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mikeg's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 01-27-2005 07:45 PM
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 2
Comments: 0
Views: 19,883

In General Rookie's lament, part II Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 01-27-2005 07:45 PM
Owie! My butt and legs are sore. I'm going to wimp out. Class #2 will have to wait until next week.
Views: 1368

In General A rookie's lament Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #1 New 01-25-2005 10:20 PM
I finally made it to my first aikido class this evening. It was more physically demanding than I expected. (And aikido is one of the less demanding martial arts? I'm glad I didn't have my heart set on capoeira.) I can't sit in seiza. I've come home with a headache, a queasy stomach, and sore knees. And it made me sleepy. I started yawning about halfway through class and haven't stopped.

And I discovered mold growing in my car, but that's another story.

There's no separate beginner's section, so I was paired up with a brown belt to learn a basic forward roll while the rest of the class practiced rolls and falls. After that, we seemed to do a mish-mash of techniques. The instructor admitted that he was teaching whatever came to mind at the time because belt tests are a few weeks away. He didn't concentrate on footwork, which is something that often confused me, and the stream of Japanese words flew over my head. If I continue long term, I'd definitely like to pick up some kind of reference book. So far, I plan to go back this week and hope that I adapt to its demands.
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