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My Path Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 06-08-2009 02:55 PM
Linda Eskin
My path to and through Aikido. Observations on Aikido, fitness, happiness, horses, & life, by a 53 y/o sho-dan.

This same blog (with photos and a few additional trivial posts, but without comments) can be found at www.grabmywrist.com.

I train with Dave Goldberg Sensei, at Aikido of San Diego.
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Entries: 242
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In Spiritual Poem: Feeling Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #21 New 09-23-2009 02:27 AM
You know how being cooped up inside all day makes you want to run and play once you get outdoors? I think writing deadly dull things like software specs does the same for my writing. I have to run around and play. I've been reading some of our dojo newsletters online, and although they are written in prose, I hear what's said as poetry. So because I tend to rewrite anything that crosses my path, I've been running around and playing with rewriting newsletters as poems. I can't say if this a "good" poetry, but I hope it touches you.

by Linda Eskin
Inspired by some things Dave Goldberg Sensei has said in class, and in Fall 2008 Aikido of San Diego newsletter.

Connect with The Earth.
Ground yourself deeply, solidly,
And experience her silent power.
Let The Earth support you.

Connect with The Heavens.
Perceive the vastness of the sky.
The stars are always above us.
Let yourself breathe in The Heavens.

Connect with Your Body.
Fill where there is emptiness.
Relax where there is tension.
Let Your Body speak. And listen.

Connect with Nage.
Attack with your whole heart.
Bring your gifts of energy and direction.
Go fully where Nage takes you.

Connect with Uke.
Let yourself welcome their gifts.
Respond with ruthless compassion.
Take Uke where they are going.

Connect with Your Self.
Notice where your heart is grounded.
See where balance has been lost.
Let Your Self return to a solid base.

Connect with Everyone.
Notice where our hearts are grounded.
See where balance has been lost.
Be the space for Everyone to connect.
Views: 2458 | Comments: 4

RSS Feed 4 Responses to "Poem: Feeling"
#4 09-23-2009 09:40 PM
Linda Eskin Says:
Thank you. I love that idea, too, and cannot take credit for it. Sensei has brought up the idea of working toward "ruthless compassion" many times - we can access ruthlessness already, we don't need to train that, what we need to train is being compassionate, while retaining the capacity to be ruthless.
#3 09-23-2009 11:50 AM
ninjaqutie Says:
Nice. I hope there is more to come.
#2 09-23-2009 11:17 AM
Lan Powers Says:
very nice indeed....and congrats on your test as well! Lan
#1 09-23-2009 10:11 AM
Karo Says:
Holy Ueshiba, this is good. Linda, you're talented. Please write more. I'm printing out this poem and it's going on my wall at work. My favorite part is "ruthless compassion" Karo

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