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Michael O'Brien's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 02-16-2006 10:01 PM
Michael O'Brien
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 2
Comments: 1
Views: 15,588

In General Good training Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #2 New 02-23-2006 11:01 PM
Well Tuesday just didn't feel right to me on the mat; I couldn't seem to wrap my mind around the techniques, had no flow and everything seemed forced and awkward.

This morning however, was a much better day. I felt good and my technique felt good. Even though we worked on some variations we don't normally do that were unusual they seemed to come to me fairly easily and without a ton of awkward struggle. Every day is a good day but today was better than normal.

Now I'm off the mat until next Tuesday, but that's ok. I'll just get the bokken and jo out and practice at home.
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  #1 New 02-16-2006 10:01 PM
Well I am starting Aikido again after a lay off 15-18 months. I have trained in several martial arts over the last 20 years and got my first taste of Aikido about 2-2.5 years ago. I got to train for about 6 months before a crazy work schedule just made training impossible. Now I have changed jobs and am able to train again, which is the good news.

The bad news is that I work 3:00PM-11:00PM every day so the only classes I can attend are 6:30AM-7:30AM on Tuesday and Thursday. It is nuts getting to bed around 12:30AM and getting up on 5 hours sleep at 5:30AM twice a week to train but I'm still loving it.

I've only been back 3 weeks (6 classes) so far and the techniques are finally starting to come back to me and today is the first day I'm really sore. My Sensei and I were the only 2 in class this morning so I got an hour of one on one training which really helped drive techniques home; It also meant that I got to be on the receiving end a lot more as well and my wrists and shoulders are telling me about it right now.

I'll try to use this to keep my thoughts on my training going once or twice a week so check back often and see how things are going.
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