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Mary Eastland's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-29-2009 04:57 AM
Mary Eastland
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 71
Comments: 42
Views: 270,678

In General So grateful...for just one class Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #34 New 10-09-2015 02:45 PM
The pace of class last night was peaceful, quiet and slow, perfect for me after a stressful day at work. The anxiety I brought in with me stayed behind. I felt refreshed, tired and relaxed after class.
We did some partnered movement, some ki walking, and did some awesome blue belt test prep.

Finally, Linda wowed us with an energetic freestyle tossing Ron and Scott around handily.

Ron is introducing ki testing in reps. We did some turning movements based on the basic shoulder ki test we all learn early in our training. Uke pushed on nage's shoulder as nage turned slowly to the side and then turned back. Uke works hard at keeping the testing constant so nage is really challenged. After 3 reps on each side we switched roles.

These reps are very calming to me. This training develops ki strength and body wisdom while moving; bridging the gap between static training and moving technique.

Ron tied the shoulder push ki testing while turning into kata tori ikkyo allowing us to explore moving ourselves from a place of centered strength so uke's balance was compromised and then easily led into a front fall. We worked in groups of three carefully watching Linda as she tried to sneak back into motion. We were supposed to be practicing ikkyo from standing. ;o)

Class always helps me step back into reality and last night was no exception. The shared exploration of a language we are all learning along with the good natured chuckles reassure us of the good in our world. Thank you for coming to train with Ron and I. We really appreciate you.
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