and I apologized for being slow since I was tired. He told me it was okay if my body was tired, provided my mind was still focused. I find that statement to be true because usually if you are still mentally focused, you can somehow push your body through to keep going. It is when you mentally can't push yourself anymore that you ultimately fail.

I do take it as a huge compliment that sensei uses me.. a 6th kyu as uke more and more often. I think he uses me to allow me the opportunity to work on my ukemi more. He sometimes corrects me or tells me what I should do to make the ukemi better. The experience is both mentally and physically exhausting. I think he is also trying to get me up to par so he doesn't have to use the same people as uke all the time either. Lately, a lot of the higher rankers haven't been in class, so he ends up using the same people over and over again. So, I guess I am a welcomed addition to his frequently used uke.

Some of the techniques we covered Saturday were tenchinage and double nikyo (from ryotedori), shihonage (from gyaku hanmi katatedori), ikkyo (from shomenuchi) and ikkyo and iriminage (from ai hanmi)

For some reason I am still having problems doing the omote shomenuchi ikkyo from suwariwaza. I can do the ura variation fine and I am more comfortable doing them both from standing. I just haven't figured out the timing yet. I always want to step in (which is the only way I can seem to get it to work), but then I am told that I shouldn't step in till I get uke down. If I don't step in, then I feel like I am over extended and have a hard time bringing the elbow back down so I can go into ikkyo. I guess it will come with time. In the meantime I will just sit and ponder about it.......

Iaido class went well Saturday. We covered 13 different kata. I don't know them all by name yet though, so sometimes I have to do my best to follow, yet do it at the same time they are. For the most part I have no problem with it though. It is just something that I have gotten better with over time. Just like I am better at learning with someone across from me facing me. So, I have to do what they do, but realize that I have to do it in the opposite direction then it they are.
Views: 3946 | Comments: 11

RSS Feed 11 Responses to "Ukemi is a workout......"
#11 05-10-2010 05:10 PM
claudio.qb Says:
Hello....does anyone has a list of ukemis? I mean, draws,schemas, diagrams?
#10 09-21-2009 02:35 PM
Shadowfax Says:
Tim... Way too many carbs. That causes a crash... and that's where the shakes comes from. Natural carbs like in oatmeal and fruits don't tend to drop you as fast but I'm betting your energy drink had a ton of sugar and caffeine in it. Stay away from that stuff. Out of breath I understand. I have mild asthma.I don't use an inhaler. That's one that I can't help much with other than to say take deep slow breathes and make sure you are breathing into you belly and not just from the chest.
#9 09-21-2009 02:18 PM
tim evans Says:
I had a grapefruit and oatmeal 2hours before my test and felt fine but when I mixed a energy drink with that it give me the shakes. but can you give me any pointers on shomenuchi ikkyo ura ukemi it,s seems like I,m crashing into the mat on the tenkan.TIM
#8 09-21-2009 02:05 PM
ninjaqutie Says:
The toast works good for me because I get some protein and some carbs. I guess lack of energy may be the wrong term. I have no problems in class if I am not constantly being sensei's uke. Perhaps just tired or out of breath would be a better way to describe it. Either way, I love almonds and sadly I don't have any at the moment. They are by far my favorite nut.... too bad they cost the most too. HAHA.
#7 09-21-2009 02:02 PM
ninjaqutie Says:
Actually, cottage cheese has quite a bit of protein in it. 4 ouces has about 14g of protein. I like my kashi bars too, but they only have 4g of protein. I know peanut butter on wheat toast isn't the best choice, but it has a tiny bit of protein. My personal trainer used to have me eat cottage cheese and whole weat toast with peanut butter.
#6 09-21-2009 12:55 PM
Shadowfax Says:
Your definitely not properly fueled on those snacks. Most of them are high in sugars which gives quick energy but also a fast energy drop off. If you only have 30minutes that will do as well just pick up some type of high protein sports bars or drinks or nuts, like almonds or soy nuts, to have before hand. Try it some time you might be surprised at the result.
#5 09-21-2009 10:55 AM
ninjaqutie Says:
Stupid character count.. haha. I don't remember everything he used me for, but I know he used me for tenchinage and iriminage. A lot of the yudansha are just as tired as me after (or worse), so that doesn't make me feel as bad. Sensei doesn't really take it easy on his uke's unless he is really breaking it down and once you fall, you are expected to hop back up and take more.
#4 09-21-2009 10:52 AM
ninjaqutie Says:
Unfortunately I only have 30 minutes from getting home till leaving & I'm usually getting ready, feeding & taking the dog out. I usually snack on peanutbutter on wheat toast, cottage cheese or a snack bar. As far as the gatorade goes, that always goes with me. I usually take one bottle of water and one bottle of gatorade and both are usually gone by the time I get home.
#3 09-21-2009 08:49 AM
Linda Eskin Says:
That's a really good point. I have a high-protein (mostly nuts) snack when I leave the office to head to the dojo. If I don't, I run out of steam quickly.
#2 09-21-2009 06:45 AM
Shadowfax Says:
Getting asked up to Uke for sensei is pretty cool. I've been doing more of that myself for the past few weeks. About getting tired mid class it may be the way you are fueling yourself. Try loading up on protein about an hour before class. It can be one of those protein bars or a good high protein meal. I find that if I do that and also have a serving of Gatorade before a class my energy will hold for the whole two hours even if its a higher energy class.
#1 09-21-2009 02:58 AM
Linda Eskin Says:
I love your reports. Keep 'em coming! I've been my sensei's uke twice, both times for jiyuwaza... when he's showing the class how to be appropriate with a newbie. LOL I still take it as a huge compliment, as you said, and a great opportunity to feel technique done beautifully. Since feeling the direction of the movement and going with the energy are challenges for me, I'm grateful for the chance to work on that, too.

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