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Kelly Allen's Blog Blog Tools Rate This Blog
Creation Date: 08-13-2004 09:36 PM
Kelly Allen
Blog Info
Status: Public
Entries: 45 (Private: 1)
Comments: 34
Views: 160,537

In General Transposing my journal. Apologies to my readers! Entry Tools Rate This Entry
  #35 New 03-14-2004 04:54 AM
After a post by Jamie I decided that it might be prudent to copy this journal to a file on my computer and save it to disc just in case something happens to Jun's server and all this work is lost. While I was doing this I noticed that there were a lot of spelling, and some grammer mistakes. Now I know that my spelling is pretty bad, but after spell checking this journal I realize that my spelling is atrocious.

To the people who actually read my drivel I apologize perfusely. I will take better care in the future by typing the journal on a word program first to spell and grammer check it.

I also noticed that on a few occations I was refering to the shiho-nage throw as kote-oroshi. I was also spelling a lot of the Japanese terms incorrectly. I intend on remedying this by refering to the proper spelling in books such as "Aikido Exercises for Teaching and Training" and "The Dynamic Sphere".

It is unfortunate that I can't go back and correct the mistakes I made in this copy of the journal. At least I now know what my mistakes are and I can learn from them to improve my journal entries in the future. A lot like Aikido training isn't it?
Views: 2012 | Comments: 2

RSS Feed 2 Responses to "Transposing my journal. Apologies to my readers!"
#2 03-17-2004 01:10 AM
Kelly Allen Says:
Thanks Guy! I appreciate your candor. It was quite the learning experience for me while I was transposing just the same, and that alone will be an improvement of my spelling. Thus in the future my journals won't be so brutal to read. Kelly
#1 03-16-2004 09:18 AM
gstevens Says:
Hey Kelly, the heading under which we find all this is a journal, not articles! I would not worry too much about sins of spelling and grammar. In my humble opinion, we come here to read the raw sentiment behind what you are writing, not as a lesson in correcting English class papers. Good Job on everything that you have been gracious enough to share with us so far. I am looking forward to reading more. Thanks, Guy :-)

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