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Misguided ramblings Blog Tools Rating: Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 07-14-2007 05:40 PM
Possibly an endless train of possibly Aikido related thought.
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Entries: 113
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  #49 New 03-09-2010 08:31 PM
Where do people get this 1v1 bollocks? I've noticed that Americans talk about 1v1 more than Brits do so I'm wondering if there's some kind of cultural thing to it.

Here in the UK though, and you can see this any thursday, friday or saturday night in any town centre, most fighting is group on group.

People here will literally jump into a fight for the fun of it.

This is partly why I don't buy the BJJ stuff. They say no-one can fight off three people to cover their asses because they can't do it. Uh right, come to the UK I'll introduce you to people that can do it.

Well actually I'll point them out from the other side of the bar.

Here people that are untrained but can throw three punches and down three guys are reasonably common.
I grew up in a pub; I've seen this on many occasions. If what the Gracies say is true they'd better not decide to become publicans in the UK, their career would probably be over in hours.

The local hooligans would hear that there's a new gaffer down at the fox and dogs and immediately, as they do, go to see how hard he is. I wouldn't give any of the Gracies 12 hours. Seriously.
Views: 1498 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "1v1"
#2 03-10-2010 07:49 PM
RED Says:
When I took BJJ it was so heavy competitive based. The focus was centered around the one guy in front of you, It would of been talking madness to suggest otherwise.There is no one more worth beating that the one dude in front of you;those winning titles have major pay outs, especially for young men in my city would have no other work skills and prospects.
#1 03-10-2010 02:13 PM
mathewjgano Says:
Hmmm, most fights I've known about involved more than 2 people. 1v1 is kind of a romantic notion in the part of America I'm familiar with.

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