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moon in the water Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 04-26-2010 11:46 PM
the water does not try
to reflect the moon
and the moon has no desire
to be reflected
but when the clouds clear
there is the moon in the water
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In General tilt Entry Tools Rating: 5 Stars!
  #79 New 08-26-2011 03:18 AM
For La Legra Negra by Susan Murtaugh used under creative commons licence


If you look into your own mind, which are you, Don Quixote or Sancho Panza? Almost certainly you are both. There is one part of you that wishes to be a hero or a saint, but another part of you is a fat little man who sees very clearly the advantages of staying alive with a whole skin. He is your unofficial self, the voice of the belly protesting against the soul, his tastes lie towards safety, soft beds, no work, pots of beer and women with "voluptuous" figures.
George Orwell

Our greatest foes, and whom we must chiefly combat, are within.
Miguel De Cervantes, Don Quixote

If you're going to play with Quixote you really got to play with Quixote. And those were windmills that came along. Those were giants, they killed us once but we're going to come back.
Terry Gilliam, talking about making The Man Who Killed Don Quixote

To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

From Man of La Mancha, To Dream the Impossible Dream

Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, Rosinante and oré
Uchoten Hotel/Suite Dreams (oré is Japanese for
me in casual men's language)

He is mad past recovery, but yet he has lucid intervals.
Miguel De Cervantes, Don Quixote

This week in Japan a popular television personality and presenter whose name I do not wish to recall(1) suddenly retired. He pulled out of all his current TV shows. He had been found to have links to Japanese organized crime, the yakuza. In Japan the yakuza like to think of themselves as slightly romantic figures bound by honour. And after the earthquake in Tohoku on 11 March 2011 yakuza were involved in some relief efforts. There are no robberies anywhere near a yakuza office. But when the movie director Juzo Itami made a satirical movie about the yakuza he was attacked by gangsters carrying swords and was seriously wounded. I once got on an elevator with two gangsters. They wore beautiful suit jackets and white shirts and expensive silk ties. But below the waist they were wearing basketball shorts. So they wouldn't crease their trousers while they were driving.

There is a TV series on in Japan now called Don Quixote. It's about a member of a yakuza gang who somehow changes bodies with a mild social worker. This kind of plot device was used in Freaky Friday, for example. It reminded me of the quote about tenkan in star festival sky tenkan about seeing the other person's point of view. So they both have to pretend to be each other and they have to solve each other's problems. The gangster character's wife likes to dance the tango so the social worker has to learn to dance.

Cervantes' Don Quixote firmly believes in chivalry. I'll talk about bushido and chivalry another time. And if you read the novel it's OK to skim or miss parts out. It's a great novel but it's long and Somerset Maugham said that the ordinary reader who reads Don Quixote for delight would lose nothing by not reading the dull parts.

In Japan Don Quixote is a discount store.

(1)de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme is a famous phrase in the opening sentence of Don Quixote

Free e-book of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

cool and classy: The Impossible Dream by Xavier Naidoo from Mannheim - and from the Söhne Mannheims

Scene from Uchoten Hotel (Suite Dreams), Tengoku Umare

different version of Tengoku Umare by Hiroto Komoto of the Blue Hearts


my columns on aikiweb:
Improvised Weapons No.1: The Umbrella
Unbalance - Feet of Clay
Half a Tatami
Zen in the Art of Aikido

© niall matthews 2011
Views: 7017 | Comments: 19

RSS Feed 19 Responses to "tilt"
#19 09-01-2011 11:51 AM
niall Says:
Thanks, Oisin. Yes you're right. A couple of things about that. Kansai people are very sharp and funny. But professional comedians from there will slap their partners head to get a cheap laugh in a way that would not be acceptable in many cultures. There is also the star system and the sempai kohai thing going on. In the entertainment industry and especially in the presenter's production company. He might not even have thought he did anything wrong until the woman tried to do something about it.
#18 09-01-2011 09:03 AM
oisin bourke Says:
As an aside, the "TV personality" referred to has previously been fined for punching a female colleague. Apparently, this was not considered a resigning matter. What would Don Quixote think?
#17 08-29-2011 03:16 AM
niall Says:
Thanks Carina. I don't want to stray too far from the main points but I have done hapkido as a guest. There were a lot of suwari waza - including with kicks.
#16 08-28-2011 09:37 AM
guest1234567 Says:
Yes Niall you are right.I wanted to refer to epochs or eras like Shakespear was of the Elizabethan era and Cervantes of the Spanish Golden Age , both of the Baroque period or Early Modern literature. About hapkido Choi Yong-Sool (1899--1986)was sent to
#15 08-28-2011 09:10 AM
niall Says:
(cont) Maybe to take it back to budo Morihei Ueshiba founded aikido in Japan as you know! A man called Choi Yong-Sool who apparently also studied Daito-ryu founded hapkido in Korea. Because aikido had become popular in Japan he used the same name which in Korean is pronounced hapkido.
#14 08-28-2011 09:00 AM
niall Says:
Thanks for that too, Carina. I didn't know it was on in Stratford this year. Your other point about synchronous inventions is maybe a bit difficult to relate to literary geniuses. Shakespeare used many sources and tales for his plays and Cervantes used The Golden Ass and Tirant lo Blanch and some others for Don Quixote (see the sources paragraph).
#13 08-28-2011 02:38 AM
guest1234567 Says:
Hi Niall, I don't know if they will take this Cardenio - review to Tokio too, but it would sure interest your wife, or maybe you'll have the chance when you come back to Europe. And Niall there is something about that Shakespeare (1564-1616) and Cervantes (1547-1616), not only in writing, when you mentioned the Ever-Ready Sharp in W + aikibunnies,
#12 08-28-2011 12:29 AM
niall Says:
(cont) Thanks again - your comments on this tilt article have been very interesting. One last nice aside. I don't know if Tony Wagstaffe reads my blog. I don't think he'll mind if I mention him. Shakespeare's grandfather's name was written as Richard Shakstaff. It's a very similar name to Wagstaffe and it has the same meaning - they could be related. It's a good name for an aikidoka anyway. A staff is a jo or bo. A spear is a yari. Don Quixote has one in his left hand in the illustration.
#11 08-28-2011 12:23 AM
niall Says:
Great point, Carina. Shakespeare (1564-1616) and Cervantes (1547-1616), the greatest writers in English and Spanish, were contemporaries. The first book of Don Quixote was published in Spanish in 1605 and in English in 1612 and Cardenio was apparently performed in 1613 so the timing is possible. My wife knows more about this than I do. This is a collaborative attempt ro rewrite Cardenio.
#10 08-27-2011 04:34 AM
guest1234567 Says:
Thanks Niall for that interesting information,below the photo of George Orwell and son it says "his head tilted a bit" so we are in the beginning: the title of the post Maybe this might be interesting too :Cardenio, is a lost play, attributed to William Shakespeare and John Fletcher based on an episode in Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote involving the character Cardenio.
#9 08-27-2011 02:41 AM
guest1234567 Says:
(cont)And here the monument of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza in my hometown Mar Del Plata
#8 08-27-2011 02:41 AM
guest1234567 Says:
Something more about George Orwell(Eric Arthur Blair) The resemblance to Don Quixote was appropriate, for in many was Orwell can only be understood as an essentially quixotic man. … He defended, passionately and as a matter of principle, unpopular causes. George Woodcock, in The Crystal Spirit : A Study of George Orwell (1966),
#7 08-27-2011 12:11 AM
niall Says:
Gracias, Carina. The problem with those kinds of plots is how to get back. Somehow they usually manage it. As Francis reminded us, and Michael J Fox said, we have to get back, back to the future. George Orwell wrote 1984 in 1948. Niall
#6 08-26-2011 11:51 PM
niall Says:
Thank you Francis. Yes you had to know just how far to coax those pinball machines. Your comment itself is almost surreal, which reminds me of another great Spanish artist, Salvador Dali. Happy birthday - may the next year of your life be full of happiness and success. A respectful tip (tilt) of my straw hat. Niall
#5 08-26-2011 01:29 PM
guest1234567 Says:
(cont) The quote in your post star festival sky tenkan, about seeing it from the point of view of the attacker is a very important point for aikido and in daily life too, it would avoid many discussion and misunderstandings, if we always would remain calm and just think about the motives of the acts of other people and try to understand the reasons. And I think that by keeping on training sincerely and regularly we can learn that too.

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